My brother's friend, TheMasterBlack (I forget his actual username) has shown me a map cp_town, that he made by himself and that inspired me to make a map. He told me some basics, how to make a maps. First map, it made was Come_.vmf which had only few brushes and it couldn't even work. Later I made map GrayWhite which has been failed due maybe player was spawning, but map was waaaaay to big, like in my later map called 5cp. After a loooooot of tries and tests in January 2015 I made my first playable map called koth_ . I played on this map with my brother and his friend. He said that I make good work. Later I started make better maps like cp_cpkotharenactf, koth_flood and 4f_port. When I heard about TF2maps I decided to join it and I participated in 2015 72hr Summer Contest. I screwed up with a koth_waterock_72. But 6 months later I published koth_coalhill which was a way better. Now I obtained everything about hammer and I could do a very good maps, but I'm not so much motivated like a year ago.
TL;DR: My brother's friend has shown me hammer and that motivated me to do maps
TL;DR: My brother's friend has shown me hammer and that motivated me to do maps