WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!



i'm loving the spookyness



L5: Dapper Member
Jun 2, 2016

that texture repetition though. The metal with the huge black gaps is meant for background building in the skybox or unplayable areas, hinting at a dark interior. Having a gap that doesn't match with the inside looks weird. Also turn up your texture scaling to avoid obvious repetition (this texture repeats very badly, another reason not do use it here. besides that I like the geometry and detailing, although perhaps give that wood building some depth. It would look more realistic and increase immersion, showing that there is a world outside the direct play area.
Follow this tutorial to merge the building with the skybox seamlessly, I think it would look awesome if you did this for the wood and red metal buildings to add to the industrial warehouse district effect.


Dec 19, 2015
Not halloween, but I'm happy how this starts looking:
The metal with the huge black gaps is meant for background building in the skybox or unplayable areas, hinting at a dark interior. Having a gap that doesn't match with the inside looks weird. Also turn up your texture scaling to avoid obvious repetition (this texture repeats very badly, another reason not do use it here
This act of shameless self promotion might help the situation a bit ;)


L3: Member
Feb 8, 2017

Changed a few things in the area, like:
-added the spotlight effect to the lamps
-removed the pointlights
-changed the beams so they don't clip through the support anymore
-the rocky walls are more rocky, although not really that noticeable from this angle, but you can see it when looking to the sides


Feb 7, 2008

Badland uses that curb/road style to mark a specific path through the area. Using it for the entire floor doesn't quite have the same effect, as the caution tape is a rather eye-catching material but it isn't being used here to draw your eye to anything particular since it's everywhere.


L-3: Simulated Member
Feb 17, 2016
Little update:

that texture repetition though. The metal with the huge black gaps is meant for background building in the skybox or unplayable areas, hinting at a dark interior. Having a gap that doesn't match with the inside looks weird. Also turn up your texture scaling to avoid obvious repetition (this texture repeats very badly, another reason not do use it here. besides that I like the geometry and detailing, although perhaps give that wood building some depth. It would look more realistic and increase immersion, showing that there is a world outside the direct play area.
Follow this tutorial to merge the building with the skybox seamlessly, I think it would look awesome if you did this for the wood and red metal buildings to add to the industrial warehouse district effect.
I changed the texture to avoid the obvious repetition and changed the wood building a little bit and added a small out-of-bounds area. I will add more behind it later (3d-skybox). However, I fell like the area at the bottom of the buildings and around the hatch seems empty at the moment. Any ideas how I could add some geometry there (I don't want to prop spam).


L5: Dapper Member
Jun 2, 2016
using displacements to get grass and dirt along the edges of the building would look cool, but I think it is fine. focus on gameplay for now, and add small detail props (tires & such) to break up the long walls, but don't worry about detailing the entire length of the wall, I think it looks fine as it is. A bigger issue I think is having 3 buildings next to each other with the same texture (the wood is darker and stands out less with one building in the background, so i don't think that is an issue).
Jul 26, 2015
However, I fell like the area at the bottom of the buildings and around the hatch seems empty at the moment. Any ideas how I could add some geometry there (I don't want to prop spam).

Try putting little concrete curbs on the ground in some places, like in Dayal's image two posts above. I think it would help make the ground less bland.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
Yeah, all the buildings using the same texture are kinda meh looking.

As for super-obviously tiling textures - remember about overlays, they are your friend. Some random paint patches, maybe a big number on one of the building and a logo on another will make the scene look less plain.

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017

Remaking my old gimmick arena_graveyard into arena_skeleton_strike for Halloween. Apparently there's another map called arena_graveyard. Note that this is not a final compile.


L69: Deviant Member
Aug 2, 2017
Do you think any of these sightlines are too long? If so, how do you suppose I fix them? Setting is an intercity downtown area. I was thinking of adding cars on the road, but then snipers could just climb on them. I also thought about a truck/train crash, but I don't think I have enough room to make flanks around it. Any ideas?

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017
Do you think any of these sightlines are too long? If so, how do you suppose I fix them? Setting is an intercity downtown area. I was thinking of adding cars on the road, but then snipers could just climb on them. I also thought about a truck/train crash, but I don't think I have enough room to make flanks around it. Any ideas?
Dude, that third sightlines is hella too long. First two look bad, but depending on the layout may be tolerable.

One way to fix sightlines is to add tall buildings (after all, downtown city areas have lots of these), and rather than making long, straight roads, make your roads curve and weave around buildings.