Microcontest Punchcard Showcase Thread - Season 2


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Now that Microcontest Season 2 is over, it's time to see all your lovely punchcards!

If you are willing, please reply to this thread with your finalized punchcard if you participated. Additionally, if you'd like to share some of your thoughts on the season as a whole, here's some things I'd love to know:
  • Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation
  • Favorite prompt this season
  • Least favorite prompt this season
  • Favorite map you made this season
  • The most memorable map(s) someone else made
  • Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format
I can't wait to see all your punchcards and hear your thoughts!


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014

Total punch count vs. number possible based on participation:


Favorite prompt this season:
Exclusion Zone was the most fun to conceptualize, and I think it worked out pretty well in terms of interesting maps to come out of it

Least favorite prompt this season:

Hit the Limits was underwhelming looking back. The prompt was confusing for a lot of people, and was probably the least interesting as a player since it just boiled down to "maps with a reasonable amount of height variation"

Favorite map you made this season:
Tie between my mc4 A/D map where you fought down the train lines, and my Hoodoo/Mossrock mashup for mc20

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
A three-way tie between pont's TC map for mc18, Lugen's cave-based 2cp Arena map for mc17, and Stack Man's 2cp... thing for mc20

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:

While Season 2's format is much more accessible, the format makes it a lot harder to design interesting prompts for as well as putting significantly more strain both mentally and physically on me to run. The punchcards are very fun, though next time I'll need to redesign them to be easier to read and customize; I did not expect people to get so creative with them!
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Aug 26, 2016

Total punch count:

Most memorable map for me was the static spawn submission with the green speed goo. Really cool.

24 hours is way better than 3. It's a lot more flexible that way.
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Le Codex

L3: Member
Dec 4, 2020

Total punch count:

Favorite prompt this season:
Trains was pretty fun to work on, even if the idea didn't work out. Static Spawns was too, although I don't think it necessarily stems from the prompt itself (more from the bonus punch and brainstorming). I guess that's a consequence of my skillset

Least favorite prompt this season:
Mode Shifter required a backlog of map that I didn't have, which resulted in an early giving up

Favorite map you made this season:
I like both projects I did with Sarexicus. I don't know if it counts, but I really like what he did with those maps and how they allowed our logic creations to be displayed. 10/10 would collab again

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
I don't really play that much, and I am really bad at forming memories of things like that, so I don't really have a favorite I could quote right now. Special mention to Floof's creations, truly inspiring

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
Please continue with this format. The speedmapping punch allows people to still challenge themselves if they want to, but it leaves most of the other people the time to plan and create. If there is a 3rd season, I think I'm going to try the speedmapping challenge to see what I can do under time pressure, but I still enjoy having time to ponder (especially for all my weird creations that require tinkering with Sorse)
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I just made you up to hurt myself
Oct 5, 2020

  • Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation: 16/20
  • Favorite prompt this season: trains
  • Least favorite prompt this season: Rule of threes
  • Favorite map you made this season: The funny train map
  • The most memorable map(s) someone else made arena_luxdeluxe had a funny sewer area that dragged people to their deaths, i like
  • Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format: Season 2 allowed Australians to participate without being sleep deprived, is based.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 31, 2016

Total Punches: 7/12

Favorite Prompt: Though I did not get to do that many, I liked doing Asym Koth as it made forced me to think out of the box with how I were to design a symmetrical level while giving both teams some advantages that the other team would not have

Memorable Maps: The one that comes to mind were the really bonkers ones as those maps are ones I grow attached to, I liked the one from MC17 that was the giant spinning ball with the fire below it and the launch pads that make you do a loop-de-loop, and then I don't remember if this was a microcontest map/which it was for but there was one that was a whole bunch of randomly generating pillars that I thought was a cool idea

Least Favorite: Earth Wind Fire would be mine, but I think it's souly because I lacked the skills and did not do enough of the microcontests, I wanted to make something more interesting since I would like to revist the idea of the map slowly falling apart the more time you've held the cap as to make an interesting push pull mechanic, might try and turn it into some sort of Halloween map at some point

Favorite Map I've made: In the long term, Asym KOTH as I worked on that map on the side until the 72 hour jam and I plan on going back to it at some point, I'm just busy working on my april fools map and detail entry at the moment

Thought on the new format: I think that the 24 hour format is fun and interesting to do basically as a mini-jam but I can understand why it would be insane to run like this, plus if someone is busy the day of the microcontest you'd basically need to wait for a month to do it again as it's a fun exercise plus a bunch of people in the community are doing it. its quite fun to do as someone not as known in the tf2mapping scene as it gives me a place where i know i can get some feedback and/or get to vibe and have some fun with the others. I really hope this gets renewed for season 3, maybe with a longer period to submit maps for but you can only work on maps for a fraction of the time? I can see why it would be hard to make a good ruleset. I know I would be willing to help out on the backend of the microcontests, like providing my own feedback in addition to yours as a final little thing as someone less familiar with map making and more focusing on the fun levels of the map.

