9:14 PM - Svode [S>TF2 Keys @$2.20]: pssh
9:14 PM - Svode [S>TF2 Keys @$2.20]: Im gonna take a shower because its sunset
9:14 PM - Svode [S>TF2 Keys @$2.20]: with the lights
9:14 PM - Svode [S>TF2 Keys @$2.20]: OFF
9:14 PM - Svode [S>TF2 Keys @$2.20]: wish me luck with not dying
9:14 PM - ProfHappycat: can't wait until u trip and fall on the toilet
9:14 PM - Berry: nows our chance!
9:15 PM - abp: sometimes i shower with the lights off
9:15 PM - abp: it's ok i guess
9:15 PM - ProfHappycat: there's 0 ambient light in my bathroom since it's fully indoors so i can't have that luxury
9:15 PM - Berry: if u cant see urself then nobody is naked
9:17 PM - abp: if you cant see the water, are you really taking a shower?
9:17 PM - Berry: no
9:17 PM - ProfHappycat: then what r u feeling
9:17 PM - Berry: if u cant see the shower, r u really water
9:18 PM - ProfHappycat: How Can Showers Be Real If We Aren't Real
9:19 PM - abp: shrodinger's shower
9:20 PM - RodionJenga: everyone needs to sober up
9:20 PM - iiboharz is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
9:20 PM - Star Bright is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
9:20 PM - RodionJenga left chat.
9:20 PM - ProfHappycat: or shower up
9:20 PM - abp: where did he goooooooo
9:20 PM - Berry: i dont drnink
9:21 PM - ProfHappycat: to sober up/shower up duh
9:21 PM - ProfHappycat: our philosophy hit him so hard it made him rethink his life
9:21 PM - ProfHappycat: we're just that smrat