Why do you love steam convos?


L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
RubbishyUsername: TMP, you are not the only person who has played pyro
PYROMASTER7550: yeah but I am the Pyro Master
PYROMASTER7550: and The Master Pyro
PYROMASTER7550: and the best pyro on earth
E² PuffBit~ The Candymaniac: yeah we all talk about you all the time tmp
PYROMASTER7550: hot damn
E² PuffBit~ The Candymaniac: and how much you suck
PYROMASTER7550: its my fan club in there
PYROMASTER7550: hey, any publicity is free publicity
E² PuffBit~ The Candymaniac: no it's really not
E² PuffBit~ The Candymaniac: we talk about how you scratch your butt then sniff it
PYROMASTER7550: I don't dothat
PYROMASTER7550: often
Bird as Prophet: yeah you do
E² PuffBit~ The Candymaniac: it only takes one time
Bird as Prophet: we have footage

And then we said hi for a while.


Dec 22, 2013
01:10 - Mystyc Cheez: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3wBC3RS9B...8/EGULByvyshE/s1600/jumping-out-of-window.gif this is me when I see boobs when trying to look up gay porn

01:10 - Stiffy360: also AC units
01:11 - Freyja: but boobs are great
01:11 - Idolon: ^
01:11 - Freyja: Even a gay person has to agree
01:12 - Idolon: everyone loves a good boob
01:12 - Idolon: i just remembered my cousin texted me on my birthday asking me how my birthday was
01:12 - Idolon: and i havent responded
01:12 - Idolon: 3 days later
01:12 - prestige: oh no
01:12 - prestige: you just lost a friend
01:12 - Stiffy360: good stuff
01:12 - Fr0z3nR: Mmmmm boobs.
01:12 - prestige: ^
01:12 - prestige: one time i touched a boob and the nipples were very hard
01:12 - Stiffy360: eww frozen, don't tell me you ate them
01:13 - Idolon: ive never touched a boob
01:13 - prestige: like it was kind of gross
01:13 - Idolon: but a boob has touched me
01:13 - stegarootbeer: ( . Y . )
01:13 - Idolon: so i guess that's like halfway
01:13 - prestige: how much softer the boob was compared to the nipple
01:13 - Freyja: I didn't choose the boob life
01:13 - Freyja: The boob life chose me
01:13 - Idolon: is that what girls call it
01:13 - Kritzkriegable Guy: look what you've done mystyc you've boobed us all
01:13 - prestige: like a piece of glass on a pillow
01:13 - prestige: thats what it was like
01:13 - Mystyc Cheez: :(
01:13 - Fr0z3nR: When you have a gf of 5 years, stiffy. You see, boobs.
01:13 - Fr0z3nR: Things happen.
01:13 - Idolon: You see, boobs
01:14 - Idolon: are you talking to boops
01:14 - Idolon: lmao boops
01:14 - prestige: damn u got a heckuva set a boops
01:14 - Fr0z3nR: Boop the boobs? yea, did that.
01:14 - Idolon: boops boops
01:14 - Jethro: ...stiffy?
01:14 - stegarootbeer: stiffy boobs
01:14 - Fr0z3nR: the person.
01:14 - prestige: when u get a lil too drunk, you can touch boobs without any reprecussions
01:14 - Jethro: :V
01:14 - Fr0z3nR: Not what I did to my gf
01:14 - Idolon: stiff boobs? no thanks
01:14 - Fr0z3nR: AYOOOO
01:14 - Idolon: i prefer firm
01:14 - Jethro: i realized but out of context
01:15 - Idolon: so wait you didnt boops your gf
01:15 - Fr0z3nR: No, did that too
01:15 - Idolon: or did you??
01:15 - Idolon: get your story straight
01:15 - Idolon: ok
01:15 - Freyja: Fitting the current context in so many ways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5mx3AdbjyE
01:15 - Idolon: i was gonna say
01:15 - prestige: are you gonna be a dad fr0z3n
01:15 - Idolon: you had better boops that
01:15 - Fr0z3nR: gf if 5 years.
01:15 - prestige: like just eventually
01:15 - Idolon: i know
01:15 - Mystyc Cheez: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3wBC3RS9B...8/EGULByvyshE/s1600/jumping-out-of-window.gif out of this convo

The boobening


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
01:13 - Fr0z3nR: When you have a gf of 5 years, stiffy. You see, boobs.
01:13 - Fr0z3nR: Things happen.
01:13 - Idolon: You see, boobs
01:14 - Idolon: are you talking to boops
"Ya see, Boobs, when ya have a girlfrayand o' five years, thiiiings have a tennuncy to happen."

That's my bad attempt at doing a Bill Cosby voice through text.