Can't wait to see what's next in the world of microcontests because I know i'll be there or i will become a square!
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Jan 18, 2014

Total punch count:
Favorite prompt this season:
Mode Shifter. It was very cool to see older maps given new life.
Least favorite prompt this season:
Dynamic, asymmetric KOTH. It ruined my streak of doing a different gamemode every MC and I will always hold that grudge.
Favorite map you made this season:
MC18/Lockout, my medieval payload race map. The initial version/test was decent, but I feel after the contest I was able to turn it into something great. The best a1 I made this season though would be my MC13/Mode Shifter map. First (and so far only) training mode map in MC history is a neat accomplishment. Working with TR logic, an undocumented and strange beast, was a cool experience I'd never have had without microcontests.
The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
I have to go with Floof's PLR map, for MC18 I believe. So many crazy strategies were developed for it, so much joy was had when that door finally opened. One of the most memorable MC map testing experiences for sure. I also had a lot of fun with Codex/Sarexcius's medieval arena map.
Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
If I participated, I would never have gotten a single map done in season 1. Season 2's format gives me a chance to actually do things.

Keizer Ei

L1: Registered
Feb 10, 2021

Total punch count

Favourite prompt
Dynamic asymmetric KotH was my favourite prompt, although my entry was rushed.

Least favourite prompt
None of the prompts I participated in felt unfun to me.

Favourite map made this season
My favourite map to create was my MC14 entry. https://tf2maps.net/downloads/keizerei-mc14.11317/

Most memorable map made by someone else
LuxDeluxe's MC14 entry felt like the most fleshed out map I played during a microcontest to me. Fun playspaces and a nice view (due in beta). https://tf2maps.net/downloads/arena_luxdeluxe.11305/

Thoughts on 24hr format compared to 4hr format

I never participated in a season 1 microcontest with a 4 hour format, so no idea :p



L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2016

Total punch count:

Favorite prompt this season:
Of the ones I participated in, mode shifter. Was especially fun on maps I recognised and seeing how people reinvented them. Also thought it worked well as a microcontest since it's not necessarily something people would want to spend too much time trying/testing as a semi-joke map.
Of the ones I played, probably earth/wind/fire for the variety of gamemodes and ideas.

Least favorite prompt this season:
Probably robot destruction since I'm not a fan of the gamemode

Favorite map you made this season:
Having an excuse to reuse the brush-based dragons when converting a detail map for mode shifter, even though it reduced everyone to ~10fps

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
The cable car in Norfolk's 2cp volcano map for earth, wind, fire was amazing. Still laughing now at a lone blu scout slowing ascending to meet the entire red team camping the top. Floof's ctf map for mode shifter with the massive water spheres was great too. 14bit gets the most consistently good map award, the plr for earth/wind/fire sticks out as being a lot of fun. I think my overall favourite map was Pont's asymmetrical koth, with the shutter doors opening on cap causing you to burn in the sun. Great idea, fun layout, nicely detailed, and fit the prompt perfectly; inspiring microcontesting.

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
Really liked the 24hr format, meant I was able to participate and allowed for some more developed/interesting maps if people wanted to put more time into their entry. Punchcards are cool.

Thanks for hosting, I appreciate all the work you put into running these. And thanks everyone for making cool maps


L1: Registered
Aug 2, 2021
Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation
2/4, got in kinda late ;P
Favorite prompt this season
Just looking at it static spawns would probably be my favorite because it actually helps me with something I struggle with, though trains sounds fun too
Least favorite prompt this season
cant rly say
Favorite map you made this season
my only one, Mile High Lab
The most memorable map(s) someone else made
Bikkie was super fun to playtest lmao, loved the vents especially
Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format
I probably wouldn't have survived last season because I run into so many problems it could bog me down lmao, the extra time greatly helped me resolve issues and have more confidence in what I published. I learned a lot from others on the server and can definately do better on the next contest as a result :D


huh? wuh?
Mar 15, 2018
dumps a big pile of paper on your desk
_microcontest season 2 punchcard.png

- Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation
32.5 / 40 - Full participation and near-full completion and bonus punches. Hit some speedmapper punches at the start, but later began taking more time as I grew to realise the potential of these as fantastic a1 springboards.
I get half a mark for nearly completing a full TC map in 24hrs - ended up being about 25ish. You will not take it from me.

