
PL Farmstead rc4

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L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
Now I haven't played it for a long time, but I know that sometimes TF2 games just go horribly. Don't judge anything based a single afternoon, especially when you used to have fun on it.

Also, what spots were people trapping people with teleporters? That would be more useful than saying that griefing is bad.


Jul 31, 2009
Hope it helps.

I'm sorry, but it doesn't help at all really. Can you please tell me where these spots are and stop assuming I magically know where they are? Stop assuming I should have already fixed them when no one tells me where anything is. I'm sorry you had a bad experience but no one told me any of this in the b1 version before the contest ended, they assumed I knew when of course I didn't.

Stuff like this is incredibly frustrating as a mapper, and sorry if I sound sour but I've heard this so much recently I'm basically pissed off:

first, Properly clip all bad spots. It will not be tolerated to have people trapping others with teleporters.

What bad spots? I did a pass myself and I clipped everything I found, so clearly I don't know what bad spots you're talking about. If I knew what bad spots there were they'd be clipped off already. Could you tell me what bad spots you expect me to clip?
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Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
What bad spots? ?

Most of the exploits abused in the test were found by Poof, so here are all of the ones he found that I found by stalking him:
^This is unlisted btw
alt link
To be fair, the major one is pretty sneaky, while some of them are more obvious. The trend was holes in ceilings/high up places.
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Aug 14, 2009


Nov 1, 2009
I don't think the problems bullet pointed by takabuschik are really Aly's problem at all, people being idiots on the server is our problem as an admin team and community.

I do agree about blue spawn feeling rather sniper friendly, certainly more than it's official counterparts and while I don't think it's a problem to the map to play a little differently I feel like it more often than not gimps blues abillity to push the rest of the map before the time limits up. Basically, red may not hold blue at their spawn for the whole round but they can regularly hold them for long enough that they will win later on. I should point out my feedback is not from playing the most recent version, but it doesn't look as though significant parts of the mentioned areas have changed so I think the feedback can still be useful.

On a minor note, when waiting at last for the facade on top to move away, it'd be nice if you could start moving the cart immediately after the payload is unobstructed. I found it annoying to see the cart should be able to go but could not until the animation was done. Even just moving the seem of the splitting facade floor so the cart is obstructed until the last second would be better, I know that's not mechanically different but i'd feel less frustrated as an attacker.
Apr 14, 2013
First I want to apologise if I made you upset. I did not try to do that, I'm only trying to help. When I leave feedback it's only when I really care about the map, and I think that my feedback might help the mapper notice things he did not think about before.
Here's a link to the feedback. I'm sure that you already checked it out, But it has lots of cooridnates for the clipping locations. (and other things)

I know that sometimes TF2 games just go horribly. Don't judge anything based a single afternoon, especially when you used to have fun on it.

I fully agree. You cannot judge a map based on a single afternoon evening. That is why I am no judge, and I am not going to vote for no map in this contest. I posted what I feel because I hoped this may help Aly in her next versions of the map.
Tf2 can go horribly wrong. But when is it the mapper's fault and when you should blame the players'?
I believe a mapper should be responsible for exploits in his map. I don't believe, obviously, that you should say bad things about this, like some people have been doing on csgo new maps.
Aly, you don't need to feel bad about such exploits. It happens to everybody. I, as a tester, should have probably left feedback on the griefing spots and locations, but I didn't really know how they were done. I am no expert at griefing.
I'll run through the map and post the clipping locations.


Some lights have vphysics but some are nonsolid.

this one's solid


this one isn't


these two are (in pic I'm standing on one of them)

In that room there's a little seam.

If I recall correctly, there was a tele-trap here. Probably using the method in Another Bad Pun's video.

This payload door under the spawn door doesn't make too much sense to me, considering the spawn has a lowered part. IDK, but I think they may be in theory interfering with each other.

Bad clipping

Lots of beams are not clipped. Not sure if feature or not, but it can be easily be abused.

more beams


yet another unclipped light

After finding this I almost wanted to keep it secret, so I could be one of the cool guys who grief and troll







In the game, some demoman stood out of the fence taunting. Others were taunting too. Once again probably another bad pun's method.

I never saw these before. I thouhgt these were just empty pipes. Somehow, when I'm on a "listen server", these particles exist, but on the US server they don't?


My head can go through the roof. It's not actually too bad, just a little thing I noticed.

There are a few spots which had wierd (yet accurate and unchangeable) clipping. I have no idea how you could solve it, but I'll still mention it as a problem. You may disagree.[IMG]
It looks like in theory you should be able to jump over to the higher roof. Obviously you can't.



same here.
Really! that little angled roof to the right of the conveiour just shouts JUMP ON ME! but you can't obviously because that would be an OP defender's position. I'll sugest in this case to make the conveiour lower.
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Melvin D Engineere

L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 25, 2012
"I'm going to say something about this map. It seems like RED team wasn't able to defend the cart for most of the round. I'm not sure if that was just this round in particular, or because of bad map design. Also, the final explosion could be a little more exciting, with the laser on the roof and stuff..."
Someone on Youtube commented on the video I recently published featuring Inari. I'm posting it here because the person didn't post it in the map thread, and I felt it might be important for Freyja to see.

Oh no was I grumpy and you were recording?
In hindsight, I should've asked everyone on the server if it was ok for me to record video footage. It never occurred to me that players may not always want to be recorded for various reasons.


Mar 1, 2010
I think most of that server is used to me occasionally recording or streaming so it probably isn't a huge deal. I was just caught off guard because I'm usually the one doing the recording. Plus I was particularly salty that night.


Jul 31, 2009
"I'm going to say something about this map. It seems like RED team wasn't able to defend the cart for most of the round. I'm not sure if that was just this round in particular, or because of bad map design. Also, the final explosion could be a little more exciting, with the laser on the roof and stuff..."

These comments seem to be largely based upon the video. Single round where blue was smashing, and the final explosion was barely showed by you (also the particles seemed to be broken for you?)

Melvin D Engineere

L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 25, 2012
These comments seem to be largely based upon the video. Single round where blue was smashing, and the final explosion was barely showed by you (also the particles seemed to be broken for you?)

Particles seemed to be working. I wasn't close enough to see the beginning of the final explosion (imploding?), so I didn't get a chance to film it in its entirety. Also, teams might have been stacked, but I tend to cut out a lot of game footage where there wasn't much going on or if I died as soon as I got back to the bomb cart.
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Dec 6, 2014
Lots of console error messages regarding the particle system. It's trying to create particles that don't exist, and the final explosion is just a screen shake with some sounds. That's it.

Other than that: for a B3 it looks brilliant. Love the theme here, brings TF2 back to its roots of "hiding super secret spy tech laser in a barn".


Jul 31, 2009
Lots of console error messages regarding the particle system. It's trying to create particles that don't exist, and the final explosion is just a screen shake with some sounds. That's it.

Other than that: for a B3 it looks brilliant. Love the theme here, brings TF2 back to its roots of "hiding super secret spy tech laser in a barn".

Really? That's a pain, I might have forgotten to pack the particles. I'll have to update it soon anyway, there's a few glitches I found.


Dec 6, 2014
Also, just a little detail in BLU's first spawn, the door with the giant do not pass sign is somehow forgotten by VRAD. There's a patch of sunshine on the ground. While we're in that spawn, please up the lightmap scale on the left wall (facing towards the exit). This low-res thing may be fine from a distance but it's not that pretty if you're right next to it.

On sounds: add some soundscapes. It may be early beta but it sets the theme so much more.