Globetrotter - Detailing Contest 2022 [VOTING]

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017

Rules and Information | Upload Thread | Voting | Results

Voting ends 8:00AM 28th March 2022 GMT+0

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PST -- 12:00 AM, 28th March 2022
MST -- 1:00 AM, 28th March 2022
EST -- 4:00 AM, 28th March 2022
BST -- 8:00 AM, 28th March 2022
CST/SGT/AWST -- 4:00 PM, 28th March 2022
JST/KST -- 5:00 PM, 28th March 2022
AEST -- 7:00 PM, 28th March 2022
NZST -- 9:00 PM, 28th March 2022


Maps are scored on a 0 to 100 scale, using 50 as an average scale.
Provide a score for each map, taking into account not just the visual fidelity, but also anything else that impacts your experience, such as sound and interactivity.

Written feedback is encouraged but not required.

A ballot must contain scores for all entries to count, with the exclusion of your own map, if you have entered the contest.
Ballots may be thrown out at discretion of staff. A public log will be kept of any ballots that are disqualified for the sake of transparency.

If you wish to submit your ballot privately, DM it to me on the forums. Any private ballots will be made public at the end of voting for the sake of transparency.

Use this table in your posts to cast your votes:
(tip: use the built-in table creator next to the spoiler function in the toolbar!)
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy
MattieLondon, England
PaperShadowLondon, England
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia

You can open each map by typing in console:
map globetrotter_"username"

Make sure you also use the "flush" command between maps to clear your game cache!

Map pack download (222 MB)
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L3: Member
Jun 20, 2020
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy88
MattieLondon, England95
PaperShadowLondon, England65
RaymontisaurusPerth, AustraliaI cant vote for my own map : )

Gothic Organist

L1: Registered
Jul 22, 2018
MAPSCOREPROS (spoilers)CONS (spoilers)
Very interesting original map location. Some very interesting details like the pins the marble is getting split by. Good sound effects.
Not more exploration beyond what is presented at first sight.
Mattie92Very detailed architecture. Very well matched textures. A lot of diverse buildings.
Lacks interactivity and could use some interior exploration.
Good detailing, good use of rounded shapes for it's hallways and roofs. Good sound effects.
Very small and linear. Therefore lacks exploration and world building.
Very clever world building and easter eggs. Unique use of npcs. Detailed environments with unmatched diversity. Good sfx too.
Not much of note.
Really diverse building material choices and shapes. A lot of pleasant detailing with plants. Also good interior and exterior variation.
Some strange texture choices like a texture that doesn't loop seamlessly. Some parts that could use more detailing like the eaves of buildings.


huh? wuh?
Mar 15, 2018
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy80
MattieLondon, England100
PaperShadowLondon, England40
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia60

- really unique setting! excellent concept and i can clearly feel what you're going for
- nice soundscapes, though could use another pass to refine them further. i can also hear the computers through the walls.
- nice use of snow overlays. :)
- these cargo elevators are fucking awesome
- i like the juice glass on the clipboard lined up with the stain on the paper.
- some of the rope wind looks a bit weird.
- 3dsky feels pretty rushed
- restrictive clipping - i want to explore more! or fall off the edge. that's fun, too.
- clip your stairs!
- oddly shiny coffee pots
- while i appreciate the creative use of those hl2 props they are also very obvious
- i'm taking screenshots of this for my references folder. this makes me want to artpass! inspiring!

- stunning, and uncannily familiar. you've captured the environment better than anything else i can think of.
- packed full of small touches that i absolutely love. the milk bottles, the parking permit signs, the bird spikes - wow.
- i enjoy the nod that this is still TF2 with the BLU van. comfortably subtle.
- beautiful 3dsky
- appreciate the lost alley football
- nice brushwork handrails
- i think there's some vectory vmt stuff you can do to sharpen that station door lattice? outline HUD popups like the intel and spy cloak things use it.
- could use a few lightglows on the church spotlights - there's a few near the ground you can see the front of
- sky behind the station feels a touch sparse?
- please reduce how often that alarm goes off. please.

- i like the concept here, but the execution feels a little blunt.
- station looks nice! though the advertising boards really show how low fidelity the curve is.
- the accessible area is so small! i can't even access the other platform.
- computery soundscape fades in way further than i expected. thought it was broken at first.
- material choice feels really weird. a nice tiled and clean tunnel into dark, dirty bricks into water-worn concrete?
- use a tonemap controller.

- cool! a dense city environment with a lot going on.
- kinda rough around the edges, though that's understandable with just how much is here. several explorable interiors is impressive.
- with how busy the soundscapes are, i feel like you could do with some vehicles going past on the roads out of bounds.
- really nice brushwork on the buildings! it's a shame that it's so out of the way having to look up - i nearly missed it.
- love the tiny model jeeps. very creative.
- i like the secrets.
- some sorting issues.

- this is beautiful! it's so cosy.
- nice soundscapes.
- i like these little brick lantern things!
- scale feels a little odd - some things aren't exactly walkable. ruins my immersion a little.
- i can walk through the rope fences by the spawn point. oops!
- packing issue with some sort of propane tank on a handcart. i made sure to flush the cache on menu beforehand.
- hole in geo by the road.
- one or two sorting issues with those glass fences.
- 3dsky transition is pretty close and harsh


Server Staff
Nov 26, 2012
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy60
MattieLondon, England90
PaperShadowLondon, England50
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia100

Dr. Squishy - The theme itself was done really well and true to the source! Lots of nice sounds and cool sites and lil' details to it! However, there were a number of issues that hamper the experience for me. You can see most of what it has to offer right from the spawn point, and some potentially interesting areas are closed off behind some awkwardly placed clips that make me question why I'm not allowed there. On top of that, I docked a few points since there were some brushes that seemed to disappear behind the brushwork behind it, creating some odd perspective issues, including another brush behind where you spawn that seems to move with me as I move? I'm not sure how to describe it, but it just looks off. Overall, really well done, I just wish there was more to it and some of those issues be taken care of!

Mattie - Such a wonderfully done map! It captures the location excellently and has so many fun little details to it that makes everything come together SO well! Including a BLU van was a nice touch, reminding us that we are indeed still in the TF2 universe! The 3D Skybox is done very well too, it's impressive! My only real gripe with it is that I really wish we could've entered at least some of the lil' shops scattered around, that lil' bit of interactivity could've gone a long way I feel! Aside from that though, it's a wonderfully well done map, fantastic job!

PaperShadow - This one was a neat idea! It captures the location well, though I do feel that it's overall kind of underwhelming. What's here is really nice and done well! However, I can't help but feel that a lot more could have been done with it. It's just a straight shot through with no interesting detours. If it had that extra stuff added to it I think it would have turned out really well! I'm really impressed with how the tunnels themselves were made, they're really well done! Overall, what's here is done really well, but I wish there was just more to it!

Raymontisaurus - This is such a fantastic map! The map is so masterfully crafted and it captures it's location perfectly! It has so many wonderful details to it, from the signs, the stores you can walk in to, the sounds, and to the various npcs! Like the Heavy waiting at the elevator, the Scouts and Engies running some of the stores, the Heavy bouncer and the group of Snipers just hanging out, it gives the map so much life! It legitimately feels like a living, breathing world and I love it SO much for that! There's so much stuff in it I missed the first time I ran through it like the entire underground area and the blue teleporter exit. It's a shockingly big map and with so much stuff in it, it's a map I'll come back to a lot for sure! I have no complaints for it whatsoever! You did an absolutely fantastic job!

Turnsintocroc - I really like how this one looks! It's a very natural looking map, both the outdoors and indoors areas look and sound great! There's a lot of neat details in the indoor areas as well that I really appreciate! It's solid all around, but there are definitely a few quirks that bring it down quite a bit. The biggest thing is the 3D skybox, the transition from the walkable space to the skybox is very obvious, both with the visible seams and the out of bounds buildings being very noticeably lower quality compared to the ones in the walkable space. Another thing of note is that one small section of the canals is missing a floor and water to it so I was able to fall through to beneath the map, there's also some plants and foliage that I feel should have collision that don't, but that's pretty minor. All in all though, I like it a lot, but there's just some things that bring it down a bit from how good it could be, good job!
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L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2016
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy70
MattieLondon, England90
PaperShadowLondon, England60
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia90

DrSquishy - Cool idea and good scale, very grand. I like the initial reveal from the spawn point but not much to explore past that. Maybe it could have a tourist/visitor centre kinda thing idk that's probably not accurate to the real place? Looking at photos of Carrara, you recreated it pretty well
Mattie - Uncanny in how much this feels like a real place. Nice lighting, wish all streetlights went back to orange. Would have been nice to have some of the buildings open, maybe the pub/train station if it's late?
PaperShadow - Impressively curvy, would have liked to explore more, maybe a bigger platform/station, but unmistakably London
Raymonitsaurus - Lots to explore, nice attention to detail and good jokes. Almost forgot it was tf2
Turnsintocroc - Interesting believable location, nice layout and use of space, skybox transition is a bit too obvious in places