- Favorite prompt this season
It's really hard to decide! I most thoroughly enjoyed the prompts that encouraged trying something new and unfamiliar without being too arbitrary in their restrictions - Trains, RD, Exclusion Zone, Lockout, and Asym KoTH were really good.

- Least favorite prompt this season
Mode Shifter was a complete whiff for me. I was halfway through converting an old adcp layout into passtime when I just.. lost motivation. It wouldn't have gone anywhere post-microcontest, I guess. It's hard to describe how I felt.
I dislike the layouts I produced for the RO3 micro, Hit the Limits, and Earth Wind and/or Fire.

- Favorite map you made this season


- The most memorable map(s) someone else made
I distinctly remember Sarexicus and Codex's mc18 entry, the multi-stage medieval arena thing. That was a whole lot of fun.
Flo's orb is also forever burned into my brain.

- Thoughts on Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format
Much more accessible, an improvement in every regard.
If you host a third season, I wonder if you should ditch the speedmapper punch so people take a bit more time? Would that make room for splitting the bonus punch into easier and harder punches?

Thank you for hosting another fun season of community jams. It's always great to smash some brushes together and see what everyone's come up with. greenheart.png


Feb 7, 2008

I think I've run out of time, energy, and motivation to participate in these, unfortunately. I love the kind of rapid prototyping that this event encourages!

Box Of Paper

L3: Member
Jul 15, 2019

Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation:

Favorite prompt this season:
Robot Destruction, because:

Least favorite prompt this season:
It's been 15 minutes and I can't decide.

Favorite map you made this season:
It's a tie between the Robot Destruction one and the Mode Shifter one.

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
Weird pick but the one map I remember the most is *Turns into crocodile*'s Mode Shifter map. I remember really enjoying it despite the small size.

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
I liked not sleeping for 24hrs.

In conclusion, more 5/5 plz.


I really suck!
Nov 5, 2016

Total Punch Count:
24 / 40 ... or 27 / 44 counting Fault's unofficial microcontest 17?

Favorite prompt this season:
probably Hit the Limits. very unrestrictive and encouraged pushing your design to the extreme

Least favorite prompt this season:
Lockout - a fine prompt but for me most of the gamemodes I haven't attempted are just stuff I get bored thinking about

Favorite map you made this season:
ooo would have to be my most recent one for Static Spawns. I can see myself having fun tidying it up. If unofficial microcontests count, it's tied with my one for Over & Under

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
tough! as people made some really impressive maps. Pont's TC map was a lot of fun in varied environments. bikkie's MC19 map was very pretty - the ideal alpha map look. Skylark's MC17 map was a lot of hazardous fun in a clean and cozy playspace. Leezo also found the formula for a perfect map. Many great picks!
Also I heard there was one with giant robots which I'm sad I missed.

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
I think I prefer it in every way. More people get a chance as their timezone fits in, less stress, etc

I'd like to say that without the Microcontests my mapping portfolio would be a hell of a lot more barren. Thanks so much to 14bit for hosting them!
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L5: Dapper Member
Apr 29, 2020
My favorite was static spawns
My least favorite was probably dynasym koth

