Fair warning: it has been attempted multiple times and fails again and again for exactly the reasons you think it would: how to attack and defend 5 points is super hard to remember, players turn up to the points at weird and varying times, and 5cp is built around knowing what last and second looked like by the time you reached mid so that you know what to expect when you push forward. Plus the comp reasons above.
Those actually weren't my problems. My only real problem was that the layout was difficult to remember. All the connectors were super straightforward, all the timing was spot-on (unless you went some weird backwards route akin to rolling out far left on snakewater), and the map's defensibility and attackability was super straightforward.
5CP is not "built around" knowing what every control point looks like. On badlands, rolling out properly only shows you like a third of your side of the map, and you miss the most important entrances. If you think rolling out a single time is going to teach you the map, there's nothing you're NOT going to learn from rolling out once on each side instead. Yes, it helps quite a bit to be run past the control points on the way to mid, but it's MUCH more important to have a fast and cohesive rollout rather than shoehorning people across chokepoints. Hell, the proper badlands rollout doesn't even let you SEE spire's CP! If that map were dev textured, it would be way harder to tell that spire is a CP.
Comp cares about a hell of a lot more than symmetry. When they keep getting symmetrical maps that are pure garbage by their standards of flow, scale, and balance, I'm sure they'd at least reluctantly interest an asymmetrical map that doesn't have those problems. I'm not saying my map was/is flawless or referring to it indirectly in this context at all, but you're basically speaking out of your ass about comp players here, as people on this site tend to do too much.