Why do you love steam convos?


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014
21:47 - Moonrat: You remember that passage from the bible
21:47 - Moonrat: Uhhh
21:47 - Moonrat: psalms 34:5
21:48 - Moonrat: Where Jesus told that one guy to keep his psalms off his willy

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
21:47 - Moonrat: You remember that passage from the bible
21:47 - Moonrat: Uhhh
21:47 - Moonrat: psalms 34:5
21:48 - Moonrat: Where Jesus told that one guy to keep his psalms off his willy

Actual Psalms 34:5 if anyone cares -

They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faceswill never be ashamed.
Jul 6, 2015
tf2dove | tipofthehats.org: im trying my darndest to ketchup
Davekillerish | tipofthehats.org: you mustard be trying very hard
tf2dove | tipofthehats.org: ill relish the moment you click on [REDACTED] again
Davekillerish | tipofthehats.org: I'll never mayo my mind on what to do about your clickbait
tf2dove | tipofthehats.org: quite the pickle if you ask me
Davekillerish | tipofthehats.org: I must carrot to you, your quite the expert
tf2dove | tipofthehats.org: don't go ham on me, but that last one was garbage
Davekillerish | tipofthehats.org: Gone Cereal
tf2dove | tipofthehats.org: did you fix it yet felix
Davekillerish | tipofthehats.org: "I'm gonna reck it" ~tf2dove when he rekt the chain of food puns


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
10:19 PM - Tuaam: girl???
10:19 PM - Tuaam: what's a girl
10:19 PM - Freyja: something you'll nnever know tuaam


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 5, 2016
when we get math discussion:

15:47 - Cherry♡: sqrt lol
15:47 - |GJ| Nuke: squareroots ftw
15:47 - Cherry♡: muddy makes me square root


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 24, 2015
Joshenkstone: have you guys ever tought: "what server would people in the international space station connect to?"
(ツ): US
WoJu: to the tf2c servers kappa
Urban: it is orbiting the earth rather fast so whichever server they connect to won't be any good for long
Joshenkstone: i guess they'd just have lan parties all the time :p
Joshenkstone: they're like: "hey guys can you fly over to space real quick we're havin' a lan party here."
Chef Boyardeeznuuuuuuuuts: ^ me_irl in 200 years

Crowbar the meanie: what are you talking bout again
Crowbar the meanie: lan parties in space


