Thanks for all the feedback guys (except Lem, which is placed on my ignore list for being very stupid). You just encouraged me to map more.
Lem has a point tough, you should show us more than box rooms with some props thrown in.
Thanks for all the feedback guys (except Lem, which is placed on my ignore list for being very stupid). You just encouraged me to map more.
Lem has a point tough, you should show us more than box rooms with some props thrown in.
Why I know RoughRou is a troll account: who at his level would know how to skew an overlay, let alone do so for no reason
The nodraw justification doesn't hurt the case either
And this is why people think you are troll.
Why I know RoughRou is a troll account: who at his level would know how to skew an overlay, let alone do so for no reason
Or, or, he was trying to resize it, didn't actually know how, and ended up skewing it by accident. Considering it just involves dragging corners around in the 3D view while the overlay tool is selected, that seems pretty likely to me.
Wow. That video was in very poor quality. I couldn't see 26% of the time.
But the other 74% of the time you were able to learn stuff, right?
Thanks for all the feedback guys (except Lem, which is placed on my ignore list for being very stupid). You just encouraged me to map more.