the logic for capturing the boy has been reworked so that in order for defenders to take control of the boy, they must stand on the cart with no contest for a certain amount of time. at this point, the defenders are the attackers, and the attackers are the defenders, and must do the same thing
mid has been reworked, with the side routes being much more open, and another highground route that branches from the mid building
mid is now split into two control points, in order for less "back and forth" at mid.
teams now have another forward spawn, which is activated when the other side's mid point has been captured
(there's also a chance that the logic isn't fully working but I can't test it on my own so it's hopefully gonna be shown if it works or not in a test ( :"
opened up some routes (such as the connector from side room to sewer)
redid last spawns
added spectator cameras
removed everything that resembles frontline (hopefully)
not everything is perfect, and there's still a lot of things that need doing, but i just wanted to finally get this out after almost a year of off and on working on it.
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble