The engy seem to have broken the bounds it had with gravity though...My love for fallout knows no bounds.
The engy seem to have broken the bounds it had with gravity though...My love for fallout knows no bounds.
Look at me! I actually opened hammer today and I might actually have the start of a cool last-point design. Maybe now I can finally make the spytech themed map I always dreamed of.
But what is more likely is that I don't do anything with this and it dies with all my other projects.
- snip -
If you somehow don't turn that into the best thing ever, I will cut ur mum.
So recently I was porting cp_junction to Black Mesa as deathmatch map
Maybe I'm gonna do an original deathmatch map for that game if more people play the multiplayer on release. The servers are rather empty for the moment unfortunately.
- snip -
I thought I had a grand idea for a payload race map
I thought I had a grand idea for a payload race map
I thought I had a grand idea for a payload race map
That's an excellent period font, but it doesn't look very good for an all-caps logo. And typically the name and slogan are written in two different typefaces anyway. Hmm. I'm picturing something somewhere between a serif font like Georgia and something like Britannic, in bold. Nothing springs to mind by name.
Well, mostly because you make maps that aren't functional after several versions.
Is this why I don't ever get to the detailing stage?