Introducing the...
Secret April Fools Early Testing Gameday!
April is fast approaching, and so is the infamous April Fools Gameday. So, I've decided to host early "preview" testing to help mappers make the best AF maps they possibly can.Secret April Fools Early Testing Gameday!
Some important notes:
- Startacker (the contest judge) is banned from participating in these tests.
- There will be no regular Discord or Steam announcements when the test begins
- I will note when it starts in the April Fools Spoilers channel in the Discord
- I will also send a ping to the VIP channel in the Discord
- I will note when it starts in the April Fools Spoilers channel in the Discord
- Expect the server to not be full at all times
- The test will last until we run out of players or maps, whichever happens first
- Please do not share any information about the tests or maps outside of the April Fools Spoilers channel in the Discord Official EU Server:
Saturday, March 14th, 1:00 pm EST/5:00 PM GMT
Submission Rules:
*** Please don't directly post links to your maps here! ***
Reply in this thread if you'd like to claim a spot, and provide the following:
Discord username:
Content warnings (flashing lights, loud sounds, etc.):
Does your map require any special considerations?:
I will be contacting people through discord a few hours before the test in order to collect maps. I will be revealing nothing about the maps that will be played ahead of time. Don't add your maps to the Bot, I'll ping you when your map is up for testing.
For the special considerations, think things like commands run before the map loads, or point_servercommands. You don't have to list these things publicly; when I contact you for your map I'll ask you about them. If you need the use of point_servercommand, I'll give you more information about the approval process at that time.
I fully expect some maps to break. That's okay. That's what I'm here for. That being said, please keep these rules in mind:
- Filename must be versioned.
- e.g. 'cp_example_a1', not simply 'cp_example'
- Filename must be entirely in lowercase.
- 'cp_example_a1', not 'CP_Example_A1' - capital letters break Linux servers.
- Fullbright maps WILL be skipped, no matter what.
- Please repack your map before sending it to me.
- The use of point_servercommand must be cleared with me ahead of time.
Other notes:
- Maps are generally run in the order they are submitted, but if you'd like your map to be played at a certain time please let me know and that can be arranged.
- Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like feedback on, e.g. spawn times, scale, detailing etc.
- I will try to run these every weekend leading up to April, so if you don't get in now, don't worry.