How Many Maps Did You?


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
I think it really depends on what your background is near 3D level design. If you're starting with TF2 it might take a while before: you get comfortable thinking in 3D, you're able to eye the map scale quickly (even in hammer), you get down the flow of the tools, knowing what you find fun, understanding the balance of the game, etc.

Personally before TF2 I was using Halo 3's forge mode for at least a couple months, planning levels and thinking about it. And even when I got to TF2 it still took me about 25 maps (not released) before I got something that (even today) I wouldn't say is 'bad'.

I think there would be a lot of people that would say 'oh it only took me 2 maps before I made something good', but I don't think those people are counting their unreleased maps that they spent less than a week on.

If you do want to get better at the scale / understanding game things I'd recommend just playing a lot of the game, and then thinking about what your favorite maps are, and then critically ask why - what aspects of those maps were the most enjoyable for you.

Also if you ever have those moments when you get to hammer and your mind just goes blank, try planning on paper some sections of the map. You don't have to plan the whole map, but for more important areas (like Control Points) it would be helpful. Connectors in between those zones can be made up on the fly better than the more important sections of the map.
I did this at the start of one map, and the only thing that stayed the same while making it was the fact it had snow...


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
Ehhh guess I can list some stuff, as well:
  • Fakeout (Baby's first map, made immediately after MvM launched. It's shit.)
  • Overlord (Wanted to do Beach Dead on TF2 and figured MvM would be the best mode for it)
  • Downtown (First time fucking around with gatebots and it really shows. Layout is absolutely terrible and the mechanic feels a bit forced)
  • Derelict (Done after the above, wanted to do smaller maps and do better justice to the WW2 assets used on Overlord. First time seriously messing around with displacements)
  • Terrorlict (Halloween version of Derelict. Had a lot of fun with detailing and making the mission for this.
  • Carthage (Rode the hypetrain of Frontline! Learned that PvP is a lot harder to do than MvM is, jumped the gun with an early beta and fucked up everything because of it)
  • Seaside (I like Payload but suffers from my lack of PvP mapping understanding and abysmal knowledge of lighting tricks)
  • Dockyard (Return to working with Gatebots, works a lot better now that I actually know what I'm doing. Map detailing is still a bit lackluster compared to essentially everyone else in the contest)
Before those were a bunch of maps done for trying to understand how the hell Hammer works. Looking back at the first maps I can sorta see some progress going on but I still wouldn't call what I've put together 'decent'. They're just good enough in my eyes.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Here's the one's I can remember off the top of my head.
  • CP Moonmap - My first map, made for TF2C. It was hilariously bad, as it was nothing more than a large box with some props thrown around, but I tried to make it fun. (If anyone has a copy of this map, or any proof that this map even existed, contact me)
  • CTF/KOTH Raintown - My first adopted map, although it was used without permission. I can't remember which version was public, but I did make two versions. You could get on the roofs in the CTF version, as there were no/less clip brushes (I think that was on purpose).
  • SD Cloak - My first map for Was just an edit of someone's prefab
  • PL Dustmenn/Difm - My second adopted map. Was a slight improvement from the abandoned version.
  • PL Gladdison - An attemped remake of Dustmenn, it was my first map to be made completely from scratch! Sadly, I later rebuilt it to be closer to Dustmenn. I hope to bring this map back soon.
  • PD Guise - An attempt at making an April Fools map that failed because It was published on April 2nd, and the logic didn't work.
  • CP MetroASD - My third adopted map. I was fully intent on finishing this one, but my brain crapped out trying to think of a better connector for BLU spawn and the first point
  • SD Decloak 72 - A 72hr recreation of SD Cloak. Was much better, but still suffered many flaws.
  • CP Confusion - A 2CP Attack Defend map I started making the second that "Frontline!" was announced. Hasn't been touched since.
  • CP Collider - A collaboration with user "The Letter Before A" before he dropped it and shortly after got banned.
  • KOTH Cruise - My fourth adopted map. Was named "Scientology" before everyone convinced me that was a bad idea. Is my most developed map so far, but it's not very good.
  • KOTH Creep - My fifth adopted map. Stopped updating just before a major layout overhaul. I want to return to this one eventually.
  • CP Lead - A 3CP Push map created as a collaboration with user "The Letter Before A" after he was banned. It's not that great
  • ARENA Guise2 72 - A remake of my joke map, Guise. Is miles better, but not quite "there" yet.
  • MVM Helix - The map that I am, as of writing, currently working on, as a collaboration with users Diva Dan and BenCo. The next version should be out in a few days!
This isn't counting all the VMFs that I have sitting on my harddrive, which would take days for me to catalog (I have high hopes for ctf_lainisapopularguy and koth_definitely_not_distill)


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
Oh man I got a lot of maps. I got more posted maps than anybody else on the site infact. Though there are only some ones worth mentioning.

