Why do you love steam convos?


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
[6:30 PM] Idolon: if you had to fuck one teletubby which one would it be and why? 250 word minimum


L1: Registered
May 28, 2015
UEAKCrash: hey frozen
UEAKCrash: guess what I can do now
Osspial: well, sometimes it works well, but sometimes it doesn't
Osspial: hello frozen
Exactol: frozone
Osspial: I'd be fine with replacing frozen with samuel l jackson
Fr0z3nR: Uhhh
Fr0z3nR: I don't know, what crash?
Osspial: but maybe that's just me
Exactol: wheres ma super suit
UEAKCrash: this
Fr0z3nR was kicked by UEAKCrash.
UEAKCrash: https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/wololo
Yrrzy: hEAH
Osspial: niiiice
phi: looolllll
Yrrzy: harsh
Exactol: savage
Yrrzy: i managed to type that pretty bad
Fr0z3nR entered chat.
Yrrzy: rip

Fr0z3nR: I'll convince Jill to make me a steam moderator.
phi: Gross
UEAKCrash: no caps spam
Fr0z3nR was kicked by UEAKCrash.
Moonrat: Tidal is great in general
phi: loll
Yrrzy: never played it

UEAKCrash: (this is when the urge to kick you is at it's greatest)
Fr0z3nR: DO IT
UEAKCrash: okay
Fr0z3nR was kicked by UEAKCrash.
Osspial: admin abuse
Fr0z3nR entered chat.
Fr0z3nR: Feel better now?
UEAKCrash: no

Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
Idolon: i tried jerkin it to furry porn a couple of times but it just wasnt for me
Idolon: i mean its not like there was a spot for me in heaven in the first place so might as well


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 24, 2015
[PRG] Fangirl: [PRG]Joshenkstone is now using Source Filmmaker
[PRG] Fangirl: click here to join
[PRG] Fangirl: :steamfacepalm:
[PRG]Joshenkstone: well technically it is posible.
[PRG] Fangirl: wait WHATT
[PRG]Joshenkstone: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SFM/Recording_multiplayer_gameplay
[PRG] Fangirl: OMFG
[PRG] Fangirl: IT"S GONE
[PRG] Fangirl is now Offline.


Dec 19, 2015
Nuke entered chat.
Nuke: /o/
Crowbar: /0\
Nuke: \o/ praise our lord Carve \o/
Nuke: lolz
Corvatile: that's not how you spell Corv


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
Ynders: ...do babies not count as food?


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
12:23 AM - CASCADIAL: screw those people who downvoted
12:23 AM - Mimas Torres: all 6 of them
12:23 AM - CASCADIAL: they dont know the work we go through to make something good
12:23 AM - 14bit: ^
12:23 AM - Mimas Torres: not that degroot was a lot of work :v
12:23 AM - UEAKCrash entered chat.
12:23 AM - CASCADIAL: still though
12:24 AM - 14bit: Still, you have years of experience
12:24 AM - CASCADIAL: ive only got 2 years but mimas has got way more than me
12:24 AM - Mimas Torres: 2009
12:24 AM - CASCADIAL: yep
12:25 AM - CASCADIAL: way more than me
12:25 AM - Mimas Torres: time flies man, feels like yesterday
12:25 AM - CASCADIAL: when i joined it was the end of the mercs vs aliens contest
12:26 AM - 14bit: 2014 for me I think?
12:26 AM - Mimas Torres: ye degrootcreep took 93 hours to make
12:26 AM - 14bit: Yea, me too
12:26 AM - 14bit: Wow
12:26 AM - CASCADIAL: ayy
12:26 AM - Mimas Torres: I'll need to update it but it's going to stay < 100
12:26 AM - norfolk terrier disconnected.

12:26 AM - CASCADIAL: 14bit + casc = year match
12:26 AM - Mimas Torres: ship it
12:27 AM - CASCADIAL: yes
12:27 AM - CASCADIAL: now we need fanart
12:27 AM - Lovrés disconnected.
12:27 AM - 14bit: My twitch chat has already shipped with with both pizzas and a specific hallway from ctf_holcan
12:27 AM - 14bit: *me with
12:28 AM - Mimas Torres: so ya, how about effigy rc1 now? lets do that
12:28 AM - Mimas Torres: nice
12:28 AM - CASCADIAL: get your twitch chat to ship me and you and a meme shall be born
12:28 AM - Mimas Torres: shipbot when
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: we need ship bot now
12:29 AM - Captain Clam: Why
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: why not?
12:29 AM - 14bit: I didn't ask for this
12:29 AM - Mimas Torres: and then we ship the bots together
12:29 AM - 14bit: why
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: you did in your head 14bit
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: dont deny it
12:29 AM - Captain Clam: Threesome w/ Dogbot, Vbot and Shipbot???!?
12:29 AM - Mimas Torres: ship it
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: perfect
12:30 AM - 14bit: info_point_observer watches them from a distance
12:30 AM - 14bit: *info_observer_point
12:30 AM - Captain Clam: Plotting
12:30 AM - Captain Clam: scheming
12:30 AM - Captain Clam: Vowing to steal back Vbot's heart
12:30 AM - CASCADIAL: shipbots commands are to every hour take random people from the steam chat and ship them together in someway
12:31 AM - Captain Clam: not completely randon though
12:31 AM - 14bit: Let's not
12:31 AM - Mimas Torres: yeah, writes some lewd sentences involving chat goers every hour
12:31 AM - Captain Clam: it should use COMPLEX ROMANCE ALGORITHMS
12:31 AM - ibex disconnected.
12:31 AM - CASCADIAL: alright clam you are better then me at this
12:31 AM - EwanLan entered chat.
12:32 AM - CASCADIAL: my date nights are just going out for pizza and coming home to watch stranger things
12:32 AM - Mimas Torres: I might make a ship bot
12:32 AM - Captain Clam: My date nights are: never happened
12:32 AM - CASCADIAL: well i am a redneck on the inside so...
12:33 AM - Captain Clam: Most people are red on the inside
12:33 AM - EwanLan left chat.
12:33 AM - CASCADIAL: true true
12:34 AM - Captain Clam: ;)

