Movies that are worth watching


Feb 7, 2008
I recently discovered that Amazon Prime comes with some free movies, so I watched some.

The Big Lebowski: A guy that just sorta drifts through life tries to get a new rug, and in the process, ends up meeting a lot of "normal" people somehow stranger than him. Very character centric, and worth a watch if you haven't seen it already. My only real criticism is that the story doesn't resolve itself very nicely, but that's probably just reflective of The Dude's lifestyle.

Interstellar: Bad things are happening on Earth, so some people leave Earth to try and find a solution. They try to get along, but sometimes they're bad at it. Excellent production values, and the plot stays solid for about as long as you'd expect in a Christopher Nolan film (the first two hours).

I also watched some films that weren't on Amazon Prime.

Doubt: A grouchy nun decides that she doesn't like a priest and gets another much friendlier nun involved. The movie plays with a lot of different aspects of its theme, but it doesn't do a great job of making it clear which ones it plans to deliver on. Most of the movie seems to be leading towards a breaking point, but the conclusion just reveals that the buildup itself was the interesting part. Worth watching for the acting and themes alone, but don't expect resolution.

Groundhog Day: Bill Murray is a dick and gets stuck in a hell loop. Does he become a better person or just get better at getting into a particular person's pants? Third option: Is this movie making the case that we try to become better people because it gets us better pants access? Am I reading into this too far?

Birdman: I watched it more than a few weeks ago and I'm still trying to process everything that happened, so I'm not really sure what to say about it other than this: It's really good, and you should watch it.


May 13, 2013
Interstellar: Bad things are happening on Earth.
They try to get along, but sometimes they're bad at it.

This is the most spoiler-free description of a movie plot I've ever seen.


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
Monsters vs Aliens is a good movie. It's about a woman who gets hit by a meteor, and turns into a giant. She's held captive in Area 51 with some other monsters. Then there's an alien attack on Earth, and the monsters fight it. There's also a badass president.


May 13, 2013
Monsters vs Aliens is a good movie. It's about a woman who gets hit by a meteor, and turns into a giant. She's held captive in Area 51 with some other monsters. Then there's an alien attack on Earth, and the monsters fight it. There's also a badass president.
I watched this movie because of your video. It's funny here and there but overall not that great of a movie. imo


L16: Grid Member
Jun 8, 2015
Speaking of movies, out of 100 the most watched movies of all time, I have seen only 15 and 6 of them are LotR or Hobbit and 4 PotC. TOP13 none

Hotel Detective

L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 10, 2014
Anyone else here seen Hardcore Henry?
Watched it twice in theatres, I loved that movie. Every time I watch it I can feel the aggression leave my body as I watch a man get blown apart with a grenade in first person.


L1: Registered
Dec 12, 2015
I watched this movie called "The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out Of A Window And Disappeared" on Netflix.

It is exactly what it sounds like


Dec 5, 2007
Ghostbusters was fantastic, had a truckton of resistance from the steam chat when I said this, entirely from people who hadn't seen it.

I get it, the trailers were terrible, the fragile masculinity of the internet wants you to hate the movie just for existing, or maybe you saw the director give a few 'fuck you's to people spamming him with hatemail and didn't get the context, so you're already prejudiced against it.

I laughed all the damn way through. More laughs from this one film than I can ever remember laughing at all previous Ghostbusters material before it. It wasn't perfect, but name me a film that is.

Common complaints:
  • "This movie didn't need to exist" - Neither does any movie, ever. This reboot is better than Ghostbusters 2, it might not be as original as the first film (since it is more or less a copy of it) so it's lacking in creativity but it absolutely makes up for it in humour.
  • "All the men were either dumb, incompetent or assholes" - thatsthejoke.jpg
  • "It's just men-hate the movie" - This is just the previous one taken to an idiotic extreme


I just finished binge watching Strange Things on Netflix and that's brilliant. It's what Super 8 wanted to be but failed to achieve. I saw someone describe it as ET written by Steven King, which is a good fit and honestly, I'm not sure how better to describe it.


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
Just spent the time between reading that post and making this one watching the entirity of Stranger Things

can confirm, is good


L12: Pro-crastinator
Mar 28, 2014
I watched Full Metal Jacket recently. I really liked that. Also Saving Private Ryan coincidently the day before Frontline was revealed ;)


L1: Registered
Mar 14, 2016
Memento.....nuff said