
  1. Hanz

    Arctic rc

    KotH Arctic By Hannes 'Hanz' Tirez Contact: Being the winner of STARs KotH contest, Arctic features the King of the Hill gamemode and was designed to be played in a 9v9 Highlander format. While the primary focus lay with this specific format, Arctic offers a good time...
  2. DaBeatzProject

    Overlook rc

    CTF_OVERLOOK A regular Capture The Flag map. Overlook takes place in the early night, where RED and BLU are fighting to gain each other's intelligence. There are several sneaky routes - but are those leading you to the intel or to a certain death? Anyways! I am looking for feedback! Have you...
  3. honeymustard

    Upland RC4

    CP_Upland By honeymustard & IrishTaxiDriver Steam: | Intro video: Development video: Upland is a 5 point attack/defend map with the same format as Steel.
  4. heyo

    Tidal rc

    Cp_Tidal is set in a facility on the bayside. It's set at night time and I tried to create a cool view of a suspension bridge across the bay. I chose to keep each side similar in architecture so the whole map would fit together and feel like one cohesive modern facility. It's a 5 cp linear push...
  5. heyyou

    Stoneyridge rc2

    Snow themed, two point, attack/defend map (like cp_gorge). Subscribe on the workshop! Like Stoneyridge on Facebook (click here) This is a penny arcade community map that was started around the same time as the artpass project competition. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it...
  6. Ravidge

    Silvertrail RC2

    cp_silvertrail A gravelpit-style capture point map. Alpine mining theme, based on silver mining industry in Yukon (Canada). Release candidate (basically final)! After having their base of operations blown up in the big Gold Rush, red team decides to invest in the silver industry. This time...
  7. Hanz

    Mojave rc

    CP Mojave By Hannes "Hanz" Tirez Contact: Managing to pick up the 2nd place in the CP contest of TF2Maps, Mojave features an attack/defend control point map with 2 control points on both the stages it provides. All 4 control points offer different playstyles and...
  8. Acegikmo

    Glacier RC6

    cp_Glacier This is a triple point Attack/Defend map like cp_gravelpit. What I aim to do in cp_glacier, is to balance cap A and B, making them both equally defendable, as opposed to cp_gravelpit, where it's better for red to defend B.
  9. tyler

    Desertion rc

    A 2CP Upward themed map. There is an _event version here. Special thanks to: languid for all his wonderful detailing Doom for optimizing tips & tricks Custom content: CP Holograms are by Icarus Flatbed cart from the construction theme Pallet jack from the Bullet Crops project Custom...
  10. Arnold

    Bazillion RC5

    Honeymustard was kind enough to make a flytrough of bazillion, check it out! Thanks Honey
  11. Fruity Snacks

    Backlot rc2

    By: Joseph 'Fr0z3n' R "Work by day, fight by night." Red and Blu are expanding! But it comes with a cost, the more they expanded, the less and less room there is to build! Now they are on the last piece of workable land, and both sides want it. It would take too long for...