Microcontest #25: Now do it Again!


Apr 18, 2017

i forgot what gamemode this is
please let me know what you think once you've had the chance to play
thanks and have fun

This has MC1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
What a showstopper! For our big season finale, we got 23 maps by 26 mappers, fulfilling a total of 113 previous microcontest promps, or 136 if you count completing this one as well. That a lot of microcontest prompts fulfilled, far more than I expected! To see all the fancy stats you can skip to the bottom, but first: for the last time this season, onto the feedback!

Fulfills microcontests: 3, 7, 8
The side area with the pipes is neat and very fun, and also the only safe-ish place to try and hold the flag, which I strongly believe are important in KotF. You can't have too many of those of course, but holding in an empty room is far less fun than having small places to duck into. It does feel a little hard to get to with the way spawns are set up, though. I'd cut the two close spawn doors and rework that area into a second place to try and hold from. For Red the leftmost (and for Blu, rightmost) tunnel to mid is hard to see leaving spawn; I didn't find it until round 3 after pushing enemies back through it and realizing it existed on my side too. A sign or reworking the geometry to suggest a tunnel would help.
Fulfills microcontests: 13, 18
I liked this one a lot! Might be a bit hard to cap, or a bit hard to push back out? Perhaps it's the chokes that are doing it? Maybe ToW just needs to be more open. On reflection, it might have been teams, since after the first round it worked better. I think the ledges at mid are the weakest part of this conversion; it makes it hard to both hold and push through, turning it into a meat grinder. Making it easier to flow though I think would help, though I'm by no means an expert on ToW design.
Fulfills microcontests: 4, 8, 14, 16, 22
Works pretty well! I'm happy most of the expirimental stuff I did works; notablely the doors above the point and the placement of the ramps up to the roof. Many of my past arena maps had issues with letting jumping classes gain highground on enemies too fast, but I think this one deals with that much better, mostly because it's much larger and has many more routes than I usually can manage in Arena. Some people thought it was too big, but I disagree. The trains don't see much play, I might need to speed up their timer if I test this again.
@Brushwagg Connoisseur
Fulfills microcontests: 4, 8
This falls into the classic Arena trap of being too small, with not enough options for team fights to play out, so every round is the same. The jump pads seem configured incorrectly (requiring a jump into them to shoot you forwards), and people are having a hard time using them. It felt like you were hitting the air vent prop, which I believe you said was the issue after the test. Half the server had fun, the other half hated it. I'm somewhere in the middle; it's unconventional but in a kind of fun way? A neat little experiement, but I don't think there's enough here to carry a map unless you significanly expanded and redesigned it from the ground up; it's just one big room right now.
Fulfills microcontests: 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 24
I'm not a fan of this layout currently, but there's potential. I'm mostly having trouble with the routing, I can't figure out what the main route is supposed to be. It's hard to cross mid, since you have to go through lowground to reach the enemy's side, and the pickups are asymmetrical which did get me killed at least once. I don't know how you'd fix it without raising the lowground a bit, but it seems like there should be a way. The water didn't feel very meaningful, even with the electrical hazard. You could remove that and it would play almost exactly the same. You nailed the "dead mall" vibes, and the K'nex are very fun!
Fulfills microcontests: 3, 14, 18
Reverse CTF! The is the first one other than Crasher that I've seen work more than not. The routes to the intel are nice, and the scale lends the map a nice frantic pace that isn't too fast. Mid is just okay, a bit messy in my opinion. I think working around the train line makes it more complicated than it needs to be, maybe try it without the train and a different mid for a test? That or lower the train and have players cross it instead of going under it on the sides; as it stands the flags mostly stick to the edges and there's not much crossing of the two lanes of combat. I like the intel areas, though I wish the capture zones were marked on the ground.
Fulfills microcontests: 20, 21
Compact, chaotic, and fun! Because it's nothing like most "standard" payload maps, I can't tell what was caused by teams and what was caused by the layout, balance-wise. Of the points, second was the least fun and felt like a buffer. I like the weird flank behind the pit at final, I've never seen a map do that before! Geninuenly not sure what else to say about this one, I had lots of fun and it leans into the jokiness well!
Fulfills microcontests: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24
Another banger from norfolk; this is great, I love it. It's exceptionally impressive for 24 hours and all these restrictions, though it does have it's fair share of issues. Blu really needs a second spawn exit, and can't be allowed to hide in spawn in Arena mode. Stage 1 is far too short, it's over before anyone can figure out how the mode works. Stage 2 is a much better introduction since you get some time and space with the ball before you encounter Red. Stage 3's goal is in a really weird spot, and would like to see more room around it so a team can push without dying to hidden pyros in the corners. I think this mode could actually work in a more serious setting, the "win three mini rounds in a row" format is interesting and works well with Arena. I may have to try it someday...
@Stack Man @TFD
Fulfills microcontests: 2, 11
I like how clean the S1 geo is, though it may be a bit wide. The jump pad flank on S1A might be too much in combination with the width; it's very very hard to defend. S1B is nice, the point design is neat. I'm not a fan of S2. It's super wide but every route but one is a dropdown, meaning you have to hard commit which nobody ever wants to do, so both teams only pile into the one route. It needs another point or something; the distance to walk for both teams feels like too much. The point itself is far too open for not having any way to retreat if you spot a sniper on your way in.
Fulfills microcontests: 3, 8, 12, 20, 22
This is neat! The one-way doors are probably needed, but it makes rollouts feel dull since there's only one route to mid. Despite that, it kind of works for being so wrapped around itself; excellent use of the static spawns. It got skipped quite quickly, but I think that might have just been than the US server doesn't like CTF as much as the EU one. I'm not a huge fan of mid, but you didn't have much room to work and it works okay enough.
@AlrexX [she/they]
Fulfills microcontests: 6, 11, 17, 18, 20
I like the ideas for the areas, but the geo sticks too close to the cart for much of the map which causes it to roll. Widen out the area around A and I think it would play a lot better right away, since Red would have a proper place to set up for a hold. The ramp bit of B is super neat, and if the B checkpoint area was slightly bigger it would be very cool, and I like last a lot. The lighting here is really nice! Blu can't get to where they want to be fast enough, and Red has a one-way door that lets them skip to before B. This lets Red just hold at B when final is the point in play, which makes the map feel really weird and poorly paced. Just closing that door to B after it's capped would make the whole final play better. Great use of the BATT track in combination with the static spawns!
