
PL Shoreleave RC2

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' -| Musebo

L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2016

Is this a missing texture as well?


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 17, 2016
How did you miss this texture error?
I think this is on your side, when I see the fountain, it's textured. But I have no idea how to solve that problem.

Is this a missing texture as well?
No, It's probably on your side too. Pretty weird bug, I guess...
Edit: oh wait it's a packing problem oh shit
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L1: Registered
Jan 19, 2015
I just played on a6 and I liked it! I watched your a7/8 video, but there were some issues I saw in a6 that didn't get addressed that I'd like to talk about.

there's a lot of frustrating little things that you can walk into without realizing. for example, the stuff on the beach at first

these stools here

or this tiny ledge at spawn at first

It's very easy to walk into one of these without realizing and then immediately get caught and die. I know it's all there for atmospheric reasons, but it makes it easy to just accidentally back into something and get shot for it.

I also don't like 2nd for red. The only options to push out are to (a) walk down the cart track, (b) bait blue into opening the gate, or (c) explosive/double jump to one of the ledges. this means that 6/9 classes are relegated to either hoping to trick blue into opening the gate or to just walk down the cart track, where you are a sitting duck to attack from the ledges above. maybe if the gate was 2 way?

also at 2nd, it's possible to get yourself "stuck" between the ramps on the bridge railing and the light posts


you can get yourself out, it's just a little disorienting

last but not least, I feel like this map has a lot of unnecessarily convoluted routes and passages. blue spawn at 1st is really disorienting; you have to walk quite a ways to reach the exit. same for the garage route at 2nd (though I didn't get to see the changes in a7/a8). When I tried to flank, it felt like I was wasting time walking through a labryinth where I could basically get shot from around any corner. when I was defending against flanks, it felt like there were random portals shooting scouts at me that I couldn't find. It would be nice, imo, if there were simpler, well marked flanks that were less hallway-y.

all in all, this map looks pretty good! I'm excited to see how it turns out.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Played A8, enjoyed my time on points 1-3 but had major issues with the fourth point.

First of all, the choke right after the point is far too easy to lock down as a defender, playing as Blu it was extremely difficult to push through it, leading to players simply headbutting the entrance or taking the 25 second long flank to even get a chance to push through the team holding here. Alternatively players tried pushing through this tiny doorway, which felt terrible to do as you're locked inside of a rocket catcher and have to walk through 3 easily stickied doorways to use it.

Then onto the actual last point push, which felt like pushing into Goldrush a lot more than it did Badwater or even Upward, pushing through this choke was very difficult and when done didn't lead to a very nice gameplay payoff, you're faced with more high ground and a very long cart push to win. What i'd recommend is adding a semi-flank route here, maybe something like the windows on Badwater last, they'd act as a nice combat area to hold to stop snipers and the like from gaining ground and would give classes like the scout and spy a lot more space to play with. Currently you either have to take a large detour to take a one-way death passage flank which, while paying off, doesn't really give many interesting gameplay opportunities outside of just shooting people in the back, or just getting blown away by a turret.
In all honesty, the current flank route actually gives more options to red, as a Soldier or Demoman can explosive jump up through the drop down and get a very large advantage of the unexpecting team trying to push the cart through the choke.
If you want to keep the spaces simmilar while still giving the flank more of an opportunity to be used, you could make an alternate one-way door entrance into this room from the holding position i talked about earlier, but at this point i'm just throwing ideas at the wall.


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
Why don't you just use CompilePal?
It can't pack an already compiled BSP, and some people have their workflow down in Hammer's compiler and don't want to switch just for packing.

e: I'm told this is actually incorrect!
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Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
It can't pack an already compiled BSP.
Yes it can. Disable VBSP, VVIS and VRAD leaving only Pack and Copy and it'll pack your BSP for you and copy it to tf/maps. The only difference between CPX and VIDE are how they prepare the files for packing. The actual packing operation is done by BSPZIP and these applications just feed it a text file.


Mar 1, 2010
Click this update for screenshots of changes


Moved first capture point to around the corner
Added new door/ route that opens to flank area connecting to last, hopefully reducing the choke and adding more emphasis to that side
Added new one way door route out of that flank area onto a roof on last, to make that route more useful
Added window looking out from that flank route (I need a name for this place...) to make the drop down not a blind jump
Added some cover to the hallway under the Cool Building™ on last
Removed tank/ OP sniper spot in front of Red's spawn on last
Added a roll forward zone to the hill leading to the last area (experimental)
Changed ramps leading up to final capture
Made the fountain on last extinguish fire, and made it a little deeper so that made sense
Widened ramp leading down into last
Added big one-way window to the upper side route after the third cap, to give attackers more information on what they face when pushing through it
Changed one way door leading into second area to a new area a bit higher up with more cover, and two one way doors leading out of it (experimental)
Added a new one-way window to the upper balcony on second, hopefully to make it more useful to push from
Added some experimental cover to the second floor of the bakery (having names for stuff is fun)
Added board connecting upper sniper area and second floor of bakery (again, experimental)
Added a little wall cover on the bridge for second, hopefully to give a place for splash damage to bounce off of/ block some LOS
Played around with some materials around second
Did a bit of minor roof detailing on second to help get the feel of what things will look like later
Reduced some prop spam around the map
Added nobuilds to accessible roof tops on last
Did some further visleaf optimization
Fixed the funny cart wigging out bug as it turned the corner under the bridge of second
Compiled/ packed the map with Compile Pal for the first time, here's to hoping it all worked right! New workflow whaaaat
Probably some other stuff I forgot because I keep forgetting to write my changelogs as I go, but whoa this was a lot of stuff this time
Fixed some exploits, sadly : (

Read the rest of this update entry...
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L6: Sharp Member
Jun 26, 2015
R.I.P Minefield sentry building spot.

He died like a b****


Mar 1, 2010
Lowered timer adjustment amounts for second and third capture points
Changed the one way doors building on second to an open window/ open door, with the one way door further back closer to it's original location
Added small staircase connecting lower sentry nest to upper platform area on last (experimental)
Further visleaf optimization all around the map
Bunch of minor tweaks

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Mar 1, 2010
Added new dropdown opening into the new stairwell added in the previous version (experimental - thanks to Frozen for the idea!)
Added lighting I missed in previous version
Fixed messed up payload pathing near last
Adjusted visleaf optimization around problem areas past first cap
Reverted minor height change on second that I didn't even mention in the last log anyway, nbd
Fixed the rogue clipping on last

Read the rest of this update entry...


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
One of my mates tried to download the map, and said that he got an error when he attempted to. I then tried and also got an error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 66384222 bytes) in /home/tf2maps/web/ on line 44