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy75
MattieLondon, England100
PaperShadowLondon, England45
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia90
DrSquishy - Love the unique theme, and I would unironically love to play a map set in a marble quarry like this. Brilliant MapGyver-style use of HL2 props. Some floating props (i.e. The skybox trees high on the cliff behind spawn, the crate in the opposite corner to the scaffolding) lowered the score.
Mattie - Once again, I am blown away (and incredibly jealous) with how talented you are. The intro in the alleyway makes this feel even bigger than it already is, and I love all the little touches sprinkled around that make this map feel alive. The fact that you made a computer innards texture look convincing as streets in the skybox is mind-boggling.
PaperShadow - Big fan of the curved geo (even if it's a little blocky), but there's not a lot here.
Raymontisaurus - I was going to give you a score closer to DrSquishy's, but then I went down the elevator. Love the use of pseudo-NPCs, too.
Turnsintocroc - Feels larger than it actually is, much like Mattie's map, and I love the theme and detailing. Your brushwork a pretty chunky, though, and it's blantantly obvious where the map ends and the skybox begins since the sky buildings have basically no detail. As I was walking around, I fell into a missing chunk of geo around (-1512 1073 1069).
DrSquishy - The "I Want a Playable Map with this Theme" Award
Mattie - The "Best Looking" Award
PaperShadow - The "That's It?" Award
Raymontisaurus - The "This Will Either Be First Place or at a Close Second" Award
Turnsintocroc - The "Diamond in the Rough" Award
The cubemaps in Mattie's and Turnsintocroc's submissions were broken. Not sure if that's a "just me" thing though.
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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy70Quite nice. Left me wanting more.
MattieLondon, England95Excellent use of small details throughout and a very convincing skybox.
PaperShadowLondon, England30Felt like a long leadup with little payoff. Needs something more.
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia80What this map lacks in realism it makes up for with numerous funny easter eggs and interactive bits.
TurnsintocrocIndonesia65I love the theme, though the skybox transition is very obvious and breaks immersion.
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L1: Registered
Aug 3, 2017
DrSquishy Carrara, Italy75Creative Mind
London, England
90Eye Candy
PaperShadow London, England60Want more to explore :)
Perth, Australia
100It's Alive!
Turnsintocroc Indonesia75Warm and Comfy

I played every Map 3 Times (once after Waking Up, once after Work and once at night. And this is what I have to say after playing each Map 3 Times:
DrSquishy - Carrara was on Point (Creative but you had not that much variety to work with), I freakin loved the Details. The Sound Design was perfect and I loved the Jigglebones in the Wires. Just Two lil problems. When you start, then you see everything of the Map (not much to explore). And the freakin Hole in the Woodenstairs (with the Invisible Wall) kinda annoyed me (maybe a fence or something like this would have been the better option here.
Mattie - I have not much to say about this Map (I saw 100% London in it). It is just perfect. So beautiful (nice Skybox) and you won my Heart me with lil Details like the the Tiles infront of the Houses. Would have been a perfect score when I had one or two Inside Places to explore (Estuary Snacks was one of my lil Favorites on the Map ;) .
PaperShadow - The Map was like a Rollercoaster that went Up and Up and then immediately stopped. I freakin loved the Idea to explore a London Metro Station, the Walls at the beginning and the Sounds on the Map (even the Small Metro Map was a cute Detail), but it was so sad, that we had not much to explore. That what you gave us was actually great and that is the saddest part that you could have got a much better score when you just added lil bit more places to explore. Please don't stop Mapping, because I see so much potential in your work.
Raymontisaurus - I could write a whole article about all the fun places to explore and the Easter Eggs on this Map, but the biggest reason why i gave you the perfect score was, that your really beautiful recreation of Perth, Australia felt alive. That was one point that i missed on the other maps after playing yours. It started with a Heavy waiting at the Elevator and went to Sniper Gangs dancing and talking on the street. So many fun details, Inside and outside were beautiful and even the lil TVs in the Window were a great Detail. 95 Points for the whole Designed Map + 5 Points for the Sound and the NPCs that made a TF2 Map to a really Fun and alive Experience.
Turnsintocroc - I had some Black and Purple Squares Reflections (at Windows and some Doors) but I ignored that, because it is probably just my PC (have this on some Maps with water reflections etc.). The first thing i want to say about this map is, that is probably the only map on that list, that i would add (with gameplay changes) on a TF2 Server and it would not feel out of place. The Skyboy looked awesome from far away, but when you got lil bit closer then there were some buildings that felt lil bit blocky and rushed. In the center of the map is a tree that clips through a wall and when you fall in the hole next to it, then you are under map. This, Invisible Walls (my biggest Nemesis in Mapmaking :D) and the lack of some Fun Easter Eggs or fun things to explore prevent a beautiful map to get a score over 75. But I gave you this score, because i felt really warm and comfy on this map and i really liked the inside Interior Design.

