[1:45 PM] omni: alright so right now my model is that tracer and sonic stand with the centers of their bodies D feet apart, on two parallel race tracks R feet long, on an infinite massless plane with no air resistance; sonic has an acceleration function A_s(t) defining his acceleration wrt time which can be integrated to obtain his position travelling in a straight line; tracer has reaction time R_t and sonic has reaction time R_s; tracer has acceleration function A_t(t) and follows a path that continually approaches the point ahead of the center of sonic such that a ray travelling at the speed of light towards that point such that the ray and the center of sonic would intersect the point at the same instant; tracer has a spread S in minutes of arc and a repeating fire rate F measured in pulses per second and is assumed to have infinitely precise eyesight aiming with an infinitely thin reticle; the goal is to calculate the probability of success for tracer given these variables, specifically by first finding a function defining her probability of success at a time t and then integrating the timewise success function Q(t) to obtain the overall probability of success Q
[1:46 PM] omni: that's obviously too many variables to put in a 2D graph but most of them like reaction time should be held constant anyway
[1:47 PM] omni: track length and tracer's spread are probably the best two to graph, and then adding time makes it 3D
[1:51 PM] omni: conclusion: tracer forfeits the race and then receives a nobel prize for discovering the world's first infinite massless plane