@zythe_ @Idolon @iiboharz
Fulfills microcontests: 7, 9, 11, 24
Seeing three different takes on the same idea in one map is super super neat! While it doesn't fulfill MC#2 since it's just one map and not three, I like that you all kept the "reusing spawns" idea from that. S1 is very cool, I like the ship. It's fun to attack! S2 has a cool opening, but the point itself is bland and the missing assets probably affect the opening are negatively. Logic was also broken on Stage 2; after setup Red started spawning on S3. S2's point is the least interesting to defend, but the hold before it during the opening is fun. S3 also has a cool boat! It's also really fun to defend. The drydock is the best part, though it's very open and hard to push into. Stage 1 and 3 are the highlights, and I'd love to see a second version of any and/or all of these. Well done!
@TFD @Stack Man
Fulfills microcontests: 2, 7, 11, 14, 18
I think this is the first Lil' Chew Chew map made for a microcontest, unless I've forgotten! No tracks on S1 really hurts this, and the cart platform just being attached instead of being a second cart causes so much funky behavior. The hill on S1 is the best part, but there's some funky sightlines, and the waterfall after isn't terribly interesting, gameplay-wise. I'd move the point to the top so the hill is the focus and teams don't try to set up below. I don't understand any of the second point's design; I'd have to play it again but it feels very barren. S2 is weird. I'd have to play it more to really talk about it, but it seems hard to hold (I never got to play defense on it, so take that with a grain of salt).
Fulfills microcontests: 4, 17
Having to sacrifice health to cross mid isn't great when it's your most valuble resource in arena, though you can strafe you can avoid it sometimes. Almost everyone rushes to the top for height advantage, maybe incentivise the lower route or make the higher one take longer so there's more strategy and varaiety? At the moment all the rounds feel the same. Also, there should probably be a way to retreat from the point once you're down there, so it can properly play the part of a stalemate-break mechanic. As it stands, jumping down to cap is suicide if you have fewer players left alive in most cases, unless you're a engineer and you set up a sentry to watch the point, in which case you win since anyone trying to hop down to kill you has no cover from the sentry. I watched this happen at least twice in the test!
Fulfills microcontests: 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18
I've heard of this mode before, but I've never played it before this. Overall quite fun, but too slow, and I think it's the map's fault and not the mode. Speed up the point generation a bit, and make it easier to flip; at the moment it's too easy for a single team to hold. Signage to the core rooms is poor, and the geometry does't guide you there well. The design of the point rooms themselves is neat, I like them a lot!
@Paper Shadow
Fulfills microcontests: 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 21, 24
A bit large, a bit bland. I think it's too open and the layout just directs you to the enemy spawn; mid is never used except to (sometimes) snipe across, and could be replaced with a giant pit and the gameplay wouldn't change much. Having the intel room a bit separated from spawn is a neat idea to encourage faster play, but since it's on low ground it's easy to bomb out as an attacker. There is also no signage, which led to players getting confused.
Fulfills microcontests: 7, 8, 10, 24
Full disclosure up front: I do not like this map, and am struggling to care about writing feedback for it. Rotations between points are pretty much nonexistant; Sure there's the ladder, but it's one-way and not terribly useful for either team. There's a ton of routes around A, but none of them are useful. For B, having all routes go through water (except the ladder) really sucks for those that don't like forced water combat, even if you get a speed boost in the water. Not having a third point makes the pacing weird, and just makes the issues that Gravelpit has worse. Just like with Boatload I'm willing to accept I'm not the target audience for any of this if others had fun, but the map did kill the player count so I suspect I'm not alone.
Fulfills microcontests: 6, 14, 18
Great usage of the BATT track bits! I think the opening needs a better place for Red to set up. The cave zone at B is really cool, I like it. The narrow hallway around the big hill is wild; it looks like it shouldn't work, but then it's fun when you play it. Final after that is a bit too cramped though. Red needs to spawn farther away so there's room for combat, since at the moment the cart gets hard stuck at the hill until a big push, after which it rolls. A bit more space would help Blu get out of the choke and also give Red a second chance.
Fulfills microcontests: 4, 17
I like this! Simple but it works. Players might be directed too much towards the center when spawning, since most players just rushed mid every time instead of playing in the other parts of the map. Pushing the spawns into the corners might help split teams more. Lumberyard and Nucleus do that by blocking off the point with doors, maybe that could work here too?
Fulfills microcontests: 14, 19
Broken, skipped during testing; Blu team spawns stuck in the ground. This looks like it would have been fun, but also way too small. Having the spawns so close to mid and having a jump pad that gets you there just means it will either be a meat grinder without time to recover after pushes, or a spawncamp nightmare. The cap zone also feels small, maybe expand it to the tracks so you can get hit by a train when capping? Also, there's larger track props for use with the train hazards, the big trains look strange on such tiny tracks!
Fulfills microcontests: 6, 11, 15, 18, 24
Very cool idea, nice to see someone else take on a Robot Escort mode! If I'm understanding it right, every bot that you successfully escort to the end speeds up capture, with the A, B, and C bots being different routes. Sadly, it seems like it's not really working, and a lot of people don't get it. I also think it's too sprawling for defenders to ever have a chance; without a way to tell bot progress rotations need to be fast and there's seemingly no easy ways to switch floors at final. I had to resort to a fully custom announcer for my attempt at a similar mode years ago, and even then it was hard to track gamestate. Very clever and clean use of the BATT track for a mode other than payload!
@Le Codex @Sarexicus
Fulfills microcontests: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24
Holy shit. Incredible, well done! I would have loved to see it with a full server, but sadly the test died. We played a lot of repeats, doing something like pickrandomshuffle (or simulating something similar) would be nice; we never got to play the PLR round! Some of the microcontests it fulfills are a bit iffy since they were intended to apply to an entire map and not just a single stage, but there's been so much effort here I'm willing to bend the rules and give them all to you.
Fulfills microcontests: 10, 14, 17
I'd never actually played the famed Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbine (mostly out of fear), but this seems like it's a fun improvement! The gags are fun (the Bad to the Bone riff is perfect), the additions keep the pace up, and the same solid Turbine gameplay is there. Sometimes the jump pads make you bonk your head, but when you don't bonk they're great. The train and the moving platforms are super fun too!