So lets go down by release date.


Canals (KOTH) Sept 15th
When you think of bad maps, what comes to mind? Flat, overscaled, open areas with little of value or interest? Well Canals has you covered with its flat, overscaled, open design. Featuring a useless back area (later turned into an easy to camp building) and a tiny building with the point in it. And the cherry on top was that the map was mirrored, but spawns were rotated, meaning that an odd sightline was created for one spawn, but not the other.​


Theory/Caves (CTF) Jan 23rd - 25th [72HR Contest entrant]
Overscaled, flat, and open, though not to the degree of Canals (At least for Caves). Theory was a very early entrant into the 72HR contest that kicked 2015 off. It was absolutely massive, and very flat and open to boot. It had an odd raised mesa at Mid, and very little of value elsewhere. After a test, I remade the map to be better in every area. This remake was Caves, a much improved version of Theory, that had a bit too in common with 2Fort. While Caves was a huge improvement on Theory, it was still an awful map and certainly did not get far in the voting phase of the 72HR Contest.​

Raise (A/D CP) Jan 27th
Not one to wait around for competence, I started on my next creation immediately after finishing Caves. Raise is without a doubt my worst map ever. It's bad, extremely bad. I'd say the best part about it is that the download is gone now, so nobody will ever see it again. I hope.​

Underbid (TC, yes, THAT TC) May 11th [Adopted Map]
So a few months pass with various mediocre maps. I figured, if I suck at making layouts, might as well take someone elses. So I took a look at the Orphaned Maps Repository. There were various maps from all kinds of people, of all kinds of qualities. Though like the idiot I am, I find the one Territorial Control map in the entire place, and try to pick it up. Bad idea, very, very bad idea. But on the plus side, I got Idolon to rerelease his Dosh texture.​

Fasterlane (5CP) Never finished [Remake]
What do you do after you tackle the most complicated gamemode in TF2? You try to fix big issues with an official map with less than a year of experience. After polling the TFMaps community for what they thought was wrong with the map (Twice actually). I decided to try and do it by myself. Bad idea, very, very bad idea. But on the plus side, messing with Fastlane taught me the importance of looking at official maps for gameplay advice when you're a novice mapper. So, I thank Fastlane for that, it's not the bad map I made it out to be in the two polls I made, even if it has problems.​

Moonrock (CTF) Jun 2nd
Taking what I learned from Fasterlane into mind, I made my first somewhat decent map. Now Moonrock is not good by any stretch of imagination, but its design shows a far higher level of competence than anything I put out before it. Also my first Workshop map.​

Driveby (KR) Jun 9th
Kart Racing! After TF2 added bumper cars, it was an odd little fascination for the TFMaps community for a bit to make the best kart racer. It was a decent map, if a bit boring, but the ultimate thing that killed it was the inability to disable powerups. This sounds boring at first until you realize how much of a pain the Parachute powerup is. Shame too, I would love to make KR maps occasionally.​

Route 22 (A/D CP) Sept 14th
A desert map, and my start of attempting to make those kinds of environments in one of my maps. Route 22 was a concept that never really turned into anything. I was more enamored with the thought of the detailing that I forgot to make a good layout for it. It's a concept I want to revisit someday, even if now Overwatch has pretty much the same idea I had in Route 66.​

Terranunis (CTF) Sept 21st
Inside a briefcase was the reason I decided to continue mapping, or at least that's what Terranunis said in it's attention seeking OP. I know now that my will for continue to do the things I like is far bigger than any nylon briefcase would dream of shutting it's locks over, but that's a story for another day. Terranunis was a slightly better knock at CTF after I made Caves, and started the phase of me being creative with my names. As for the map, mostly mediocre...
Eturnius (3CP) Sept 28th [Dynamic CP Contest Entrant]
Named after my eternal will to continue mapping, Eturnius was an early entrant into the DynCP contest. Made by a guy with basically no entity smarts, it was bleh. The dynamic elements were nearly non-existent, and the rest of the map wasn't much further from that. More boring corridors than a middle-class hotel. Though Mid was kinda okay, and it featured my first foray into Alpine detailing.
Gulf (A/D CP) Dec 2nd
Originally started as a TF2C map, Gulf quickly found it's way onto TFMaps servers, and ended up giving everyone the boot. Despite this early setback, Gulf was a map on it's way to becoming playable, Until a TF2 update made the map break completely. After remaking it into a far worse version, I dropped the map.

