The 2015 Summer 72hr Mapping Contest! VOTING PHASE TWO

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Feb 7, 2008

The 2015 Summer 72hr Mapping Contest!
Announcement Thread | Upload Thread | Voting Phase One | Voting Phase Two | Results Thread


Phase two, baby! The herd has been culled, and only 10 maps remain. The list of finalists:

ctf_14bit_72_a6b by 14bit
cp_mom_72_a1 by Idolon
cp_snowlodge_72_b4 by phi
cp_tidewater_72a by Roflman
koth_cloudtop_72_b2 by Freyja
cp_banana_72_a5 by Lain
koth_egan_72_a5_fix1 by Egan
cp_jess72_a4 by Ms. Mudpie
koth_pughead_72_b1 by bakscratch
cp_overgrown_b3 by UEAK Crash

Congratulations to all 10 of these mappers and their maps! It's been a long journey to get here, but we're not done yet. While all of these maps deserve some recognition, we're here to see what maps are the cream of the cream of the crop. Let's get down to business:


We're doing something a bit different this time around for scheduling. For the duration of the judging period, every gameday and impromptu test will have a 72 hour finalist included. This means that if you want to submit a ballot for the contest, just join our regular tests.

There will also be a few tests dedicated just to finalists, but not many.

Voting ends on the 20th, which gives you 2 weeks to cast your votes.


Voting will follow a format that you're probably already familiar with. Simply pick a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. Your 1st place vote will get 3 points, your 2nd place vote will get 2 points, and your 3rd place gets 1 point. It's recommended that you explain why you think your maps deserve the placement that you're giving them, but it's not required.

There is also a panel of judges, who will be providing in-depth feedback for every map. Their final scores, when tallied, will count for 50% of the final score. Public voting (the part that you, dear reader, will be participating in) will count for the other 50%.


As a reminder, here's the prizes that the winners will be receiving:

First Place will receive:
Second Place will receive:
  • A painting of your map from DiscoSwan!
  • A Steam game worth $10 or less (thanks Grizzly!)
  • A Minimal Wear Citizen Pain Minigun (thanks The Little Ace!)
  • A Mann Co. Key (thanks Kraken!)
  • Second choice of TWO games from the prize pool!
Third Place will receive:
  • A painting of your map from DiscoSwan!
  • A Steam game worth $10 or less (thanks Grizzly!)
  • A Mann Co. Key (thanks Kraken!)
  • Third choice of ONE game from the prize pool!

The Prize pool is located here.
Grizzly has also said that you can get however many Mann Co. Keys would be of equal value to the Steam game if you wish.

Good luck to all our finalists, and have fun voting!
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Few more zeros and ones for the site to proccess
Dec 21, 2014
Are donations still possible.
I might have enough eu spacecredits burning my pockets.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014


Dec 5, 2007
*subject to change*

Ido, please use the forum's alert feature and tag everyone who posts unfinished votes on the 18th and again on the 19th. If possible, please send a site-wide alert to everyone around that time as well reminding everyone that voting is closing soon.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
(I'll probably add to this later)


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
1) cp_snowlodge_72_b4 by phi
2) koth_cloudtop_72_b2 by Freyja
3) koth_egan_72_a5_fix1


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
*Subject to change* I haven't played them all yet!

1) ctf_14bit_72_a6b by 14bit If I can vote for my own. Am I even allowed to vote?
2) cp_overgrown_b3 by UEAK Crash
3) koth_pughead_72_b1 by bakscratch

Why I didn't pick the others:
cp_tidewater_72a by Roflman
I like the layout, but the theme and detailing makes it confusing to navigate. The out of bound areas feel like they should be in at times. Mid is great!
cp_mom_72_a1 by Idolon
I like the concept, but the setup times and the overall layout make it confusing to navigate.
cp_jess72_a4 by Ms. Mudpie
It feels weird to navigate from the bases to center, and way to easy to hold those areas. It leads to too many stalemates for my tastes.

More as I play them! Stay tuned!


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
koth_cloudtop_72_b2 - Simple but fun KOTH. Really like the cloudy skybox.
ctf_14bit_72_a6b - Really good variation on CTF. Very difficult to defend your intel but a great change of pace none the less
koth_pughead_72_b1 - While the map feels a lot like Viaduct, its still a well put together KOTH map. Nice routs around the point but could really use some better height variation.

Thoughts on others:
-cp_tidewater_72a - that last point is way to difficult to defend from what I've played of the map. Detailing is pretty good and mid is fun.
-cp_mom_72_a1 - really cool idea but lots of camping throughout the map
-cp_snowlodge_72_b4 - good detail in some areas but the points aren't all that fun to fight around
-cp_banana_72_a5 - Super stalematey but a really good start.
-koth_egan_72_a5_fix1 - The constant addition of time makes this map go on FOREVER! Also Sniper sightlines are ridiculous.
-cp_overgrown_b3 - Good detailing but the last point is very easy to defend. The whole train, shortcut thing is a neat idea but just doesn't work with source's jankyness when it comes to trains.
-cp_jess72_a4 - Too long for 3 cp and it can be easy to walk past the point and not know it.

Turbo Lover

Fight me under Glasgow Central Station
Feb 15, 2011
1) cp_mom_72_a1 - A really creative variation of 3CP A/D, the different levels of height are fun to jump around on. Almost all of that height variation disappears on last along with any viable flank routes and my fun.

2) cp_tidewater_72a - It's a really pretty 3CP map, but instead of it being really difficult to push last, it's really difficult to hold last. I think this is the lesser of two evils.

3) cp_snowlodge_72_b4 - feedback

hopefully there's enough time left in this voting phase for me to sleep on these
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L16: Grid Member
Jun 8, 2015
#1 - cp_banana_72_a5by Lain
#2 - koth_cloudtop_72_b2by Freyja
#3 - cp_jess72_a4by Ms. Mudpie
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Dec 28, 2014
Sadly I only got a chance to play half these maps, but my votes are as follows:

1. koth_cloudtop_72_b2 - Just an all around solid KotH map, very impressive for being done in 72 hours.

2. cp_tidewater_72a - A very solid 3CP map. The biggest issue was it seemed like once the middle point was capped the last was capped pretty quickly in most my test games, but I think this map has a lot of potential and I enjoyed the games I played in it.

3. ctf_14bit_72_a6b - I really dislike CTF in TF2 so it says a lot that I put this in my top 3. A fun and solid layout.

Comments about the other maps I've played:
cp_mom_72_a1 - I really liked the elevator mechanic in this map, though it seemed to need a lot of balance work. I do hope to see work on this map continued as it could make for a very fun map.

cp_snowlodge_72_b4 - A solid effort. Last seemed to be very hard to push in all the games I played but has a lot of potential.
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