Here's the mode breakdown:
KotF:            1
TOW:             1
Arena:           4
CTF:             4
PL:              4
    Multistage:         1
A/AD/PASS Time:  1
A/D CP:          3
    Multistage:         2
ST:              1
KotH:            1
RD:              1
Other:           1

Number of microcontests completed per map:
Mean: 4.9130434782609
Median: 4
cp_zytheidoiibo_mc25_a1 (7, 9, 11, 24)
cp_tiftid_mc25_a1 (7, 8, 10, 24)​
Mode: 2
pl_sono_mc25_a1 (13, 18)​
arena_brushwagg_mc25_a1 (4, 8)​
pl_thetriz_mc25_a1c (20, 21)​
cp_stackmantfd_mc25_a1d (2, 11)​
arena_zomg_mc25 (4, 17)​
arena_penguinlazerz_mc25_a1 (4, 17)
koth_mercia_mc25_a1b (14, 19)​
Maximum: 20
micro_codexicus_mc25_a1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24)​
Minimum: 2
(see Mode above for maps)​
Total microcontest prompts complete: 113

Microcontest Number:Number of maps that fillfilled it:

Maps per microcontest prompt:
Mean: 4.7083333333333 maps per prompt
(Each microcontest was chosen this many times on average)
Median: 4 maps per prompt
(These microcontests were exactly in the middle of popularity. An almost equal number of microcontests lie on either side; 10 microcontests had fewer maps that fulfilled them, 11 had more. While microcontests that match are listed, this is just for completeness; this isn't terribly useful as a statistic)
6: BATT Builder​
20: Static Spawns​
21: 1024/512​
Mode: 2 maps per prompt
(The most frequently appearing number of uses in maps; while microcontests that match are listed, this is just for completeness; this isn't terribly useful as a statistic)
9: Buddy System​
15: Robot Destruction​
16: Exclusion Zone​
19: Dynamic, Asymmetric KotH​
Maximum: 11 maps
(the most commonly chosen microcontest)
18: Lockout​
Minimum: 0 maps
(the least commonly chosen microcontest)
23: Timer Attack!

And with that, this season is a wrap! It took far longer than expected, but this season was incredible; thank you all so much for the support. The last thing before we close out will be the Stamp Card Showcase, which will be up sometime in the next few days. Will there be a Season 4? You'll just have to wait and see! But until then, see you at the next 72hr Jam, and thanks for playing!