Qase (A/D CP) Feb 20th
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Though for anyone who played this map, I bet you were waiting for me to talk about it. My second worse map ever, and a huge demotivator for me. Qase was the perfect example of me having gained no skills in layout design, as it was just about as the same quality as my early maps. The map even looks bad in screenshots, and it doesn't get any better in game.
Eturnius (Arena) Feb 25th
Haven't we been here before? Well no, because this map may share the name with my earlier DynCP entrant, it is completely different in layout and gamemode. Eturnius was an evolution of an idea I had been experimenting with Arena mode where I figured "Hey! People don't like Arena mode for being too slow, so why don't I make round end quickly!" And I accomplished this by removing alternate pathways and railroading players into a big Mid battle, which devalues classes like Engineer and Spy quite a bit. Later versions of the map featured an Arena Respawn twist, which turned the rounds into marathons because it only took one person to turn a minute round into ten minutes. At some point the Eturnius name and Autumn theme I brought into this map are something I want to bring alive again, but for now it lays dormant, waiting patiently for me to finish up newer creations.
Bellick (Arena) Jul 17th [Detailed in 72HR Jam]
Now we're getting closer. Bellick was a much later take on Arena design, featuring player choice as a forefront of it's design. No longer railroaded by constricting map design, Bellick fared much better in playtesting. After pushing it through a few versions and seeing the 72HR Jam start, I decided to detail the map for the jam. About 40 Hours later, and the map was detailed. It's not the best detailing job I've done, in fact in some areas it's not even passable. And the worst part is, is that I messed up the absolutely beautiful settings I made for my Grand Pink skybox, a very colorful Badlands recolor.
Relax (KOTH) Apr 1st [Uploaded months later]
A joke map intended for the April Fools contest. Relax's joke was the.... well, lack of one. It was simply a rather calm alpine map. With the exclusion of Pumpkin Bombs, nothing really went on in the map. Simply a very beautiful night lighting, with a much more mediocre detailing pass on it. It ended up missing the contest deadline because the download for it broke at the last second.
Sunrise (PL) Aug 27th
From Muddy comes a simple Single Stage Payload map. While it's not the biggest innovation in PL gameplay out there, it's a reasonable decent map. Featuring some gameplay changes from me and a gorgeous skybox from Owly Oop, Sunrise was the one. But not really, because while BLU spawn might have been gloriously decent looking, I never came up with a better B point, and eventually left the map on sad terms. Maybe I should have collabed with DaDema all along.

Dawn (Arena) Jun 21st
My body aches, my head pounds, what has happened since I left? After a long hibernation period, I came back to mapping, older, a bit smarter, and after adopting an Arena map from Berry, I threw her layout out (Sorry Berry) and made my own. Without a doubt my most playable layout yet. I've been in the middle of detailing it for a bit now.
And that's a write-up on a few of the maps I've made over the nearly three years I've been a burden and a bit of a help for this site.


Dec 5, 2007
There are a many experiments excluded from this list, mostly because I can't remember all the stuff I did over the last decade and I don't have most of my old files on this machine to check, plus I don't actually have a complete record spanning back a decade:


  • cp_station

  • cp_ignition then ctf_ignition
  • cp_bloodstained
  • pl_hoodoo
  • pl_halfacre

  • cp_furnace
  • cp_stark

  • cp_manor_event
  • koth_stark
  • tc_strata

  • pl_haste
  • tc_strata

  • cp_snowplow
  • tc_strata
  • mvm_memorial
  • university c++ project joiner
  • koth_circus
  • koth_tug

  • cp_snowplow
  • pl_mountainside
  • rd_spacebase
  • rd_spacetrain

  • pl_ququmannz
  • arena_sacrifice
  • sd_sabotage
  • ex_excavation
  • pl_ququmannz
  • arena_sacrifice

Something clicked between bloodstained and hoodoo, but I think most people agree I've never made a good map


L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2015
Oh Boy, I made a lot of maps, I don't remember how much, and not only for source, I made maps for unreal and unity.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
This is very approximately in chronological order: sadly a drive crash last year lost me a lot of vmfs. I'm sure there are more that never got beyond a handful of brushes.

