Why do you love steam convos?


Feb 7, 2008
[5:41 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: I assume fortnite would be the knockoff
[5:42 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: I didnt know that fortnite was a knockoff
[5:42 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Pubg didnt invent battle royale
[5:43 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: That's like tf2 suing overwatch for including koth
[5:43 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Well actually thats not a good analogy since overwatch is basically a knockoff
[5:43 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: I just dont know shit about any fps other than tf2
[5:45 PM] diva dan: Overwatch is far from a knockoff lol
[5:48 PM] ProfHappycat: both of them are knockoffs of Tennis For Two
[5:48 PM] ProfHappycat: they're both multiplayer after all
[5:50 PM] Mikroscopic: Do most fps games have payloads, overtime, turrets, etc
[5:53 PM] Lo-fi: overtime and turrets yes(edited)
[5:54 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Well
[5:55 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Turrents are definitely different in other games than they are in tf2 and ow
[5:55 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: 200 metal?
[5:55 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Anyone?
[5:55 PM] Lo-fi: also tf2 didn't invent koth
[5:55 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: I know
[5:56 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Thats what i was saying
[5:56 PM] Lo-fi: but you also said "That's like tf2 suing overwatch for including koth"
[5:56 PM] ProfHappycat: they use red and blue colors as well
[5:56 PM] Lo-fi: ?
[5:56 PM] Mikroscopic: Yeah but it's one of those where allies are always blue
[5:57 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: I know, i was saying that pubg suing fortnite for being battle royale is like tf2 suing ow for having koth, in that they cant because they didnt invent it
[5:57 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Although there are things that ow stole from tf2
[5:57 PM] Lo-fi: here we go
[5:57 PM] Sntr: >stole
[5:57 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Most of their characters are tf2 classes and subclasses
[5:57 PM] Idolon: cant believe tf2 stole rocket jumping from quake
[5:57 PM] Mikroscopic: I do find it peculiar that pretty much everything in tf2 can be found in some form in ow but it's not that big of a deal
[5:58 PM] Idolon: smh
[5:58 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Ffs did i say rocket jumping
[5:58 PM] Idolon: the ow devs cited tf2 as an inspiration
[5:58 PM] Lo-fi: i mean it's almost like tf2 is a game that is inherently based upon cliches and uses that to its advantage(edited)
[5:58 PM] Lo-fi: who'd have thunk it
[5:58 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Yeah because if they acknowledged it and complimented it it would make people less suspicious

[5:59 PM] Idolon: my point is "steal" is just a more derogatory term for doing the same thing
[5:59 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Okay fine
[5:59 PM] Brayden / InvisiJesus: Plagiarize


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015

Furry confusion


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014


I like foxes
Jul 20, 2016
i honestly don't even know who revali is

Just ask abp, he'll have a three page write up and gigabytes of revali art at the ready
Mar 23, 2010
[9:16 PM] Tango: I forget this game i played where there was like a million stupid things you could in it.
[9:16 PM] Notorious Furry: real life

Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
[12:03 AM]
dan: You know what would be amazing
dan: A human size mouse trap with a blade on the lever
dan: I want to be guillotined using elastic potential energy
dan: and be severed like a hotdog