Smurfin USA

L1: Registered
Dec 12, 2020
Score (nothing personnel, also scores updated assuming 50 = average map, but also average maps look good)​
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy55
MattieLondon, England80
PaperShadowLondon, England55
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia90
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Oct 5, 2017
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy70
MattieLondon, England90
PaperShadowLondon, England45
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia90


L2: Junior Member
Jul 28, 2018
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy70
MattieLondon, EnglandN/A
PaperShadowLondon, England55
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia85


L1: Registered
Feb 18, 2017
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy75
London, England
London, England
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia90


Basically? Kind of a Huge Mess
Mar 6, 2013
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy
  • Brightness of the rock doesn't feel overwhelming with little details to break it up
  • The chain-cutter(?) device is some excellent prop work
  • Love the little environmental touches in the shacks
  • Would have liked to see some weathering on the quarry stone, the hard stone edges detract from the otherwise natural feel of the environment
  • Simple layout is nice, but not much to discover
  • Nice brushwork on the elevators!
  • Wish the spawn location was a bit more interesting, would have liked a bit more to explore too
MattieLondon, England
  • Low-gimmick, high realism
  • From the moment you spawn, feels like a living world. Clutter touches and lit windows make this city a friendly one.
  • The tiny shops, especially the cafe, are adorable
  • The way the fence alley opens up into the larger street makes the world suddenly seem huge and alive
  • Nice subtle use of the passtime shop facade textures
  • The way it guides the player along, feels like a scenic roller coaster
  • I want to live in this town
PaperShadowLondon, England
  • Opening hallway is a little boring considering the attention given to the walls later
  • Use of light and shadow on the spiral stairs is a stunning effect!
  • Trains feels really small?
  • I really like the bit where I get to hop the fence
  • The advertisements in the train tunnel are well placed and I appreciate the wall being designed around them
  • The computer noises are too obvious in the train platform, and the spytech room is a bit underwhelming as the exploration finale
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia
  • High gimmick, lots of personality
  • Really enjoy this more cartoony (for lack of a better word) take on the prompt, appropriate with Australia's place in TF2 canon
  • Though, the high gimmick nature of this entry does prevent it from feeling as 'real' as some of the other entries. Definitely the most 'fun' experience of the bunch, though.
  • Gorgeous architecture all around
  • Love the little shop dioramas and jokes, the pharmacy resupply gag is a bit too videogamey imo
  • So many little details to find (infamous smissmas case in the dumpster! secret areas! kangaroo court!)
  • I'm not familiar with these idle animations used around the map, not sure if they're stock or custom but they're great and add a lot to the experience
  • The secret rooftop garden is extremely cute
  • Australium Mine room is very cool looking. I like the little zoo dioramas too, but I'm not sure what they're doing down here.
  • Low gimmick, lots of personality
  • Bonus for being the only non-European region submission!
  • Loving the warm weather vibes, much needed this time of year
  • Doves!! What a nice touch!
  • A lot of little detailing touches that feel very unique and personal (broken mirror sink! the table tucked under another table! the little brick structures! rooftop balcony!)
  • Every building feels unique, until the very end at least. Does feel a bit more like a TF2 space than a real location.
  • I won't hold the floor hole or missing texture against this one, stuff happens
  • However the final area feels a bit rough, overuse of the Manor doors maybe. A little distracting after the great early decor.
  • I might also want to live here
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Feb 14, 2010


Aug 6, 2016
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy
Good understanding of temporary housing, looks realistic and styled to Team Fortress 2

Good brushwork for the elevator

Good usage of skybox near the elevator, doesn't look perfect when you get closer but from the players point of view it looks fine