  • Left 4 Dead map
    • Yeah, before i was a part of the team fortress 2 elite i tried to make a Left 4 Dead campaign. I'm pretty sure I got a finished layout with (first-map quality) detailing for one map of the campaign so it was bad but also one of the more complete things I have.
  • Portal 1 maps
    • I made a handful of Portal 1 Maps for MyApertureLabs. I'm not sure if I ever released any. I wanted to do a custom campaign and frankly still do.
  • Spacerace
  • I know there's one about here that i'm forgetting.
    • I made a ctf map at some point? it had microbrushes and func_conveyors and I measured all the distances really carefully using the mapper's reference so you could do some specific trick jumps with like, 5hu accuracy. I nearly uploaded it to here but chickened out and went to Portal instead.
  • Burnoff.
    • Apparently you guys were laughing at this in chat at some point? You're cruel. It was so hideous from the screenshots though that I never had it tested.
  • Cloud Forest
    • A PLR map. Crashed in the first test, but I was bored with it anyway so i stole all the ideas for Levee. IIRC It had some areas you had to crawl to get through? Don't do that, kids, that's bad.
  • Levee
    • My first Proper map, I think, a big single-stage payload. I never got further than mid-alpha with it but looking back it was pretty solid.
  • SpaceRace
    • I tried to make a TC for one of the CP contests? I think I made one control point, which I remade for:
  • Mangroves
    • A 3cp map in the swamp style. Had Sightline problems.
  • Jackal
    • The first map I properly detailed! PLR, made for a 72hr contest. If I recall correctly, placed pretty well.
  • LeSwordfish
    • A steel/koth hybrid for another 72hr contest. Placed appallingly but I still like the idea.
  • Nunataq
    • I think I made an arctic arena map called this once?
For reference, I think it took me this long to be any good at mapping. That represents... five years?
  • Atoll
    • My jewel amongst swine, my pride and joy, my most beautifully polished turd. PLR map set on a pacific island with lots of Maritime stuff. The half of it I detailed was really pretty and inspired Freyja's MVM map but it didn't play super well and placed badly in the Dynamic Payload contest.
  • I don't remember it's name but it was a MVM map set in a sewer.
    • Tyler told me to make an MVM map set in a sewer. Broke in the first test and I never touched it again. Too many curves, maybe.
  • Hothouse
    • My third 72hr entry. A Payload Race map that nobody seemed to like except me. I think I detailed some bits of it pretty well. Would like to come back to it some day.
  • Sundown
    • Remember the Pacific pack? My contribution to that was going to be a MVM map. It plays decently so who knows, I might come back to it. Lots of curves.
  • I made a cp_orange reskin once
    • I got paid for it so it's okay. Sidenote: did you know the cp_orange vmf is HELL.
  • I also made a Medieval version of Junction
    • By which I mean I put the entities in. I was right that it played better that way but not well enough to bother with.
  • Portal Buttons
    • This was pretty good, and one of my few Portfolio pieces - a Portal 2 map with a unique mechanic. (I also made two perpetual testing Initiative maps but I don't count them)
  • Gunfight
    • A 3cp map from that 72hr contest just after Powerhouse came out when everyone made a 3cp, and it was like the third best of them.
  • Crusoe
    • The good one. I made a good map, guys! My other portfolio piece. Has been "in progress" for literally six years.

This is way more than I expected and I know I'm forgetting some.


Jun 15, 2013
  • Four-Towns (Steam Workshop Link)
    • That's right dudes, Ace of Spades. No not the free good version, but the Battle Builder version that Jagex picked up and fucked up.
  • Tree Isles (Steam Workshop Link)
    • First map I made in Hammer (other than this). Also my first public release.
  • Some maze map (only image)
    • I wanted to make a map with multiple mazes in it, with a semi-story that got darker as you continued. Died a year later when I accidentally uninstalled Steam.
  • Yuckamuck
    • My first TF2 map, underscaled and all that jazz.
  • Insomniaplusboredom (TF2 Maps)
    • Lazily made joke map (I think that was the joke). That's really it.
  • Work Strained (TF2 Maps)
    • A map. Overscaled, flat, and broken. Enjoy!
  • Pull out (TF2 Maps)
    • No, the name isn't what it sounds like. Underscaled and narrow, made in 7.2 hours though.
  • Snowaleen (TF2 Maps)
    • Woah! A payload map! Extremely linear and flat.
  • Laadeedaa (TF2 Maps)
    • Result of me panicking that Snowaleen was pretty bad. Actually got pretty far! Suffers from flatness and linearity. I should work on this again.
  • Slinky ware and Nightrite were made and then forgotten, so whatever.
About here is when I actually started to take into account what actually makes a map good (height variation, size, etc)
  • Diskoff (TF2 Maps)
    • An MVM map! Not entirely sure what to say about this. A bit upset that I abandoned this one, but I wasn't happy with it.
  • Balconey
  • Dockops
About 3 years of maps, and I'd say I'm a decent mapper.