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 24, 2015
Thats not a real math discussion
22:44 - Tumbolisu: there are many ways to get the golden ratio to come out of nowhere
22:44 - phi: also no layl it's not quite that
22:44 - dryerlint ha entrado en el chat.
22:44 - phi: the golden ratio's relation to the fibonacci sequence is more complicated
22:45 - iiboharz | tipofthehats.org está jugando ahora a Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:45 - phi: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/ed...d-how-is-it-related-to-the-fibonacci-sequence that sums it up towards the end
22:46 - phi: it's the ratio that the numbers approach, but it's not precisely the ratio between any of the two numbers specifically
22:46 - phi: it's why the best definition for phi is (1+sqrt(5))/2 and not whole number / whole number
22:46 - Tumbolisu: like if you wanna make an object only out of rombi, you can either use rombi of the ratio 1 : 1 (cube) 1 : sqrt(2) (rhombic dodecahedron) or the golden ratio (rhombic triacontahedron)
22:47 - PaperPlayerX está jugando ahora a Team Fortress 2. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:47 - Darren: why the fuck are we talking about maths
22:47 - dryerlint: What in the hell are you guys talking about
22:47 - phi: i love the rhombic triacontahedron
22:47 - Darren: my brain is not prepared for this
22:47 - dryerlint: I've never been so confused in my life
22:47 - Tumbolisu: the golden ratio is everywhere
22:47 - phi: i have a thirty sided die in its shape
22:47 - phi: i love math yall
22:47 - Darren: pls
22:47 - phi: yall best be prepared for some math talk once in a while
22:47 - dryerlint: I would love math if I wasn't bad at it :(
22:47 - Darren: dont do math do meth
22:48 - Zahndah: i got almost top 300 in uk in my agegroup for a cool uk maths thing
22:48 - Darren: uk is not kool
22:48 - phi: i also have a tetrakis hexahedron die and a number of other weird dice
22:48 - Nesster: what is 1 + Potato
22:48 - dryerlint: 1Potato
22:48 - Nesster: goodjob
22:49 - dryerlint: Woo
22:49 - Tumbolisu: that makes no sense
22:49 - phi: that would be 1 * Potato
22:49 - dryerlint: You're concentrating strings, I assume
22:49 - Darren: thousands of potatos die every year so you can be a lvl 5 vegan
22:49 - Zahndah: surely it should be ap2o2t + 1
22:49 - dryerlint: "1" + "Potato"
22:49 - Darren: stop eating potatos
22:49 - Darren: eat rocks
22:49 - phi: or just "potato"
22:49 - Tumbolisu: 1 + potato would locically not be able to be shortened anymore
22:49 - phi: yall are weird
22:49 - Darren: you are weird
22:49 - Dasnvi ha entrado en el chat.
22:49 - Darren: we are normal people
22:49 - dryerlint: Hey, at least we're not discussing math
22:49 - Darren: you're the weird one
22:50 - dryerlint: We haven't reached that level of nerdiness
22:50 - Yrrzy está jugando ahora a Team Fortress 2. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:50 - phi: who wants to talk about derivatives
22:50 - Darren: no
22:50 - Yrrzy está jugando ahora a Team Fortress 2. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:50 - Darren: pls
There was one about some weird formula's too yesterday' i dunno if that fals within the catagory math tough.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 5, 2016
Thats not a real math discussion
22:44 - Tumbolisu: there are many ways to get the golden ratio to come out of nowhere
22:44 - phi: also no layl it's not quite that
22:44 - dryerlint ha entrado en el chat.
22:44 - phi: the golden ratio's relation to the fibonacci sequence is more complicated
22:45 - iiboharz | tipofthehats.org está jugando ahora a Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:45 - phi: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/ed...d-how-is-it-related-to-the-fibonacci-sequence that sums it up towards the end
22:46 - phi: it's the ratio that the numbers approach, but it's not precisely the ratio between any of the two numbers specifically
22:46 - phi: it's why the best definition for phi is (1+sqrt(5))/2 and not whole number / whole number
22:46 - Tumbolisu: like if you wanna make an object only out of rombi, you can either use rombi of the ratio 1 : 1 (cube) 1 : sqrt(2) (rhombic dodecahedron) or the golden ratio (rhombic triacontahedron)
22:47 - PaperPlayerX está jugando ahora a Team Fortress 2. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:47 - Darren: why the fuck are we talking about maths
22:47 - dryerlint: What in the hell are you guys talking about
22:47 - phi: i love the rhombic triacontahedron
22:47 - Darren: my brain is not prepared for this
22:47 - dryerlint: I've never been so confused in my life
22:47 - Tumbolisu: the golden ratio is everywhere
22:47 - phi: i have a thirty sided die in its shape
22:47 - phi: i love math yall
22:47 - Darren: pls
22:47 - phi: yall best be prepared for some math talk once in a while
22:47 - dryerlint: I would love math if I wasn't bad at it :(
22:47 - Darren: dont do math do meth
22:48 - Zahndah: i got almost top 300 in uk in my agegroup for a cool uk maths thing
22:48 - Darren: uk is not kool
22:48 - phi: i also have a tetrakis hexahedron die and a number of other weird dice
22:48 - Nesster: what is 1 + Potato
22:48 - dryerlint: 1Potato
22:48 - Nesster: goodjob
22:49 - dryerlint: Woo
22:49 - Tumbolisu: that makes no sense
22:49 - phi: that would be 1 * Potato
22:49 - dryerlint: You're concentrating strings, I assume
22:49 - Darren: thousands of potatos die every year so you can be a lvl 5 vegan
22:49 - Zahndah: surely it should be ap2o2t + 1
22:49 - dryerlint: "1" + "Potato"
22:49 - Darren: stop eating potatos
22:49 - Darren: eat rocks
22:49 - phi: or just "potato"
22:49 - Tumbolisu: 1 + potato would locically not be able to be shortened anymore
22:49 - phi: yall are weird
22:49 - Darren: you are weird
22:49 - Dasnvi ha entrado en el chat.
22:49 - Darren: we are normal people
22:49 - dryerlint: Hey, at least we're not discussing math
22:49 - Darren: you're the weird one
22:50 - dryerlint: We haven't reached that level of nerdiness
22:50 - Yrrzy está jugando ahora a Team Fortress 2. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:50 - phi: who wants to talk about derivatives
22:50 - Darren: no
22:50 - Yrrzy está jugando ahora a Team Fortress 2. Haz clic aquí para entrar.
22:50 - Darren: pls
You know, i kite the actual math discussion to get needed quote. DEALWITHIT (shrug)


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
10:12 PM - void~: yeah, time for a CRASH course on hints
10:12 PM - void~ was kicked by UEAKCrash | tipofthehats.org.


Jun 15, 2013
8:28 PM - Startacker: Excuse me crash but UEAK is actually a shoe
8:28 PM - Startacker: http://prntscr.com/ci5dfp
8:28 PM - UEAKCrash: nice
8:28 PM - GooGuGajoob: And you're drumming fat asssssss
8:28 PM - Captain Clam: Oooh Star's gotcha there
8:28 PM - Tuaam: lol
8:28 PM - Tuaam: made me laugh
8:28 PM - GooGuGajoob: Like, just relentless it's nice dude
8:28 PM - Startacker: UEAKCRASH EXPOSED


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
3:49 AM - Me: something really funny
3:49 AM - Other Person: anger
3:49 AM - Me: lol


Take a Chance on Me
Jul 31, 2016
Detective Komasan: this isn't a shitty map
*DEAD* Mairfott: xd
Detective Komasan: cp sunshine is a shitty map

Not a steam chat, but I feel like it belongs here.

Also found this while playing on Landfall, just so you know.

Proof: http://prnt.sc/cl9g37
Last edited:


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
Hoplitejoe: do u ever just like
Hoplitejoe: fall asleep on ur floor
yrr: no
Hoplitejoe: i do

When I was younger, I used to try to fall asleep on the floor. It's much cooler than any bed, especially when lying next to an AC vent.

Consider that a LPT.