I wonder what took you more time to do, setting up the logic or making those letter brushes?Logic system that awards points to players for kills and objective captures, and allows them to spend those points on abilities.
Found letter prefabs online, what took longest was figuring out how to do this with <1000 entities.I wonder what took you more time to do, setting up the logic or making those letter brushes?
Who even uses 10 per pageWe're 3/4s to 2000 pages (at a 10 posts-per-page setting) for this thread. When we hit the big 2k, should we make a new thread?
This is the red side of my map, but I don't quiet like it. How can I make it more feel like a red base? In my opinion, the concret walls give it a very blue feeling at the moment. (For a screenshot of the blue site, see a page before)
New last point of cp_traincrashingintocp. But wait! Where's the train? I think I need to think about a new name. Any suggestions?
but also make sure it makes sense... pumpworks and glassstation don't have as nice a ring to it as glassworks, or pumpstation
Trying to learn how to detail. Please critique/advise.
Trying to learn how to detail. Please critique/advise.