
PL longboy b9

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
  • better detailing (i hope)
  • smoothed out area outside of upper last spawn
  • connector next to the last big door has been rotated to be visible from spawn
  • slight geometry changes in some areas
  • lighting improvements (toned down hdr a bit)
  • fixed the size of the capture and healing area on the boy
  • fixed an issue where sometimes the boy wouldn't kill you if you got stuck (you should now die if the boy moves over you)
  • optimizations
there's still some issues but compiling takes too long and they don't affect gameplay at all

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master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016


Feb 7, 2008
Maybe intentional, maybe not, but you can det stickies under the boy and deal damage to riders. I was able to use this fairly effectively during overtime to clear the train of enemies.


L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated longboy with a new update entry:

beta 3, logic rework, more detailing

long awaited
-reworked almost the entire logic so that it wont break (hopefully)
-reverted back to 3cp (kind of), although the forward spawns will still activate when capturing enemy lobby
-new logic uses the central control point as the "longboy capture point", and capturing the longboy
will capture this point, regardless of where the longboy actually is. it might look a bit weird on the hud, but it works.
-added sounds when either your team or the...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated longboy with a new update entry:

overtime overhaul, general logic changes and fixes

-decreased timer from 7.5 minutes to 3 minutes, with a maximum time of 3.5 minutes.
-each time each lobby is captured (in order), 1 minute is added to the round timer. this means that,
for example, once blu team captures red lobby, the only way to add more time is for red team to capture
blu lobby.
-when the map enters overtime, the longboy will progressively get faster each time he is captured,
until he reaches a maximum speed of "very fast"
-during overtime, all respawn times are...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated longboy with a new update entry:

some tweaks and stuffs

-longboy no longer moves on his own during normal gameplay
-increased time from 3 minutes to 5 minutes
-longboy is a bit faster
-fixed longboy camera
-during overtime, the speed increase is now linear, starting from .3 of max speed, and ending at 1.0 of max speed, with each capture adding .1
-during overtime, the doors will open fast, but close slowly
-during overtime, the lobby-to-last connector side door will remain open
-added ding sound when capturing lobby (disabled during overtime)...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated longboy with a new update entry:

layout changes + overtime stalling

layout changes:
-lobby-to-mid connector now only has one door to mid, with some general changes to open it up more
-sideroom-to-mid connector(s) is now one large connector
-path from sideroom to room above sewer (sewer lobby?) has been removed, with the entrance of said room now being outside of the last lobby door.
-lobby-to-mid connector now has a shutter door that enables upon lobby capture.
-added wall to the mid stairs
-last lobby door now starts open, closes when longboy is captured...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated longboy with a new update entry:

workshop update

it's on the workshop!

  • fixed some clipping issues on mid
  • improved geometry with the building on red last
  • fixed some issues regarding models rendering where they shouldn't be
  • replaced some blockbullet textures with playerclip to fix some detail textures not rendering
  • added a cute little detail in sideroom

playtest my map so i can get workshop footage >:)

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