Then, slightly later:

12:45 AM - CASCADIAL: oh crash did you read the talk we had about ahem "shipbot"?
12:45 AM - UEAKCrash: nope
12:45 AM - CASCADIAL: you dont wanna know..
12:45 AM - Tuaam: then why did you ask him in the first place
12:45 AM - CASCADIAL: just wanted to know if he did see it because noone should
12:46 AM - Tuaam: It's like me saying
12:46 AM - Mimas Torres: I might make shipbot if I get tired of mapping
12:46 AM - Mimas Torres: which happens often

Here's some bonus ones from a while ago that were mostly things that I said. I've noted that it's generally frowned upon to quote yourself in this thread, so I waited until I had something else substantial to post these.
Monday, September 5, 2016
10:24 PM - DogBot entered chat.
10:24 PM - 14bit: Hi DogBot
10:24 PM - 14bit: How are you
10:25 PM - abp vs the h8ters: imp
10:25 PM - 14bit: That's good, great to hear it DogBot
10:25 PM - 14bit: How's the family?
10:25 PM - The Hotel Detective: imp
10:25 PM - 14bit: Ah, V2Bot is suffering from map overload, that's terrible.
10:26 PM - abp vs the h8ters: man the feedback page is so slow rn
10:26 PM - 14bit: How's info_obeserver_point doing? Still offline?
10:26 PM - 14bit: Interesting
10:26 PM - 14bit: Thanks for talking DogBot!
10:26 PM - 14bit disconnected
9:27 PM - 14bit: anyone else need a map name?
9:29 PM - abp vs the h8ters: name my child
9:29 PM - JudgeJamesC is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
9:30 PM - 14bit: Any notable features?
9:30 PM - abp vs the h8ters: no
9:30 PM - 14bit: Dauphin
9:30 PM - 14bit:


Designer of a bygone era
Dec 13, 2014
12:23 AM - CASCADIAL: screw those people who downvoted
12:23 AM - Mimas Torres: all 6 of them
12:23 AM - CASCADIAL: they dont know the work we go through to make something good
12:23 AM - 14bit: ^
12:23 AM - Mimas Torres: not that degroot was a lot of work :v
12:23 AM - UEAKCrash entered chat.
12:23 AM - CASCADIAL: still though
12:24 AM - 14bit: Still, you have years of experience
12:24 AM - CASCADIAL: ive only got 2 years but mimas has got way more than me
12:24 AM - Mimas Torres: 2009
12:24 AM - CASCADIAL: yep
12:25 AM - CASCADIAL: way more than me
12:25 AM - Mimas Torres: time flies man, feels like yesterday
12:25 AM - CASCADIAL: when i joined it was the end of the mercs vs aliens contest
12:26 AM - 14bit: 2014 for me I think?
12:26 AM - Mimas Torres: ye degrootcreep took 93 hours to make
12:26 AM - 14bit: Yea, me too
12:26 AM - 14bit: Wow
12:26 AM - CASCADIAL: ayy
12:26 AM - Mimas Torres: I'll need to update it but it's going to stay < 100
12:26 AM - norfolk terrier disconnected.

