Click this update for screenshots of changes
Moved first capture point to around the corner
Added new door/ route that opens to flank area connecting to last, hopefully reducing the choke and adding more emphasis to that side
Added new one way door route out of that flank area onto a roof on last, to make that route more useful
Added window looking out from that flank route (I need a name for this place...) to make the drop down not a blind jump
Added some cover to the hallway under the Cool Building™ on last
Removed tank/ OP sniper spot in front of Red's spawn on last
Added a roll forward zone to the hill leading to the last area (experimental)
Changed ramps leading up to final capture
Made the fountain on last extinguish fire, and made it a little deeper so that made sense
Widened ramp leading down into last
Added big one-way window to the upper side route after the third cap, to give attackers more information on what they face when pushing through it
Changed one way door leading into second area to a new area a bit higher up with more cover, and two one way doors leading out of it (experimental)
Added a new one-way window to the upper balcony on second, hopefully to make it more useful to push from
Added some experimental cover to the second floor of the bakery (having names for stuff is fun)
Added board connecting upper sniper area and second floor of bakery (again, experimental)
Added a little wall cover on the bridge for second, hopefully to give a place for splash damage to bounce off of/ block some LOS
Played around with some materials around second
Did a bit of minor roof detailing on second to help get the feel of what things will look like later
Reduced some prop spam around the map
Added nobuilds to accessible roof tops on last
Did some further visleaf optimization
Fixed the funny cart wigging out bug as it turned the corner under the bridge of second
Compiled/ packed the map with Compile Pal for the first time, here's to hoping it all worked right! New workflow whaaaat
Probably some other stuff I forgot because I keep forgetting to write my changelogs as I go, but whoa this was a lot of stuff this time
Fixed some exploits, sadly : (