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Trams mc14 a1b

I love trams

This map is an entry to Microcontest 14: Trains

Instead of trains I decided to use trams... cus I love trams!
My goal was to put as many tram paths as possible. I ended up with 7 paths, 1 in the middle and 3 for each team side

Retribution to Megalo :)
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

More downloads from Emil_Rusboi

Latest updates

  1. Crimes?

    Crimes (and tweaks) Changed Tram kill boxes Added more lighting at mid Removed mid Tram Tweaked cover at mid Removed exit from right team building Lowered Tram speed Added big towers on both sides of team Urbans
  2. Trams rights

    Made Trams rotations a bit smoother Lighten up few areas