12:26 AM - CASCADIAL: 14bit + casc = year match
12:26 AM - Mimas Torres: ship it
12:27 AM - CASCADIAL: yes
12:27 AM - CASCADIAL: now we need fanart
12:27 AM - Lovrés disconnected.
12:27 AM - 14bit: My twitch chat has already shipped with with both pizzas and a specific hallway from ctf_holcan
12:27 AM - 14bit: *me with
12:28 AM - Mimas Torres: so ya, how about effigy rc1 now? lets do that
12:28 AM - Mimas Torres: nice
12:28 AM - CASCADIAL: get your twitch chat to ship me and you and a meme shall be born
12:28 AM - Mimas Torres: shipbot when
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: we need ship bot now
12:29 AM - Captain Clam: Why
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: why not?
12:29 AM - 14bit: I didn't ask for this
12:29 AM - Mimas Torres: and then we ship the bots together
12:29 AM - 14bit: why
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: you did in your head 14bit
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: dont deny it
12:29 AM - Captain Clam: Threesome w/ Dogbot, Vbot and Shipbot???!?
12:29 AM - Mimas Torres: ship it
12:29 AM - CASCADIAL: perfect
12:30 AM - 14bit: info_point_observer watches them from a distance
12:30 AM - 14bit: *info_observer_point
12:30 AM - Captain Clam: Plotting
12:30 AM - Captain Clam: scheming
12:30 AM - Captain Clam: Vowing to steal back Vbot's heart
12:30 AM - CASCADIAL: shipbots commands are to every hour take random people from the steam chat and ship them together in someway
12:31 AM - Captain Clam: not completely randon though
12:31 AM - 14bit: Let's not
12:31 AM - Mimas Torres: yeah, writes some lewd sentences involving chat goers every hour
12:31 AM - Captain Clam: it should use COMPLEX ROMANCE ALGORITHMS
12:31 AM - ibex disconnected.
12:31 AM - CASCADIAL: alright clam you are better then me at this
12:31 AM - EwanLan entered chat.
12:32 AM - CASCADIAL: my date nights are just going out for pizza and coming home to watch stranger things
12:32 AM - Mimas Torres: I might make a ship bot
12:32 AM - Captain Clam: My date nights are: never happened
12:32 AM - CASCADIAL: well i am a redneck on the inside so...
12:33 AM - Captain Clam: Most people are red on the inside
12:33 AM - EwanLan left chat.
12:33 AM - CASCADIAL: true true
12:34 AM - Captain Clam: ;)

Then, slightly later:

12:45 AM - CASCADIAL: oh crash did you read the talk we had about ahem "shipbot"?
12:45 AM - UEAKCrash: nope
12:45 AM - CASCADIAL: you dont wanna know..
12:45 AM - Tuaam: then why did you ask him in the first place
12:45 AM - CASCADIAL: just wanted to know if he did see it because noone should
12:46 AM - Tuaam: It's like me saying
12:46 AM - Mimas Torres: I might make shipbot if I get tired of mapping
12:46 AM - Mimas Torres: which happens often

Here's some bonus ones from a while ago that were mostly things that I said. I've noted that it's generally frowned upon to quote yourself in this thread, so I waited until I had something else substantial to post these.
we all wanted this... we just didnt know it


Dec 19, 2015
Ayy another thing to that didnt-know-we-needed list together with moneyface cutout and dem cool lamps


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014
Muddy entered chat.
10:38 - Cherry♡: they want to find that video file
10:38 - iiboharz feat. phi: incredible

Cherry♡: also the best person ever just came into chat
iiboharz feat. phi:

Muddy: haven't u been here a while cherry
I got rekt
Muddy: or did u join at the same time i did
Cherry♡: no u just joined
Cherry♡: nobody else just joined
Muddy: scuse me
xtrem_gh entered chat.
Cherry♡: u r the best person
xtrem_gh: thx
Cherry♡: no not u
xtrem_gh left chat.
Muddy: nice
Cherry♡: xtrem was ok I guess
Muddy: he was xtremly ok


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 30, 2015
13:28 - Layl: I did not know that "Dead Cat" is actually the technical term for the fluffy thing on microphones
13:28 - iiboharz feat. phi: yea it is
13:29 - [PRG]Joshenkstone: i wonder if killing a cat and laying it on top your microphone would work too.
13:29 - Urban: DOUBT IT SOMEHOW


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 24, 2015
13:28 - Layl: I did not know that "Dead Cat" is actually the technical term for the fluffy thing on microphones
13:28 - iiboharz feat. phi: yea it is
13:29 - [PRG]Joshenkstone: i wonder if killing a cat and laying it on top your microphone would work too.
13:29 - Urban: DOUBT IT SOMEHOW


gifs are awesome.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 5, 2016
13:06 - Nuke: slap mah cheek
13:06 - Nuke: slap it now
13:06 - Crowbar: you gotta slam your bum
13:06 - Crowbar: wait
13:06 - Crowbar: how is it called
13:06 - Crowbar: forehead
13:06 - Crowbar: not bum
13:06 - Nuke: Crow
13:06 - Crowbar: Nook
13:06 - Nuke: Bum =/= forehead
13:07 - Crowbar: i know
13:07 - Crowbar: well for some people it is but generally sure not
13:07 - Nuke: Bum isnt even on face
13:07 - Crowbar: ^my prev message
13:07 - Nuke: buttface
13:07 - Nuke: that's a rare mutation
13:07 - Nuke: :B1:
13:08 - Crowbar: so B in B1 stands for Bum?
13:08 - Nuke: Bum1
13:08 - Nuke: Bum3
13:08 - Nuke: B is glasses actually
13:08 - Crowbar: I know