WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


L1: Registered
Jun 29, 2012

Control room

From the spawn

The missile site




The base is a fairly good copy of a real Atlas F ICBM missile silo.
Reference Pics


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The Asylum

It's something like hot wheels. You know I made Trade Plaza, right?

That's all the clues you're getting out of me. ;)


Jun 14, 2012
Just an update on koth_snow:

Due to some kind of map error, teamspawn entities and lost all of the models. Some brush based entities are still intact, however the light prop and source were annihilated in the process of the error. Somewhat, overlays are deleted as well. However, the trigger_multiple for the spawn door and its filter was ruined. I have no options but to restart.

I'm going to go with the assumption this is only the first time. I'll have to rebuild it later anyways. Oh well. At least I'm starting on the tower, trying to figure out sightline problems. If you want to see the sightlines of the map, you can access it later on page 640, or here.

I'm slowing the pace I'm doing on it. I promise I'll try to get another screenshot out within three to five days.
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The Asylum

yeah ok this is what im doin then


Instead of just 4 f-zero machines that lap around at a fixed speed over and over, I'm planning on being able to start races via func_button, with the machines starting in random starting order. They will then move at a random speed, boost at random, etc.

bonus internet points if you can name all the f-zero machines in the screenshot


Feb 18, 2009
I hope he's a troll

like, if he's legitimately this stupid what does that say about our race :[


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I want everyone to stop harassing R0ughR0u. It creates a really shit atmosphere on the forum.
I've also sent a warning to R0ughR0u, telling him to improve his posting quality, and think before posting low-content threads/messages.

If both sides of the shitstorm keep their end of the bargain then we can turn to a new chapter here. Pretend he is a new member from this point onwards. And if it turns out he isn't, and continues to act like he has so far, then let the admins take care of it. DO NOT engage in some spiteful sarcastic and insulting pitchfork mob.
Because that is really sad to see.

On this forum, we welcome new mappers, just like we did when YOU* arrived and posted your square box with HL textures and crusher traps. If you can't behave yourself then please don't speak.

*Not "you" you.

soylent robot

L420: High Member
May 26, 2009
yeah ok this is what im doin then


bonus internet points if you can name all the f-zero machines in the screenshot

Hyper Speeder, Red Gazelle, Death Anchor, Deep Claw, White Cat
Golden Fox, Blue Falcon, Fire Stingray, Wild Goose, Black Bull


im still working on sandblast, honest. Ive only just settled on an idea for the third stage. hopefully it wont take too long to build


here is part of the third stage, a small bridge over a tiered pit, overlooked by a building. the building is a powerful sentry position accessible from both sides, so both teams will be battling in there to take control, but easier for red to hold.
the tiered pit itself is not a deathpit, you can climb out of it, but falling in slows you down and leaves you vulnerable to explosives. the end opposite the building is going to be a covered flanking route however

The Asylum

Asylum why can't you just make a normal map -_- I'm sure you'd be pro. (But that looks amazing :O)

I've got a billion ideas for a normal map, but none of them are working out too well. Heard of ctf_rumble before? No? Good. The less said about that the better. In the meantime, I'm just letting my mind wander into whatever strange places it takes me, trying to see just what magic tricks I can do with Hammer. (Have you made a fully functional bowling alley in Hammer? I have!) That and bizarre concepts that nobody else who cared about their e-cred would dare publish, just to say that not only was I the first (or only, as the case usually is), but that I made it work too.

Also, soylent, that was the Blood Hawk, not the Deep Claw. No internet points for you. :p


L1: Registered
Jul 18, 2011
Also, soylent, that was the Blood Hawk, not the Deep Claw. No internet points for you.

F-Zero = Best console racing game.

The first row of machines is easy, the second is obscure.

Bonus: I made a pl track loopty loop once, but the cart didn't like going upside down.