WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016

Although Halloween is almost to its end, I'm making this anyway


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
I decided to almost completely restart my map, and i have some wip screenshots of what i would like it to turn into...
Screen Shot 2016-11-07 at 8.23.59 PM.png

This is the screenshot with the current overview of the map, the blu is areas where other parts of the map is on top of, and the green is the flag.
Screen Shot 2016-11-07 at 8.25.19 PM.png

this the map without the current maps overview... from spawn is: when the player walks out of spawn, they are on a balcony. if they chose to walk out on the top floor. beneath them is the intel, and the other exit of spawn. this is the intel room. it has three exits. one of to a side on level 2, where its just a curved hallway. another exit is a dropdown into a pipe(?) that just goes straight. the other exit is on the top level, with the main spawn exits, which is just a curved hallway.

the top exit walks out into a small room comprised of catwalks over some massive oil silos. the players can also walk on the silos. this room has 5 exits: 1 directly across from the exit into the other side, 2 that lead out onto a catwalk in the middle room, and 2 that lead onto the floor level of middle.

the middle dropdown exit leads straight into mid, as well as the bottom exit.

the catwalks that run perpendicular to mid have two exits, not including the drop down onto the floor level. the first exit leads into the silo room. the second exit leads into a semi circle hallway that pops out at the other walkway, with a health and ammo kit in the center.

mid is a small walkway at the back, with two separate stairs going down to floor level, in between the stairs is a small are for players to get to the drop down exits of the intel room. from there is the cat walk that players can go under, or over. in the very center of the room is an elongated silo for players to jump on, and to break up the flatness of the room.

what do you guys think? when i actually make it, it shouldn't be too complicated, or flat...


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
From what I understand the spawn is the curved bit?

I think the alternative route which is on top of the mid in the sketch is a bit too long and tight to walk through. I can imagine soldiers or demos charging through that route and spawncamping a bit.

I like the height variety of this map though. Should be an interesting CTF map unlike some maps. I would love to play as an ubered heavy standing on a balcony looking down into enemy intel room and destroying everything.

I might be misunderstanding the map, but it seems to lack sentry points unless those are some props not geometry.


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
From what I understand the spawn is the curved bit?
I think the alternative route which is on top of the mid in the sketch is a bit too long and tight to walk through. I can imagine soldiers or demos charging through that route and spawncamping a bit.
yes, which is why the intel is right there to dissuade them from camping, and persuade them to win. also, there is an exit on the lower level as well...
I might be misunderstanding the map, but it seems to lack sentry points unless those are some props not geometry.
yeah... i didn't really take those into consideration with this one, but I do hope on implementing them. actually, on second thought, i'm making no sentry spots. people are going to have to find a place to put a sentry, and it may not be the best place either... it might actually remove some of the stalemateyness of ctf...


L2: Junior Member
May 7, 2015
this is a nice detail, but it's also very strangely done. think about how the roof is actually put together (several rectangular sheets of metal placed overlapping each other). instead of removing rectangles from the existing shape, make the resulting shape be composed of rectangles. note how there's thin "strings" of metal, as well as continuous bits of roof at the top and bottom - these don't really quite make sense. the edges of the holes should also line up with the vertical lines of the texture but that's the kind of detail that an ~artistic license~ can ignore

openings in a framed building should probably be the same material as the frame itself (because, well, openings are still part of the frame). the trim around the top of the building is also a different material, but that's not really part of the frame so i'll buy it. (the top trim does have some misaligned wood grain though)

i believe these little rubber guards are for hindering dust collection, protecting walls against feet kicking it, and to hide the edges of carpet. you wouldn't find them outdoors.


Thanks for your feedback! A lot of my excuses would ultimately be "I was being lazy and rushing." But it's definitely something i'll take on board for when I ultimately start detailing my current map i'm working on =)


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
This reply is for those who didn't entirely understand the middle, and the intel rooms of my map. These are, of course, just plain concept sketches, so the final map probably won't look anything like this...
unnamed (1).jpg

This is the room right above the middle... in the center are two massive oil silos that players can walk on and around. The drawing depicts 6 exits. But each single exit has a symetrical duplicate exit on the other side. The one leading down the stairs leads to the ground level of mid. The one leading upwards leads to a catwalk in mid, and the one that is on a flat plain leads to the intel room. Not too hard, right?

This is the Intel room. It consists of a circular catwalk system at the back that has the spawnrooms top exits, and a pathway to the silo room. The actual Intel rests on a platform in front of the spawns bottom exits. The hole near the bottom of the page leads to a pathway that exits out into the middle room. The final exit, on the right is just a curved pathway that leads to mid...

Helpful criticisms? Respond!


I really suck!
Nov 5, 2016
Here are some shots of my first ever map - koth_waffle_a1!






Yeah... I know... the Control Point is a bit too cosy and cramped. But hey, that's something to improve on right away!
Thread + Download!
Last edited:


I really suck!
Nov 5, 2016
Ugh, just noticed that grate window in the second shot is off-centre in relation to the wall. My mapping OCD tells me that I must fix it right away!

EDIT: Aaaaand the wooden stairway in the RED building is disconnected from the platform! GAH! D=


I really suck!
Nov 5, 2016
Development screenshots of what I have so far of this CTF map I'm working on:
I'm really loving that Quake III vibe! All those overhanging platforms!

Aaaaaand... Anyone got any suggestions on what to put between the two bases?
Hmm... I'd suggest something involving lots more overhanging platforms...?

In all seriousness, I'm getting a Doom CTF map vibe from this. You should make something totally abstract for the centre - What about a battleground with holes in it that lead to a death pit or (even better) a series of water tunnels and caves?


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
So, I've made a T-Rex model for pl_enclosure, but I will need someone good with texturing and animation (cause im bad with former and even worse with the latter):



Dec 19, 2015
So I've modelled this a few days ago, and have almost got the texture. @Stiffy360 made a nice texture for it, however, it was quite different than what I've made of it. The convenience of editing is sure due to him first making the original texture; he was also the one to make the bakes. Huge props to him, as I'm stilll learning.