Microcontest Punchcard Showcase Thread - Season 2


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Since my photoshop license recently expired and even before it expired my laptop took 5-10 minutes to open it, I haven't been keeping a punchcard.
So I'll just wrangle forums table formatting instead.

MicrocontestMC11 - Rule of ThreesMC12 - Hit the LimitsMC13 - Mode ShifterMC14 - TrainsMC15 - Robot DestructionMC16 - Exclusion ZoneMC17 - Earth, Wind, and/or FireMC18 - LockoutMC19 - Dynamic, Asymmetric KotHMC20 - Static Spawns
Attempted a map?NoNoNoNoYesYesNoYesYesYes
Completed a map?NoNoNoNoYesYesNoYesYes (together with zythe)Yes
Speedmapper?NoNoNoNoYesNever againNever againNever againNever againNever again

Now onto the fun stuff:
Participation vs Completion:
I started 5 maps, and finished 5 maps. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
But that still means I only got 11 punches out of a possible 20.

Favourite Prompt this Season:
It has to be Exclusion Zone. The concept was so cool - include tree gameplay previously alien to TF2 maps, and make it work somehow. Here are some screenshots of my excited attempts to show it off:


Least Favourite Prompt this Season:
It has to be Exclusion Zone. The concept was so cool - but in reality the pillars were too big, and too far apart, so it felt like I was just making an ordinary map but with a huge grid size. I feel like there was so much missed potential. The pillars could have been 512 units apart and 256 wide, and octagonal to encourage corner gameplay and angled geometry. That way, building a big, open gameplay space would have been an actual interesting challenge.
I want a "exclusion zone rerun" so badly that I'm almost willing to run an unofficial microcontest to make that happen.

If you want a real answer, it's Rule of Threes. I like microcontests for their experimental nature, so it's no surprise that a prompt designed for a more traditional, more serious, higher-stakes contest wouldn't do it for me.

Favourite Map I Made This Season:
My side of koth_zythetiftid_mc19_a1. I had fun making 3/5 of my microcontest maps, but koth_zythetiftid_mc19_a1 was the only one that also turned out kinda fun to play. Well, it wasn't until we split it into two separate maps, but still. It was the first time I'd ever collabed with someone, and somehow me and zythe blindly collabing with each other led both of us to make the best maps we'd ever made. I guess we didn't wanna let each other down.

Most Memorable Map(s) Made by Others:
cp_mache, for being a map that I failed to understand for the longest time, then eventually I realised that it was actually really well-designed. Although I never played the microcontest version, only the later, better versions.

koth_ismaciodismorphus_mc14, rd_chokepointhell_mc15 and cp_ismac_mc18 for being difficult to comprehend in the most charming way possible.

arena_idolon_mc18 for looking like it was made by a madman but actually being surprisingly well-designed and easy to wrap your head around.

bo5_sarexicus_codex_mc18 for bringing multi-stage Arena into the spotlight.

sd_zythe_mc18 for having the most awesome, most enjoyable train-tracks area I've ever seen in a tf2 map. (I mean the curvy one, but the straight one with the tug-of-war train was actually fun too)

(man mc18 gave us some good maps wtf)

ctf_floof_mc13 for having a water sphere

Thoughts on the 24hr format vs the 4hr format:
In late 2020, for MC8 - Thinking Inside the Box, I made my first ever microcontest map.

The microcontest started at 2am, with one hour to plan. I resolved that I wanted to make a Gravelpit-style map.
Bad idea.
3am came, and I spent an hour trying to make this idea into a layout. By 4am, I had decided that this wasn't going to work.
I instead came up with the brilliant plan to take gravelpit, but cut out the C point. But also, because I was only given a tiny box to work in, I made the points right outside BLU spawn.
By this point, it was 5am, and the lack of sleep had begun to set in. I was entering the state where a coherent chain of thoughts is impossible, and I was making completely rectangular corridors with no height variation.
By 6am, in a state of extreme distress, I compiled the map and uploaded it to the thread as a bsp, so I didn't have to claim ownership of this disappointment by making a download page for it.
Then I went to sleep. At least, I hope I did.

The 24hr format has improved the possibility of undertaking microcontests for me immensely. Thank you for thinking it up.
It's also done something else - proved that it doesn't take months to make an enjoyable map.
It was rarer to find a fun map in the 2020 microcontests, because you can't really make one in 4 hours. But 24 seems to be plenty, and microcontest maps are now frequently fun.

I mean, after seeing people make genuinely fun maps in a mere 24 hours, what reason do I have to spend months mulling over whether my unreleased a1 needs to have a crate moved 64 units on B?

And it makes it feel way more worthwhile to participate, since you know you actually have a chance of making something playable.
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May 19, 2020
punchcard copy.png

Total punch count:

Since I'm relatively new to this, I've been using these micro-contests to better my own understanding and conceptualization of what makes a good TF2 map. Something that I've struggled with over the course of making these maps is that the geometry alone takes me hours to think up and do, even with a plan I tend to over think things. It's usually why I tend to hand in a bit late.

Favourite prompt:
Static spawns. It was interesting to see what solutions people came up with, even with the limitations that were in place. It gave me the chance to experiment a bit with robot destruction and make an unusual layout that I wouldn't have conjured up otherwise.

Least favourite prompt:
Earth, wind and or fire. This was my first ever TF2 map (2cp A/D) so I was trying to cram in a lot in under a short period of time and a brutal challenge to start off with given I had no experience in this.
It was essentially a long single corridor with chokes and a bit of lava and dev textures galore. Looking through the feedback I would agree that it didn't really meet the bonus challenge. I also forgot to add signage for both teams. Not to mention the logic broke halfway through the playtest, but I'd say it was a good first effort.

Favourite map made this season:
Yeah it was a bit oversized, forgot the arrow signage and couldn't pack the nav mesh, but I'd say I did alright with this one. It's main feature is that the core rooms are brought forward a bit for more chances to steal the core. The core room is also surrounded by glass windows and a drop down for easy access. Looking at the feedback the flow of this map is a little off, with the A and B bots being on opposite sides of the base, requiring the attacking team to go by the enemy spawn. I would've play tested but my map was hosted at around 3am for me.

Most memorable map(s) someone else made:
14bit MC17 PLR
I remember having a lot of fun rocket jumping around on this map and the lowering of the cart into the elevator room. Also a lot of good gameplay spaces.

MegapiemanPHD MC20 PL

Felt like a solid payload map and an excellent use of geometry that made the layout feel familiar in an odd way. Though the end was easy to win.

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
Wasn't around for season 1, but would've had a lot more dnfs if I only had 4 hours.

Overall was a fun season to participate in. I hope this continues into a third season because these are always a good bit of fun and practice. I'm still working on my first mc17 entry "Molten" in the background, but I plan on making many more maps in the future.

Thanks for hosting these 14bit
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Jan 20, 2019

Total punch count vs. number possible based on participation:

Favorite prompt this season:

Least favorite prompt this season:
Static spawns.

Favorite map you made this season:

The most memorable map(s) someone else made:
Dont remember any

Thoughts on the Season 2's 24hr format vs. Season 1's 4hr format:
Made easier for me and others to partake

Cant wait to make more maps in Season 3 :)