Sep 5, 2014
12:33 - Noizeblaze: So.
12:36 - Ms. Mudpie: soooo
12:36 - Noizeblaze: How are you.
12:36 - Ms. Mudpie: i'm alright
12:37 - Noizeblaze: Useful.
12:37 - Ms. Mudpie: gotta leave in about an hour for my last class
12:39 - Noizeblaze: That's a shame.
12:41 - Noizeblaze disconnected.

I hate small talk.


Nov 7, 2010
10:08 PM - Idolon: yeah i pickd that one
10:08 PM - Idolon: pickd
10:08 PM - Idolon: a new mobile app
10:08 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: we're so similiar
10:08 PM - Idolon: fruit picker dating app
10:08 PM - Idolon: you rate other people as ripe or rotten
It's brand new


Jun 9, 2009
10:14 - Freyja: hang on I thought seba was gay


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014
Psy entered chat.
Psy: hai
Bird as Prophet: hi
Mystyc Cheez: Hi
Tekku: Hi!
sin sorpresas por favor: hi!
cutiephi: hi?
Iiboharz: hi psy
Iiboharz: i almost said spy
Tumbolisu: A SPY
Iiboharz: that psy is a spy
Psy: perhaps

Iiboharz: is that your psy face
Iiboharz: shit i mean spy face


Sep 5, 2014
18:57 - Iiboharz/theredder: >tfw you accidentally ctrl+w out of the chat
18:57 - [UEAK]Crash left chat.
18:57 - [UEAK]Crash entered chat.

18:57 - [UEAK]Crash: >tfw you never knew what ctrl-w was
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Feb 7, 2008
~crouton saga~

3:45 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: http://i.imgur.com/4XcWSmr.gif
3:45 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Even better
3:46 PM - Idolon: what is that
3:46 PM - Idolon: a bag of croutons?
3:46 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: What
3:47 PM - Idolon: the gif you just posted
3:47 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: They
3:47 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: What
3:47 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Are you suggesting
3:47 PM - Idolon: im asking what the heck was going on
3:47 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: A bag of croutons
3:47 PM - Idolon: what is that that explodes
3:47 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Is pressurized enough
3:47 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: To cause that
3:47 PM - Idolon: i dont fucking know
3:47 PM - Idolon: that's why im asking
3:47 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: It was a can of cooking spray
3:48 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Croutons???
3:48 PM - Idolon: Croutons!!!
3:48 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Yes ido
3:48 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Croutons become 200 times their size when unpressurized
3:48 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Of course
3:48 PM - Idolon: its just
3:48 PM - Idolon: white stuff everywhere
3:48 PM - Idolon: idk
3:49 PM - Idolon: could be croutons
3:49 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: It could also not be croutons
3:49 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Since
3:49 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: You know
3:49 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Croutons aren't even a liquid!
3:49 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Or come in a can!
3:49 PM - Idolon: how can you even tell thats a can
3:49 PM - Idolon: looks like just a shape
3:50 PM - Idolon: some ambiguous object on the floor
3:50 PM - Idolon: could be a bag of croutons!
3:50 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Its obviously a can!
3:50 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: Theirs a curved, circular, metal bottom!
3:50 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: And an elongated cylinder shape!
3:52 PM - Idolon: its like 10x10 pixels
3:52 PM - Idolon: you're joking that you can see that much detail
3:53 PM - Idolon: that could definitely be a long bag
3:53 PM - Idolon: like the kind that a loaf of bread comes in
3:53 PM - Idolon: and fuck if i know the shape of a bag of croutons
3:53 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: http://puu.sh/dlgDG/6d5bf69dd8.jpg
3:53 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: ????????
3:53 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: YOU CAN SEE IT
3:54 PM - Idolon: i just see a yellow thing and a white thing below it
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: how are you like
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: this
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: not smart right now
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: about this
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: http://puu.sh/dlgMm/fce0b281e9.jpg
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: the white thing is a reflection from the bottom METAL can
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: you can even see in the floor
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: a reflection
3:55 PM - Idolon: ok i see it now
3:55 PM - Idolon: still
3:55 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: you're in COLLEGE
3:55 PM - Idolon: i didnt go all CSI before i made the gut reaction of "maybe that is a bag of croutons"
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: why the fuck
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: would a bag
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: of croutons
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: be PRESSURIZED
3:56 PM - Idolon: it wouldnt be?
3:56 PM - Idolon: just croutons flying everywhere cause a heavy thing fell on them
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: that's a knife
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: I'm pretty sure
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: they'd figure out what would happen
3:56 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: if they dropped a knife on a bag of croutons
3:57 PM - Idolon: yeah i had no idea that was a knife either
3:57 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: I'm pretty sure the science in this is "what happens to a pressurized can when ruptured by a large sharp object
3:57 PM - Idolon: i wasn't scrutinizing this particularly hard
3:57 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: it's like
3:57 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: you didn't even think about this
3:57 PM - Idolon: no i did
3:57 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: it's like the first frame of this you saw
3:57 PM - Idolon: i was thinking like
3:57 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: and that's it
3:57 PM - Idolon: there's air trapped in the bag of croutons
3:57 PM - Idolon: and so when the heavy thing smashes it
3:58 PM - Idolon: it goes kablooey
3:58 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: like
3:58 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: how
3:58 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: how would you pressurize plastic enough
3:58 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: to rupture like that
3:58 PM - Idolon: idk, croutons
3:58 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: what the fuck
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: are you
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: high
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: http://i.imgur.com/ONaeHU1.gif
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: there's even slow mo
3:59 PM - Idolon: my experience with rupturing pressure vessels is extremely limited
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: but
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: /croutons/
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: croutons.
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: dried, crushed, bread cubes.
3:59 PM - Idolon: my first thought was that it was just a bunch of white individual things
3:59 PM - Idolon: and i was like "marshmallows? nah those are too big"
3:59 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: that makes about as much sense as saying it was a bag full of cocaine
4:00 PM - Idolon: and then "croutons? sure thats about the right size"
4:00 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: but it sprayed like a liquid
4:00 PM - Idolon: at the end there's stuff like bouncing off the wall
4:00 PM - Idolon: looks like solid things
4:00 PM - Idolon: like
4:00 PM - Idolon: croutons
4:01 PM - Idolon: i guess it doesnt make sense that some of it got on the wall
4:01 PM - Idolon: but i wasnt looking at that