Fault in Maps

Creator of Worlds
Jan 19, 2021

  • Punch Count (including unofficial MC)
    Wasnt experienced or knowledgeable enough to participate in Hit the Limits.
    11/36; giving myself a bonus point for hosting one of these (unofficial 17.) Huge shoutout to 14bit for having the energy to somehow run one of these almost every month!
  • Favorite prompt this season
    Trains, OFC. My arena map might have been better as a KOTH, but I was too inexperienced at that point. However I found Exclusion Zone and Static Spawns to be really fun challenges, love trying to think around those restrictions. I need to not do Payload maps in the future though.
  • Least favorite prompt this season
    Overall Robot Destruction seems like a pain, but I am never a fan of contests that are just 'do gamemode.' For the ones I managed to participate in
  • Favorite map you made this season
    The first half of my A/D map for the unofficial 17 contest was stellar, and I plan to use it on other maps at some point.
  • The most memorable map(s) someone else made
    Flo's map for the unofficial 17 contest, was a lot of fun just trying to be as cheezy as possible due to its size. Ended up being a two way demo spam from the two spawns with the massive height distance.
  • Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format
    Didn't get to participate in the 4hr maps but I can guarantee I wouldn't even give microcontests a second glance ever if they were only 4 hours. I am a slow thinker and builder, so it's a miracle I managed to do a PAYLOAD in a 24hr period. Don't think I'd get close to finishing an ARENA map in 4hrs, couldn't imagine even trying that.

Conga Lyne

L2: Junior Member
Sep 2, 2017
I can't answer most of the questions asked in this thread's Initial Post, but 24 Hrs of time to participate are a lot more accessible than 4 Hrs



L3: Member
Mar 13, 2021

Total punch count vs. number possible based on participation:

Favorite prompt this season:
I don't know why, just really enjoy seeing trains in TF2 maps.

Least favorite prompt this season:

Static Spawns.
I thought working with pre-made spawns would help me, but I couldn't think of a way to work around them! I just wanted to change so much about them but I couldn't. I definitely like working on objectives first I guess.

Favorite map you made this season:
I would go with arena_luxdeluxe_mc14. The random trains were fun and people really seemed to enjoy it!
koth_luxdeluxe_mc19 is also okay I guess. I'm just not super enthusiastic about KotH. People seemed to like it though.
cp_azumith obviously comes in dead last. :p

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:

I was only able to playtest for MC13 and MC14 due to work. I have forgotten a lot of entries since these tests were much earlier in 2021. ^^"
Norfolk's MC13 KotH to training map was pretty neat!
14bit's MC14 entry was pretty cool... Would really like to see 14bit work on his entries more since they were all really solid from what I played.
Emil's MC14 entry probably had the most trains. Mid looked neat.
Alpheri's cp_goldwood from MC13 was fun from what I remember. :)
Also remember LeCodex's MC14 PD train entry. Combat was... hectic. Lots of bombs up on the the enemy's battlements. The train cap was silly.

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:

I wouldn't be able to survive in the 4 hour format. Please keep the 24 hour format at the very least.
I would also like to see if we could make the scheduling a bit more dynamic like the 72 hour contest since I work retail which means I have to work pretty much every weekend which means I can't do microcontests very often. :(


Apr 18, 2017

Total punch count:
16/32 (enough for my TF2Maps JimiJam™!)

Favorite prompt this season:

Has to be Earth, Wind and/or Fire (although the map I made for it was explicitly the worst thing I've ever released), or Asym/Dynamic KoTH (the map I made for this was explicitly the best a1 I've ever released)

Least favorite prompt this season:

Exclusion Zone felt annoyingly limiting. Mode Shifter didn't personally work for me (as the only maps I'd ever worked on would never work for it, and I also had way too high expectations); that doesn't mean it's objectively bad, though.

Favorite map you made this season:

Tie between Bo5 and Sawmill 2™.
Codex was a treat to work with for Bo5, and hearing veterans describe it as effectively the best medieval they'd played was enough for me to want to continue it for as long as I can. Also the image of 14bit being chased by 3 heavies is burned into my mind now.
As for Sawmill 2™: funny sawblade go brr

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:

I wasn't on for many of the playtests, because I live halfway around the planet from where most of them are tested, but from releases/screenshots only I think Codex's Hot Potato mode, Pont's TC map, and all of Floof's micromonstrosities were highlights for me.

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:

Other Australians have said it before me, but the fact that I'm not mapping between specifically 1 and 4 AM is the best part of the new format. The punchcard format is a close second, allowing me to express the way I did things and incentivizes me to join every MC regardless of the map's quality.
Although, I will say that the 4-hour format was WASTED on Buddy System. Do it again with 24 hours! I want to make crazy collaborations again!

Overall Thoughts:

Thank you so much for hosting these, 14bit. This format is so good it made me spend nearly all of my birthday mapping, and I don't even regret it. It's such a fun event that it lets me make whatever and not have to spend months wondering whether to even bother. I've done 2 collabs now that I never would have done without these, and I'm better off for it - having maps released is a wonderful feeling.

dj_microcontest_2022 coming soon, I promise

And finally, to everyone, always remember:



L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 12, 2016

Total punch count vs. total possible based on participation:
12 / 20

Favorite prompt this season:

Earth, Wind and/or Fire
For a day I was master of all 4 elements. This was also the point where I realised just how abstract / insane I could get with theming.

