Microcontest #17: Earth, Wind, and/or Fire


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Welcome to Microcontest 17: Earth, Wind, and/or Fire


Do you remember? The microcontest last September?

Well, there actually wasn't one. But there was one in August 2020 based around including water in your maps, so today we're getting all the rest of the elements out of the way!

Make a map that includes one or more of the following gameplay elements as a central aspect of your layout:
  • A moving platform larger than a regular payload cart (Earth)
  • A jump pad (Wind)
  • A trigger_ignite-based hazard (Fire)
The important part here is the "central aspect" bit; your map's layout should not work at all if you were to remove the Earth/Wind/Fire element(s)!

I want the fire hazards to be more creative than just intant-kill death pits, so no furnaces like on Foundry or lava pits like on the Halloween maps. For inspiration of what I'm looking for check out the official map Hellfire; the lava does not instant-kill and instead ignites players with a trigger_ignite, and the fireballs on the sides of the map in the tunnels are func_movelinears with a particle effect and a trigger_ignite parented to them. Egypt/Medieval torches do count for this requirement, though I hope you'll be more creative than just sticking one in a corner and calling it good.

Oh, and don't forget some trigger_ignite_arrows in your hazards to make sure Snipers can light their Huntsman arrows! (Do note that players in a trigger_ignite_arrows need to be looking at the origin of the trigger to have their arrows ignite, so you may need to stack a few)
The template includes:
  • An example lava pit (nonsolid lava displacement, particle effects, ignite trigger)
  • A fireball launcher (adapted from Hellfire)
  • A jump pad from PASS Gigantic
You'll have to figure out how to do a moving platform on your own, sorry.

The jump pad is a special setup from my PASS Time map, Gigantic, that includes a fix for the Air Control Suppression Time bug where the keyvalue does not affect players who enter the catapult while already min-air. You can disable the fix by removing the trigger_stun and/or removing the !activator AddOutputs that rename players temporarily. The func_brush hologram and the func_dustmote particle effects can both be recolored to match team colors. I like to use 255 0 0 for Red and 0 128 255 for Blu. Use test/color_blue or test_color_red to recolor the glowing trim in the base.

For full Microcontest rules and submission procedure, check out the 2021 Microcontest Megathread: https://tf2maps.net/threads/the-microcontest-megathread-season-2.43572/

Today's Bonus Punch:
Include all three elements (moving platform, jump pad, and fire hazard) a central elements in your layout.


Quick Info:

Difficulty: 2/5

Planning starts at 10:00 AM EDT (14:00 UTC) on September 11th, 2021.
Mapping begins one hour later at 11:00 AM EDT (15:00 UTC)

Maps must be submitted to this thread no later than 10:00 AM EDT (14:00 UTC) on September 12th, 2021.
Testing begins one hour later at 11:00 AM EDT (15:00 UTC)

Countdown to deadline here:


Important Notes:

Name your .vmf:

The Speedmapper punch only counts time working on geometry. Planning, compiling, bug fixing, lighting, logic, clipping, sealing, and other things that aren't physical playable spaces do not count towards the four hours.

Special thanks to @Another Bad Pun for suggesting the idea that was adapted into this microcontest!

Good luck!


  • mc17_template.vmf
    188.8 KB · Views: 184


Super Gay Developer
Aug 9, 2018
Stayed up all night for this, 3CP A/D with a point on a lift that goes down and each point is a different element starting with air (with a bit of water, not gameplay related though), then earth, then fire https://tf2maps.net/downloads/raccoons-mc17.11780/
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