Completely revised and updated with new assets, a new look, easier routes, less crap to bump into, the works.
If you're familiar with the old layout, you will be familiar with the new as well, with some notable exceptions and changes:
* Additional connections to make team rotations easier,
* Changed the cover on last and removed half of the large obstructing structure (lot of complaints about sentry spots here)
* Mid and 2nd are both raised control points now, to address various game dynamic issues
* Additional and easier access to the top of the temple at mid
* All spawns and forward spawns now have two exits
* That annoying ditch and tunnel at second has been removed entirely
* The garden area leads more directly to and from the 2nd point
* Completely revamped artstyle! Now the place actually looks more like Ankor Wat!
* ...and a bunch of other things too numerous to mention
[EDIT] Forgot to mention the timings:
Total time for the Antiquity Asset Revision - 95 hours 26 minutes (textures, models, etc)
Total time to iterate from RC1 back down to B15 - 76 hours 36 minutes (complete rebuild, only keeping the portal locations the same).
Get the complete asset pack here:
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