5:00 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: question
5:00 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: http://i.imgur.com/4XcWSmr.gif
5:00 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: what does it look like they dropped a knife on in this
5:00 PM - Fr0z3nR: Judging by the fridge
5:01 PM - Fr0z3nR: it looks like a whip cream of sorts
5:01 PM - Fr0z3nR: or pam
5:01 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: yeah that's what I thought
5:01 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: idolon thought it's a pressurized bag of croutons
5:01 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: I have no idea
5:01 PM - Fr0z3nR: ...

4:01 PM - Idolon: my thought process was literally just "oh hey a bunch of small white things. whats a small white thing that comes in bulk"
4:02 PM - Idolon: i never said pressurized
4:02 PM - Idolon: libel
4:02 PM - Idolon: im suing
4:02 PM - Idolon: also you never said knife to me
4:02 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: but
4:02 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: clearly
4:02 PM - Idolon: nice scientific process asshole
4:02 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: CLEARLY
4:02 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: it is pressurized
4:02 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: you can't like
4:02 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: argue
4:02 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: that it wasn't pressurized
4:02 PM - Idolon: 3:59 PM - Idolon: my experience with rupturing pressure vessels is extremely limited
4:03 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: I just
4:03 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: like
4:03 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: croutons.
4:03 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: a pressurized bag of croutons

4:03 PM - Idolon: lmao yacan is so fucking mad right now
4:03 PM - Bird as Prophet: why ido
4:03 PM - Idolon: croutons
4:03 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow entered chat.
4:03 PM - Bird as Prophet: oh is he the one youre rlkin to
4:03 PM - Bird as Prophet: lmao
4:03 PM - Bird as Prophet: lmfao
4:04 PM - Idolon: yacan is it ok if i post our chat log on the convo thread
4:04 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: I don't care
4:04 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: it's not like you're right or anything
4:04 PM - Idolon: i know im not
4:04 PM - Idolon: im not defending the fact that it's croutons
4:05 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: but
4:05 PM - Idolon: im defending the thought process i had behind intially thinking it was croutons
4:05 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: it ISN'T croutons
4:05 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: but why would a bag rupture like that
4:05 PM - umbratile: this sounds very important

4:11 PM - Yacan1 and some distant snow: I'm probably not going to let you live this down


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014
Ms. Mincepie: eughghghghg i am stiff all over
Ms. Mincepie: this sucks
Iiboharz: aw
Tumbolisu: stiff all over? mincepie confirmed to be stiffy
Ms. Mincepie: i'm not a 360 degree angle though
Ms. Mincepie: i am not a 360 stiffy, i am but a regular stiffy
Psy: a 360 stiffy sounds painful
Psy: i don't think a penis is meant to do that


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014
Jethro ho ho: obviously tf2 should turn into a turn-based first person shooter so ping is no longer a large issue


May 11, 2014
Ms. Mincepie: only special people get to see my boobs
Noizebells: Hi.
Noizebells: Oh, you mean people of exceptional quality, not the mentally subnormal.
Noizebells: ... hi.
Ms. Mincepie left chat.
YnderSanta: you scared her away
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