I like the boots sticking out of the ground- the dead always tell the best stories

The quarry textures look great

I feel like some of the edges of the blocks could be more worn down

I don't like the smaller blocks poking through the displacements for the ramps, it probably would've worked better if you had bigger blocks with a displacement in the middle instead

I like the attention to detail with the blocks being split open by a hammer and stakes

The skybox valley that's past the elevator has plenty of odd shadows left by the skycards, and its rather jarring. The mountain to the right looks strange with skycards floating above the ridge, probably would've been better to just have nothing there
MattieLondon, England
I like the idea of starting in alleyway and being led to the grander area

Good work on the architecture for the suburban housing of London. I especially like the church- wish I could go inside

The skybox looks nice

I like the spot where it opens up and there's a metro tunnel underneath, that's a cool idea

There's definitely a lot of detail put into this scene, but a good amount of it is overbearing. A lot of the area would look nicer if there were less props. The same AC unit is used in a lot of areas

The beeping is annoying

Dislike the flowers nearby the church. The colors feel out of place and the props have always felt too cartoony

Some props I immediately recognize have bad lighting. Some of them have lighting thats too dark and some of them are strangely lit up
PaperShadowLondon, England
Good control of geometry with the areas. Big cylinder rooms and spiral staircases

The spot with the train is definitely my favorite

The spytech parts are nice

A large portion of the map however feels tight and dark. These areas also feel rather plain as well
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia
The hidden parts of this map definitely shine

I love the kangaroo general

Entertaining gags

The gang of snipers scare me

Using NPCs like this is interesting

The lights when you first enter are hard to look at

Sometimes the fog cuts the tunnel off underground

Some parts of the stores feel a bit too much with too many props that dont mesh with each other well, I understand they're stores and they have to sell stuff- but I it'd be funnier if most of the stuff were missing

Some of the cubemaps aren't working properly in the spytech area
The map is quite big, which is cool

The doves flying is pretty crazy, I'm not too sure how you did that

There's some clipping with objects in various spots of the map, like the resupply locker and the fences that I can't ignore

The door that leads out of spawn looks strange and makeshift despite having a chrome handle

There's a calendar that's too high up for someone to hang- along with computers that are also to high for someone to reach

The lighting could be a bit more striking if it were at an angle more. It looks like the map is set at noon

The red used for the poles is super saturated- would've been better using something else

A prop with a missing texture is hard for me to ignore


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
DrSquishyCarrara, Italy62
MattieLondon, England83
PaperShadowLondon, England39
RaymontisaurusPerth, Australia95

Looked interesting, and pretty, but needs polishing with tiling textures in the skybox, and I definitely want to see more of this quarry setup. The office portables are rather empty, and I think some of the oob areas could have been wrapped around (in caves maybe?) so we could get closer to some more scenery. Despite the tiling, dope skybox. Sweet marble.
Really great! Looks like something cut out of an indie horror game. That beeping is driving me nuts though, what the heck is it? I think areas could be a bit brighter, maybe a full moon sky would have been a better choice. I had to sit up in my seat (my monitor is already tilted down) and even then some of the fences were still pitch black. I was wanting for interiors, but the exterior was a fun little playground.
I see what you are going for, though there is not much to go on here as of yet. It's a good frame though, keep at it! The unused tunnel has details, but it's entirely black! try some ghost lights to fake bounced light from the adjacent area. Also, the computer soundscape extends rather far out, into the tunnel.
This is superb, sublime, excellent. I love all of it, I just wish it were a bit brighter in places. Also the HL2 tex in the elevator threw me off, as well as a few sorting issues (the music shop's props & window; you can cut+paste-special the window, ad leave it world geo). Please keep making stuff like this! It feels alive with the soundscapes as well. I'm also curious about how you made the teleporters nonsolid (Solids keyval?). Finally, an Australian themed map. And what a great debut. Also: FROG
This is a cute map. Though I think the doors get a bit odd in places, and regrettably, the cubemaps weren't built/packed! I played with mat_specular 0. There were a few clipping issues, like the ~120 degree corner in the yard, I got stuck. The door opening to a dining room actually blocked off further access. I think also that it could use some more variety in the interiors -- that first room was great! I want to see more! It's a cool and unique theme I don't think anyone's done before, but absolutely should be again.
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L3: Member
Feb 24, 2018
i don't have enough time to write out proper feedback but good job everyone these are some banger entries!!!!!
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