Well that escalated quickly (no emoticons)
20:35 - AsG_Alligator: getting Crowbar isnt a bad idea anyway cause it may be usefull to you later on as well
20:36 - Spook: it's like a condom, you buy it, you forgot why you bought it and its just laying here gathering dust cause you might need it one day
20:37 - AsG_Alligator: anyway, get it, use it to decompile that model
20:37 - Hyperion: TF2M should sell condoms :3
20:37 - TumBOOlisu: oh whoops oh. i dropped my monster condom
20:37 - Ghost of Urban : wouldn't get much use
20:37 - Spook: kek
20:38 - Hyperion: VIP gives you one condom
20:38 - Hyperion: lifetime supply
20:38 - Spook: kek
20:38 - Captain Chiroptera: Cordon Condoms™
20:38 - AsG_Alligator: lmao
20:38 - Spook: one per 2 month of VIP
20:38 - Spook: kek
20:38 - Spook: there's worse version of them
20:39 - Spook: RadiusCulling Condoms™
20:39 - Captain Chiroptera: no
20:39 - AsG_Alligator: Occluder Condoms™
20:39 - Spook: and worst gift to your friend
20:39 - Hyperion: Nodraw Condoms
20:39 - Spook: Leak Condoms™
20:39 - Hyperion: oh no
20:39 - Spook: *** leaked ***
20:40 - Captain Chiroptera: Radius culling won't protect you from anything
20:40 - Captain Chiroptera: It would just cut the dick off
20:40 - Spook: dearlord
20:40 - AsG_Alligator: im dead
20:40 - Spook: Clam, your imagination is too brutal