Also got to pull out a scrapped April Fool's map to make a custom gamemode (always fun); as hard as I crunched on that one I think it was worth it.

Least favorite prompt this season:
Static Spawns

Had a hard time picking since I enjoyed all the MC's I was in so much, but this was the hardest set of restrictions to fight imo.
Though much of that was fighting early decisions... (This was a mistake and I should've known it from the start)
But also aiming for a Speedmapper Punch led to me ignoring some layout issues, I might've done a second draft given more time. (I couldn't risk upsetting my sleep cycle this time)

Capture the Flag just doesn't work with such a narrow mid, not with how cluttered and disconnected I made it anyway.
This one was deceptively difficult.

Favorite map you made this season:

MC19 (Dynamic, Asymmetric KoTH)
I'm really proud of my brushwork cliffside canyon
Unfortunately the surrounding map & mode don't work together great, but I'd really love to fit it into a larger A/D CP map someday

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
Just a really impressive map and it played super well.
The Payload elevator into death hallway worked great and made for some really tense and memorable pushes.
Plus the theming was incredible for every map in that MC.
Norfolk's MC17 A/D CP
Flowed pretty well and defending the final point was an interesting dance around the not-quite-death-pit
Scrly's MC16 KoTH
The elbow point really helped the map fit around the exclusion zones pretty seamlessly
All the fighting around the point was pretty interesting too, for a koth it felt a few alphas deep, rather than an A1
FloofCollie's MC17 KOTH
How could I forget?
14bit's MC18 SD
Flowed smooth, though the elevator cap was uniquely chaotic and a stalematey struggle at times
Jameson's MC20 RD
Love robot defense, the order of the robots felt a little off to me though, and the circular layout unfortunately make tracking down core thieves really difficult
The core room itself fit into the map really well and seemed to be well balanced in terms of defensibility.
Besides the inherent challenge of Back to Back spawnpoints, this map made it feel pretty natural imo

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
I only started in late Season 2, but Season 1's 4hr format sounded super intimidating
Getting back into mapping via 24hr challenges was a neat way to test my limits and learn to plan & work with deadlines
As much as a did try to aim for the Speedmapper Punch in my entries, I never got it.
MC20 was close, with major geo completed around 4-5hrs in (after the 1hr planning block), but I still ended up making minor fixes up until the final hour.
Personally I found the "1hr planning -> 4hrs geo -> 17hrs sleep / eat / texture / logic / add frogs / AAAAAAAAAA / submit" structure to be a pretty good basis
The forgiveness period for late compiles and having time to relax and rethink during the total period was also pretty nice vs flat out crunch.
Since I'm in Australia most MCs start around midnight for me, so I can't do an all-nighter without a lot of prep.
As a result most maps only get around 8hrs of attention. MC17 would be the exception, getting a whole 14hrs, including most of the 1hr compile forgiveness window making last second fixes.
Overall I think going for a 24hr window really helped open up MCs to more people, which is great.
This brought us to having so many entries the tests got split in half by the end of the season, which is a good thing considering we could end up spending 48hrs awake playing similar maps.
Since I often submitted late I could end up missing my map in the playtest, but splitting the playtests allowed me to sleep after the first 3 maps or so, then rejoin after a nice deep sleep to play my own map.
In the future I'd probably like to see the playtest happen after a break, and maybe some shuffling to allow for different mapper's timezones, but that'd likely require multiple staff members to coordinate.
The vibe of relaxing for an hour or two post submission deadline as we wait for the test is a good one, and hosting is likely already quite a strain with the current load though, wouldn't want to take up a whole week.

Overall I really enjoyed the journey I got out of the tail end of Season 2.
Hoping for a Season 3, but we'll see. A collective post-mortem might be a good move for planning out a Season 3, could lead into creating a blueprint for future micro-contests too.
In the meantime I plan to try and nurture my existing entries into more fleshed out maps, some might get merged together, some might get rebuilt, but I've got some work I'm really proud of out of all of this.
Also looking forward to tackling more small projects from start to finish so I can finally understand what's it's like to see a map all the way to RC.

This was fun, let's all do it again sometime!