Player Destruction - Skeleton War

Player Destruction - Skeleton War V2


May 11, 2014
Player Destruction - Skeleton War - Collect skulls from enemies, bring them to the big skeleman to punch the bad guys' base

I was gonna use this to make a hallow's eve map but I wouldn't have finished it in time and I'm not very good at making maps in the first place. So I decided to just put it up here in case someone else wants to do it.

In this version of player destruction, kill enemies to get skulls(cores, fuel units, whatever) and bring them to your team's skeleton king(robot, bomb cart, whatever) to advance it along the path towards punching the enemy base.

-Skull-collecting-and-delivering action!!!
-Jumping skeleton capture zone action!!!
-Base-punching victory action!!!
-Spooky halloween action!!!

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
This is a really cool idea, there are lots of clever intricacies about the mixing of both but I thought up some issues the gamemode could have as a... well, gamemode.

PLR is designed to get increasingly difficult to secure the objective (rollback zone, enemies contesting, easy beginning). I predict this gamemode actually makes the objective easier to secure the further you push it, which could be a bad thing. Allow me to explain!

  1. The beginning of Watergate is probably the most awkward part of PD, there aren't any MVPs to eliminate and there aren't any cores to scoop off the ground yet. The beginning would be especially slow since you have to go out of your way to begin a deathmatch instead of it coming naturally like in PLR. This is multiplied by having to walk into the battlefield to fight and having to walk back to the cart to deposit (In watergate, the objective is often convenient to reach). I predict it would become very repetitive.
  2. In normal PLR you have a rollback zone at the end and the ability for enemies to contest the cart. In this gamemode it doesn't look like it can have rollback zones, but I know contesting is possible. Cores will also be much easier to get since you are right outside of the enemy spawn.
  3. The gamemode would be hard to play as a newbie, but that is also a complaint I have of watergate. More importantly, it doesn't favor good DMers. You could get all the kills in the world but only be able to push the skeleton so quickly, risking your high amount of cores. This would favor that annoying but safe strategy of going back and forth between collecting and depositing cores as not to let the enemy get any.
But that's just my 3 cents, if anyone cares! It still a pretty cool idea and I'd like to see a map made from it.


May 11, 2014
I didn't put much thought into the balance of the gamemode, considering it would just be a goofy Halloween gimmick map, but those are definitely some good points! I had originally planned for the layout of this map to be more like the third stage of a PLR map or something like Doomsday, with the objectives running side-by side near mid.

The system also allows for quite a lot of flexibility, and if you were to set it up with more of a "push into enemy base" layout, you could do something like jump the skeleton to a spire surrounded by deathpit(a la steel) near spawn, so the difficulty comes from bringing the points to the objective rather than collecting the points themselves.

As for contesting, I had thought about implementing the ability for enemies to bring their points to your objective to move it backwards, but I thought that might be too confusing and cause stalemates.


Feb 5, 2016
Sounds pretty neat, I had a very similar idea before finding this. I'm going to try this in a cart based format, hoping something cool turns up.