
CP Snowplow Final Version

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
If you are crashing on snowplow, I need to know where exactly you are.

Is it randomly? Is it just you, or the whole server? Is there specific areas where you crash, or specific events happen around when you crash?

This'll help me understand if it's you, the map or something Valve did that is causing the crashing.


Dec 6, 2014
OS X has a bigger issue that Valve is aware of now since I got in direct contact with a TF2 team member. Memory leaking all over the place in the bsp file structure. They're looking into it. Some people can play for 5 minutes before it crashes, other people, like me, crash instantly as soon as a map loads.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Alright, from what I'm hearing, some people are crashing a lot, other people are not. I'm not too sure why you're crashing Crash (heh) because we have similarish rigs.

I've checked edicts, and they seem fine, even with things dropping, etc. etc. I'm pegging this one on a Valve system, not a snowplow system.

... and if you have OSX I have no control on that. Sounds like people have got in contact with them and they are working on fixing it.


Oct 25, 2014
So I've ran into a few issues, mostly with switching between the Gun Mettle maps. It's that many assets are missing from the maps sometimes, and it's all the custom content, and I believe it has more to do with the fact that the assets are packed.

What does this mean? Because the custom assets are tied to the maps and not the game files, there's a chance the map will load without them. On OSX, I think the memory leak issues are worse because of this, and overall its causing performance issues. Also Powerhouse is terribly optimized.
Mar 23, 2013
So I've ran into a few issues, mostly with switching between the Gun Mettle maps. It's that many assets are missing from the maps sometimes, and it's all the custom content, and I believe it has more to do with the fact that the assets are packed.

What does this mean? Because the custom assets are tied to the maps and not the game files, there's a chance the map will load without them. On OSX, I think the memory leak issues are worse because of this, and overall its causing performance issues. Also Powerhouse is terribly optimized.

Do I understand that correctly, that the custom content is packed in the BSP? That would be pretty stupid since mapper would still have to pack their maps if they use content from borneo or suijin, and that would result in a waste disk space.

I hope that's not the case but I dont have time right now to check this.
Oct 6, 2008
we got a server crash last night but not on your map - so it could be more than just a 'map' issue.

have these all been happening randomly or at a specific time? I think mine was around 10.-10.30 pm
Mar 23, 2013
All custom assets are infact packed into the maps.

That's a really big thumb down from me :thumbdown:

I mean, some maps are now packing content that is already in the game. What's the point of this waste of hardrive space?
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Jun 17, 2010
The files are within bsp, because addition of these maps is as far as i know, temporary and these maps will be ingame only for the duration of this contract thing. They will be gone after that, as would be the separate textures, models, sounds and such. If some map making guy would use these assets within the next 2-3 months, those files would be gone as soon as Valve presses switch and a lot of maps would be broken.

That being said, i had issues today with snowplow where the train was invisible, the objects also that damage the train, some textures were missing and so forth. It didn't happen on the first load of the map during session, but once the map was reloaded by the server, they were gone. There's a huge console spam on each of these maps so i'm guessing the game fails to load all the assets and fails for that reason. It happens also on Borneo so the map isn't broken, game is.


Dec 5, 2007
The new bsp format is what's broken, Valve have been tinkering with it lately for workshop reasons
Mar 23, 2013
The files are within bsp, because addition of these maps is as far as i know, temporary and these maps will be ingame only for the duration of this contract thing. They will be gone after that, as would be the separate textures, models, sounds and such. If some map making guy would use these assets within the next 2-3 months, those files would be gone as soon as Valve presses switch and a lot of maps would be broken.

Oh they will be removed later on? ok that changes everything, gotta take my point back then.

Jun 17, 2010
If it's at all like the CSGO model is, custom maps will be temporarely from now on and only if they get *very* popular, they might just get a permanent status.
Mar 23, 2013
If it's at all like the CSGO model is, custom maps will be temporarely from now on and only if they get *very* popular, they might just get a permanent status.

yeah I guess so. then it also makes much more sense having the assets in the BSPs, since what if you release a map with those assets unpacked and later they get removed from the game? ^^


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
How does one "remove" a map from the game once it's been put in? It's a map. They wouldn't straight-up forcibly delete the file from the /maps/ folder, would they? What if I downloaded it before this update and happened to put it there myself?


May 11, 2014
By remove, I think they mean remove from default rotation. But community servers could still run them, and I doubt the map would be deleted from /maps. But at this point, who knows what will happen?

I feel like we should move any further discussion to a different thread, though.