47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
An unnecessary amount.


Jun 23, 2010
The only map I ever finished is brazil actually, probably have made like 50-60 small projects that got never released.


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
The only map I ever finished is brazil actually, probably have made like 50-60 small projects that got never released.
Brazil's amazing, you must feel proud as hell

The Guy You Know

L1: Registered
Jun 18, 2016
so far managed to make 2 pretty bad maps and countless side projects;

cp_raided my first tryat a map, a decent attempt too

pl_breakwater has potential and ive been working on a2 for over a year now at a snails pace, still have faith

(currently working on) pass_double deck this feels like im getting the hang of hammer with this one. has a solid mid area to fight on


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
(although i did help at some maps, and even in a few cases did set a blueprint, im not going to list these as being 'my own')

Red faction:

I cant even remember all the maps i made for that. The only one i can remember was ism_subway which was for the iron sun mod (and i already had 2 years of experience on mapping there). But this was about 15 years ago.

Counter strike source:
- ka_smashtheglass - an attempt at learning the basics. the map only worked at lower gravity which had to be server set.
- aim_magic_labyrinth - a success at being an anoying map, with the downside of being fullbright to a state its extremely ugly. learned me some basic entity work.
- i cant remember the map name, but tried to replicate a map from the iron sun mod, it never went past 1 iteration because it was massively broken in balance (cs isnt ism and for that was simply a bad idea)
- sg_dancemat - learned me at using custom textures (and trust me, it was still very low quality)
- de_rollerfun - some dumb map idea. although it did work
- he_jenga - a succesfull physics based fun map. took me only 1 day to create and its only fun for a few rounds.
- sg_tetris - another fullbright map with custom textures. It did have a few issues, but none were gamebreaking. The custom textures made the fullbright less of a problem.
- sg_platforms - my favorite dumb style map. Its simple and effective.
- musicalrooms - again a dumb map, but this one had quite some entity work going on (lots of randomizing).
- de_dust_extended - an attempt at making a map that normaly is a hell beyond 20 players capable of holding 64 players. (side note, this was 10 years ago)

Team fortress 2
- ctf_rf_checkmate - a remake of a red faction map with an attempt at making it suitable for tf2 (to get used in how tf2 mapping should be approached). It had huge problems with lighting making pyro's massively OP into such state everyone was pyro (snipers and spies were the only viable alternatives). Had 3 versions, but eventualy never finished the map.
- tc_invasion - Possibly the worst TC map ever made (and although im not sure, it could even be the first one - it was the first TC map on gamebanana however). Never recieved a 2nd version, thats how horrible it was.
- pl_donut - an entity experiment making a rotational payload map.
(from this point on tf2m became the primary source of publishing maps for me)
- tc_ramparts - Another TC oriented attempt. This time even more excessive. It all started by a quote on the forums here where someone stated it would be interested to see how TC and PLR worked together. Well, this was the result. Although it did partialy work (the overview of which stage is next wasnt visible), and when a server would turn empty midgame it would stall the map to become unplayable, when the server remained populated it would work fine. Except gameplay wise it was poor. But the proof of work has been set.
- mvm_skullcove - my 2nd succesfull non joke map. Took me about 1 year to make. This one was originaly drawn by me, and 3d-ified by snowbat. The original idea was to have 2 versions, a regular and a halloween version. I took the task of making the halloween version, snowbat originaly was going to do the regular version, but already was working on mvm_yucatan. This caused the only version to be a halloween version.
- A special case is placed here where i did draw the blueprint for mvm_area52 and created some very rough brushwork to 3d-ify that blueprint (even though its a 3d shape, it can still be considered equal to a drawing). After that Zorbos and Woozlez took over and made the map all the way into its final state. I however did rejoin the project later on as mission maker. I mention it here as it was at least a succesfull idea and showed that my knowledge of mvm worked, even though mapping wise i barely was involved.
- mvm_giza - The last map i made so far, and also the biggest project. Earkham did all the work on the props and this gave the map its unique looks. This map went through quite some alpha and beta versions.

