Name: Now, Do It Again!
Difficulty: 1/5
Time Limit: 24 Hours
For the final microcontest*, your task is to do any previous microcontest, but AGAIN! There's one major catch though: you have to do two of them at once! That's right, two different rule sets simultaneously! Now's your chance to revisit your favorites, try ones you missed, or roll the dice and choose a couple randomly!
*of this season
All the prompts:
There's been a lot of microcontests, and they don't all quite work together, so I've collected all the prompts and reworked them to be as compatible as possible. USE THESE NEW PROMPTS AS THE RULES FOR EACH, INSTEAD OF THE ORIGINAL PROMPTS. Some are a bit different from the original, so watch out!
1 | 72 Minute Mapping | Make your entire map (including compiling!) in under 72 minutes. Planning before opening hammer does not count for time. |
2 | Multistage Madness | Find a partner before starting. Individually, create the first stage of a multistage map in which Red team's spawn room will be the spawn room for Blu in Stage 2. Once both mappers have finished their first stage, trade .vmfs and build a second stage to the other mapper's map. The result should be two different 2-stage maps. For MC#25, the multistage map(s) do not have to be payload, and don't even have to be the same gamemode. See the original thread for a template for payload. |
3 | Pick It Up, But Faster! | Make a map that has gamemode-specific pickups (flags, power cores, the Jack from PASS Time, Mannpower Powerups). |
4 | Arena+ | Make an arena map (or an arena variant like Arena: Respawn, CrikyStrike, or MTK). |
5 | PASS Time Panic | Make a PASS Time map (or an A/D PASS Time map). |
6 | BATT Builder | Download the template from the original microcontest thread, and use it to build a payload track. Build a map around that track. For MC#25, the final map does not have to be payload, but the entire cart track should be unblocked and the objectives of the map should still be placed along the track. |
7 | Soaked! | Make a map featuring water that meaningfully affects gameplay. See the original thread for details. |
8 | Thinking Inside the Box | Make a map that fits entirely inside of a 4096 x 4096 x 2048 space. See the original thread for a template. |
9 | Buddy System | Find a partner before starting. Plan a map with them. Each of you then make a map based on that plan entirely independently, without ever looking at the other mapper's work. Both versions of the map will be played back-to-back during testing. |
10 | Spiritual Successor | Make a spiritual successor to the first map you ever posted on, or your first ever microcontest map. |
11 | Rule of Threes | Make a map with exactly three objectives. Standard PASS Time maps with three goals per team qualify. |
12 | Hit the Limits | Make a map that vertically fits within (and exactly touches) a 640hu. See the original thread for details and a template. |
13 | Mode Shifter | Take one of your previously-made maps and rework it into a different gamemode. |
14 | Trains | Make a map that includes a train hazard. Payload carts do not count. |
15 | Robot Destruction | Make a Robot Destruction map. |
16 | Exclusion Zone | Download the template from the original thread. Make a map that has no gameplay space within any of the "exclusion zones" in the template. See the original thread for details. |
17 | Earth, Wind, and/or Fire | Make a map that includes AT LEAST TWO of the following:
18 | Lockout | Make a map for a mode you've never mapped for before, and/or make a map for a mode you've never done for a previous microcontest. |
19 | Dynamic, Asymmetric KotH | Make a KotH map that is either:
20 | Static Spawns | Download the template from the original thread. Build a map around the given spawns without modifying the geometry of the spawns. |
21 | 1024/512 | Make a map in which all objectives are intervals of exactly 1024 or 512 hammer units apart. See the original thread for a template. |
22 | Solids | Make a map that contains no more than 199 solids. See the original thread for details. |
23 | Timer Attack! | Make a map that uses at least one tf_logic_cp_timer entity. |
24 | Two Wishes | Make a map based on the prompts from this Google Sheet. Either pick a whole row, or pick one prompt from columns C-E, and one prompt from columns F-H. You may freely choose prompts, or select them randomly. See the original thread for details about how this whole prompt sheet works. |
Bonus Stamp:
Now's your chance to show off, since this time you can earn extra bonus stamps! For every additional microcontest ruleset you fulfill, you can claim an additional bonus stamp.
For example:
- 3 prompts fulfilled = 1 bonus stamp
- 4 prompts fulfilled = 2 bonus stamps
- 5 prompts fulfilled = 3 bonus stamps
- etc.
- Please name your map <gamemode>_<yourname>_mc25_a1
- Create a download for your map in the downloads section of the site
- Reply to this thread with a link to your map's download page, and a list of all prompts it completes!
- Add your map to the bot in the Discord
- Maps must be submitted to this thread no later than 10:00 AM EDT (14:00 UTC) on June 25th, 2023.
- Testing will begin shortly after the deadline, with maps being playing in submission order
Check out the Microcontest Season 3 Megathread for more info: