Why do you love steam convos?


L2: Junior Member
Jul 21, 2015
DogBot: Friday's Dog of the Day // http://i.imgur.com/FefMK1A.jpg // Courtesy of idolon
Osspial: ಠ_ಠ
ODSP: fat birdo
Osspial: that's no doggo
ODSP: leave this place
Layl: !nextdog
Diva Dan: thats not a dog!!!
Layl: !dotdrtv
Nick: aaa
Osspial: IDOLON
BlitzVS disconnected.
idolon: punkd
Nick: thats not a doge
abp: imp
Diva Dan: THis thursday is officially ruined
hoplitjoe,citizen of #Rationalia: that's a good dog
Osspial: D:
hoplitjoe,citizen of #Rationalia: thank you idolon#


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015


Sep 5, 2014
18:38 - Nioxed: goong
18:38 - Nioxed: gnoong*
18:38 - Hyperion @RIPVBot: gnooong
18:38 - ⚠ worMatty#2166: Gnooong?
18:38 - Yrrzy: gong
18:38 - Yrrzy: no wait
18:38 - Crowbar @ripuk's: gon nog
18:38 - Yrrzy: gon
18:38 - Nioxed: gononog?
18:38 - idolon: gin ooo nig
18:38 - Hyperion @RIPVBot: gnbgubg

(not providing context)

EDIT: context
Last edited:
Nov 2, 2010
23:29 - DΛRREN #2993: and sometimes at night they start screaming
23:29 - DΛRREN #2993: and someone cries
23:29 - DΛRREN #2993: and no they are not fucking


Feb 2, 2014
Corvatile: i look forward to the shit-eating union jack-waving FUCKS who will be on TV tomorrow saying 'it is our independence day from the EU'
Corvatile: and i will vomit like a leaf blower in a swimming pool


L2: Junior Member
Aug 11, 2014
Here's a conversation I had with someone about Culvers. I have changed their name to "User" to keep them anonymous.
User: they just put in a culvers like right around the corner from my shop
User: does culvers have a drive thru?
Clone5184 |: Most do, that I'm aware of
User: hmm ok
User: so are all the butterburgers like two patties
User: like if i get a butterburger with cheese
User: shit thats it im goin
Clone5184 |: Not al have 2 patties
Clone5184 |: Still good though
User: I got a burger with cheese and curds
Clone5184 |: yum
User is now Online.
User: Now I look like a damn fool
User: Everyone else was pulling up
User: So I started to pull up
User: No wait, sir!
User: Fuck
User: Now I can never return


L2: Junior Member
Aug 11, 2014
ruhles bahvor: what even are flashlights?
ekscelle.dll: a projected texture
ruhles bahvor: oohohhhhh
ruhles bahvor: ok
ruhles bahvor: ive always wondered
Clone5184 |: The light thing you use in HL2
Clone5184 |: "F" by default.
ODSP: the more you know
ekscelle.dll: it was a bit more archaic in goldsrc iirc
ekscelle.dll: it was just a texture that lit up walls
Clone5184 |: and entities
ekscelle.dll: not in hl1
ruhles bahvor: hl2
ekscelle.dll: i was talking about goldsrc
Clone5184 |: I was too
ekscelle.dll: it can't light up entities
ekscelle.dll: it could in the alpha but they removed that
Clone5184 |: You can illuminate npcs at least
ekscelle.dll: not in retail
Clone5184 |: I made a map and I was able to make a scientist glow by shining my flashlight on him. Soon as I took it off, he got dark.
ekscelle.dll: i swear they removed that in retail
ekscelle.dll: am i just going mad
Clone5184 |: Headcrabs light up as I crawl through vents.
Clone5184 |: Gimme a sec
ekscelle.dll: fuck dude i think you're right
ekscelle.dll: i could've sworn they removed the npc illumination
Not You(gonna play League LOL) is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Clone5184 |: Ta dah http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...431/0E08F461583317665AAD7B2586D82C5BF764B3AE/
ekscelle.dll: fuck


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
DΛRREN #2993: hey if you get a imp going on you can hear my dumb stupid voice

])oo]v[: more reason not to


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 28, 2016
give medic angel wings
])oo]v[: and tits
JeanPaul: minigun is replaced with hammer
RodionJenga: already a cosmetic
idolon: doom beat me to it
RodionJenga: well the wings
Seba: no tits
])oo]v[: yes tits
])oo]v[: THREE TITS
dryerlint: half tits
Seba: whoa
dryerlint: hue
aui: 50% more tits
aui: per tit
Clone5184 |: It crahsed now.
JeanPaul: how about some perky ski slope ruski tits
JeanPaul: too far
Seba: wouldn't "half tits" just be "tit"
])oo]v[: tf2 will be 50% better than ow
BΛKSCRΛTCH - Cream of the Crop is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
HolySnickerPuffs: Phi Darren asked me to ask you if we can have an imp on the US server.
Stiffy360 - Mapper: unlittwotexture looks useful
dryerlint: Exactly seba
aui: replace double jump on scout with blink
])oo]v[: and arses with three legs
RodionJenga: stop being an enabler holly
JeanPaul: you could have half of two tits
JeanPaul: that doesnt mean its one tit
ruthless behavior: what the hell did i come back to
])oo]v[: to tits
idolon: i dont think you can have half of a single tit
RodionJenga: we're fixing tf2
idolon: its still a tit
ruthless behavior: give
aui: give soldier a biotic field as a secondary
Yrrzy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
DΛRREN #2993: is uh
])oo]v[: depends which way you chop it
DΛRREN #2993: imp
DΛRREN #2993: going to happen
Seba: maybe not one entire tit but it'd still be the equivalent of one tit
Seba: (cutting two tit into two each)
idolon: a tit is a tit no matter how you slice it
JeanPaul: no no if you had two tits and halved both of them youd then have two half tits because you cant combine two half tits into one whole tit
KubeKing: Just watched that bak
RodionJenga: well if you cut right down the nipple it'd be hard to argue it'd be a full tit
Seba: (assuming cutting evenly)
ruthless behavior: darren the imp is gonna be in us so your ping sucks ass
KubeKing: loving all this free press for the Vive
])oo]v[: what if you have two back halves
idolon: oh yes i forgot about the nipple
])oo]v[: slicing vertically front to back
RodionJenga: i meant left/right or up/down halves
JeanPaul: is a nipple required for it to be a tit?
dryerlint: You guys are so going into the steam convo thread
RodionJenga: well it's nice
aui: I always thought a tit was a nipple
Seba: what about post-breast-cancer tits
Seba: those may not have nips but still are tits
JeanPaul: you can def have nipple-less tits
RodionJenga: that's how i use it for men
ruthless behavior: aui you fucking 13 year old vvirgin
])oo]v[: what about a silicone bag
JeanPaul: what about it
])oo]v[: kinda half a tit too
RodionJenga: still a tit
Seba: have you ever tried fucking a silicone bag
])oo]v[: other half being the outside
JeanPaul: a silicone bag is only a tit if its surrounded by tit skin
RodionJenga: no seba, i'm not weird
])oo]v[: have you ever tried fucking exactly half a tit
JeanPaul: without the tit skin its just a bag of silicone
Seba: i've never been exposed to exactly half a tit
RodionJenga: how would you even fuck one tit
RodionJenga: that's not how that works
])oo]v[: is a tit not still a tit if its not attached to body
JeanPaul: cut a hole in it
JeanPaul: then you can fuck one tit!
idolon: please do not fuck the tit
RodionJenga: the fuck you guys
])oo]v[: maybe the tit is big enough to fold
Mimas Torres: bleh, occult doesn't really have a money shot :\
dryerlint: This is fascinating
JeanPaul: folding tit lel
])oo]v[: then its a cuntit
Seba: can you turn a tit inside out?
idolon: you can turn a sphere inside out
JeanPaul: you dont want to turn a tit inside out
idolon: but you have to assume that you can push the fabric of the sphere through itself
RodionJenga: so glad to not be straight right now
idolon: plus the sphere is volumeless
ruthless behavior: http://geekologie.com/2014/09/22/total-recall-breast-3.jpg what about this
Seba: push the fabric of the tit through itself
JeanPaul: you can invert a torus with just a hole but tits are toruses
DΛRREN #2993: tell me when there is a imp
DΛRREN #2993: i lost any hope in humanity and phi
JeanPaul: arent* whoops
dryerlint: There's no imp, but there is a tit
idolon: where is the back boundary of the tit
])oo]v[: looking at those eyes there should be a third eye between them too
dryerlint: Or at least half of one
idolon: like, how do you isolate a tit
RodionJenga: phi don't need your hope
idolon: can you turn a tit inside out without also turning the rest of the body inside out?
DΛRREN #2993: yes she needs
Seba: also i didn't mean that in the general sense, i meant "would you personally be able to turn a tit inside out, taking into account the fact that you'd need to somehow get a physically separate tit and some other mentally scarring factors"
RodionJenga: phi has valvefame and valvefortune
JeanPaul: I feel like it needs to be attached to a ripcage to be considered a tit
RodionJenga: you can't invert a sphere without breaking it
])oo]v[: maybe a riptire instead
JeanPaul: so that back is almost a required part of tit-hood
Seba: so when you cut off a tit it's no longer a tit?
idolon: i mean i suppose you can remove skin and put it anywhere else
Not You() disconnected.
])oo]v[: its an extit
DΛRREN #2993: yeah she have sunshine
idolon: but at some point all you've done is reverse the order of the skin layers
DΛRREN #2993: she dont needs us anymore
idolon: and you probably would not recognize it as a tit
ruthless behavior: someone with tits settle this
RodionJenga: i mean it started out weird, got sexy, went surgical, gorn-y, etc
dryerlint: Ruth, there are no grills on the internet
idolon: gorny
Seba: not how this works, ruthless
])oo]v[: im fat enough to have tits and im confuse
Seba: gomy
phi: jesus this conversation is weird
])oo]v[: wont experiment on my self tho
])oo]v[: dont even ask
dryerlint: You're weird, phi
ruthless behavior: phi what's your opinion
Seba: weird enough to make good maps
dryerlint: ayy
JeanPaul: if one tit is twice as large as the other tit is that first tit half a tit?
ruthless behavior: arena_half_tit
idolon: no
DΛRREN #2993 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
JeanPaul: yeah I didnt think so
])oo]v[: cp_tit, mirrored also a cp_tit
DΛRREN #2993: my ass is frozen
idolon: cps are already like
idolon: halfway there
idolon: big metal nips
RodionJenga: cp_tit_tilt
])oo]v[: it must be two point koth
JeanPaul: cp_capture_da_nipple
ruthless behavior: will get to work on this immediately
RodionJenga: king of the hills

Don't question it.