Here's a first map that I'm working on: right now, I call it "Home Plate". It's a single stage payload map that takes place in the heart of RED's armory. You capture "The Silo", "The Bomb Building", and "The Gate" before destroying a rocket at the end.
Here's the gate that opens when capture point 3 is opened.
This is BLU's first spawn. To the right is the silo. Note that I'm using the scrapped "End of the Line" bomb cart.
Here's the section leading up to the Bomb Building...
And then after adding the logic, hammer fucked me over and removed my ability to edit. Well, that sucks for me.
Edit: So, I've decided to start anew, with a file for the map, and a file for the map with logic so I don't lose all my progress when I add the payload logic.