Microcontest 14: Trains


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Welcome to Microcontest 14: Trains


ALL ABOARD! We've got a timetable to keep, and we're not stopping for anything.

Today, your task is to make a map that includes a train hazard. Payload carts (even Lil' Chew Chew) do not count.

Here's some templates to get you started if you'd rather not figure out the logic yourself. I've not tested any of these, so use at your own risk:
For full Microcontest rules and submission procedure, check out the 2021 Microcontest Megathread: https://tf2maps.net/threads/the-microcontest-megathread-season-2.43572/

Today's Bonus Punch:

Include one or more trains than act as more than just a hazard. Here are some possible ideas:
  • A train allows players to ride it to reach new locations or routes
  • A train that blocks/unblocks a routes mid-round
  • A train finale on a payload map, like Cactus Canyon or Bananas Bay
Quick Info:

Difficulty: 3/5

Planning starts at 10:00 AM EDT (14:00 UTC) on May 22nd, 2021.
Mapping begins one hour later at 11:00 AM EDT (15:00 UTC)

Maps must be submitted to this thread no later than 10:00 AM EDT (14:00 UTC) on May 23rd, 2021.
Testing begins one hour later at 11:00 AM EDT (15:00 UTC)

Countdown to deadline here:


Important Notes:

Name your .vmf:

All game modes are allowed. Game modes that can run on standard 24-player servers will be tested, maps that require plugins or custom server settings will be reviewed but not tested. If there are any single-player Training maps, a recording of me playing it will be made available alongside the usual feedback to make up for a lack of demos. MvM maps will be tested separately.

The Speedmapper punch only counts time working on geometry. Planning, compiling, bug fixing, lighting, logic, clipping, sealing, and other things that aren't physical playable spaces do not count towards the four hours.

Good luck!