This could probably be subtitled the "b4nny suggested this" update since I pretty much did almost everything he mentioned when he walked the map on stream. Updated in the workshop, too.
B15 -> B16 Changelog
* Additional clipping at mid, around stairs to prevent bumping into model detailing
* Better clipping in various other areas, blocked off a troublesome area under stairs near last
* Rock prop added to garden for additional coverage
* Made a portion of the scaffolding at last playable area
* Opened up a small route from the small area behind 2nd point (behind the stairs)
* Left side spawn door on last spawnroom changed so it doesn't directly drop onto last control point
* Changed large health kit under mid into a small
* Opened up the electric/plastic room at the top of lobby (area between 2nd and last)
* Parallel routes heading into last consolidated into single route (and widened)
* Wall between lobby at last and deadfall/IT has been opened up
* Added nobuild area to top of stone shack at 2nd point
* Additional route added from garden to 2nd point to help mitigate defender's strong height advantage
* Moved health & ammo out of the stone shack at 2nd into the low ground, added an extra ammo pack inside shack
* Changed the position of the double stairs inside large buildings at mid
* Added dropdown inside large buildings at mid
* Extended platform facing 2nd point
* Compacted size of mid by 128 hammer units per side (or 256 total)
* Added secondary entrance at doorway at mid (below forward spawns)
* Adjusted position of health & ammo at mid
* Readded Void "RED Industrial" signs after finding the download again, yay!
* Fixed various minor texture alignment issues
* Fixed various minor prop placement issues
* Fixed continuity error in final forward spawn
* Added menu photos
* Updated soundscapes (soundscapes still do not work from workshop maps however)
* Converted several brushwork details into props (broken walls, wooden stairs, etc)
* Fixed some lighting origin issues
* Added missing control point signs to 2nd point
* Additional skybox detailing
* Added colour correction for more vibrance (though cc doesn't always work in TF2)
* Added spectator cameras
Map 23:30 hours
Assets: 13:00 hours
I'll be updating my website later today with those nifty comparison slider thingers.

Read the rest of this update entry...