But at this point there also was the issue that the matchmaking caused a major problem in tf2. Previously you could manualy search through many games to find game that were decently balanced. Matchmaking forced me to play with the most horrible players, and when finaly finding a decent group, it was for just 1 round. And even then balance wise it was too often a problem. At some point i no longer could bother and dropped tf2. Stomping the worst possible players with a fan of war and making a killstreak of 5+ show up with that one can be fun for a short while, but after 3 games you are done with it aswel.
Only because of MvM it took this long to quit. MvM was the only mode that kept me having fun. But this was only waiting until another game took over.


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
  • various 72hr projects that didn't deserve to be worked on further
You should see koth_abyss. It's the embodiment of garbage, and it was the first map I ever made. I tried making it 'good' and gave up after a week because it was a lost cause..


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
messing around in portal hammer in like 2007 or 2008
couple of shitty zombie survival maps in 2010-2011

then i actually learnt how to map instead of fumbling blindly in hammer and made some maps for my ttt server

ttt_rig - godawful, the vvis file hurts me to look at, i didnt know what func_details were yet
ttt_sellout - pretty ok layout, detailed it kinda based off a dream so it freaks me out a little
ttt_plus - joke map made in like 30 minutes, its just a plus shape with a pile of guns in the middle, hilarious RDM-fest
ttt_stormdrain - sewer map based off half-life 2, i was getting pretty good at ttt design at this point but my detailing was servicable at best
ttt_minus - attempt to recapture the magic of ttt_plus, it was bad
ttt_winterplant - cs-inspired industrial estate map, first decent detailing job
ttt_depth - another joke, entirely underwater with little air pockets, bad
ttt_height - tall-ass tower map, i genuinely think it was an interesting layout, and the detailing, while abstract, was nice
de_rivez - tried making a cs:s map cause i liked how well cs maps worked in ttt, it was Bad and i didnt "get" cs yet
de_rivez2 - tried mapping for csgo instead, it was bad too

continued updates to some of the previous (height and winterplant)
ttt_rig2 - technically my first proper artpass cause i was redetailing a map instead of making things fully-detailed as i usually did

Then my ttt server died and i was getting really into csgo so i started mapping for that instead

de_glacier - Bad
de_moderne - art gallery map, i put a lot of work into this considering how Bad it was

i took a break from mapping to do some game dev for a while

Gun Mettle came out and got me back into TF2, decided to make something for that finally

koth_wheelhouse - first tf2 map, still in the cs scale mindset from ttt and csgo, propspammy
cp_shortpeak - improvised while fumbling about with cp_alloy had a lot of gameplay problems at this point but i was getting the hang of the scale
cp_alloy - finally sat down and improvised alloy, its really blocky and orthogonal looking back on it and the gameplay wasn't great, phi's artpass really carried it

carried on working on Alloy and Shortpeak, eventually scrapping shortpeak
af_rapture - April fools map, my first foray into fancy logic, got jill to add stuff to the game to make it work, collaborated with a bunch of people, layout was mostly Muddy's tbh and i just modified bits of it and made Mid (the worst part of the map)
room2016_yrrzy - not a playable map but my first really good detailing job, kinda super proud of it and it'll come up later
koth_bagel - 72hr map, first layout ive been actually proud of, later developed into a competitive map (also my first proper artpass)
cp_extol - first attempt at making a map in the theme i defined in room2016_yrrzy, gameplay was kinda awful cause i focused on the detailing, i intend to try this again some time

continued work on bagel
cp_refined - 72hr map, wanted to make an oil refinery theme, it was kind of atrocious
ctf_exsmol - April fools map, technically my second attempt at the extol theme, i just modified room2016_yrrzy slightly and put it end-to-end, with some arena ctf logic and anti-stalemate features
koth_kobe - I made this in like a day as a joke, at least learnt i could make smth look pretty ok in a day even if its awful, kinda wanna use this knowledge in a future 72hr (too bad i was busy like the entirity of the next 72hr)
koth_bagel_event - rip SF 2017, second attempt at a rapture-like project, with heavy logic usage and collaboration, possibly my magnum opus

future projects - probably gonna take another attempt at an extol map, want to try another 72hr or even the hypothetical 72minute contest

Bunker Junker

L3: Member
Jul 28, 2017
Well I thought my Arena_Grabby map was okayish, but I was really happy with my Arena_Jikko map. (Then I lost the files for it...)

So I would have to say that I did 3 maps (Including Arena_Grabby) to get a map that I thought was good.