Why do you love steam convos?



02:23 - meme. Valkyrie: so about that fashion advice
02:24 - nightwatch: wear scarves + long coats in the fall for a dated, trendy look
02:24 - meme. Valkyrie: haha
02:24 - meme. Valkyrie: ty
02:24 - meme. Valkyrie: what about for winter
02:25 - nightwatch: add a dash of colour to brighten up the bleak snowy monotone
02:25 - nightwatch: accessories like a sash or purse can highlight your baroque look


Jun 9, 2009
20:15 - nightwatch: and everyones asian so they're just like shut up this is calculus


01:24 - idolon.exe -spook: i take my own clothes off a lot
01:24 - idolon.exe -spook: i couldn't imagine that women's shirts would be that much different
01:25 - idolon.exe -spook: or more complex
01:26 - Ravidge left chat.
01:27 - »LLF« ::Egan::: s
01:27 - »LLF« ::Egan::: what
01:27 - »LLF« ::Egan::: ooo
01:27 - »LLF« ::Egan::: my p key is my fast clicker binded button and erased what i ty[ed
01:28 - »LLF« ::Egan::: i was going to say though; that maybe she was wearing chinese finger traps?
01:29 - idolon.exe -spook: would those really be considered clothing though
01:29 - »LLF« ::Egan::: if she had enough of them on, yes
01:29 - idolon.exe -spook: well
01:29 - Howling Techie: fl/bzn
01:29 - idolon.exe -spook: id imagine that they'd all be attached to each other in a realtively simple fashion
01:30 - Howling Techie: colds are so annoying
01:30 - Howling Techie: they don't do anything, they don't hurt, they just annoy
01:30 - idolon.exe -spook: unless she somehow attached the finger traps to her body
01:30 - Howling Techie: like on her toes
01:31 - idolon.exe -spook: since most of the finger traps arent going to be directly attached to her, taking them off would be pretty easy
01:31 - idolon.exe -spook: easier than regular clothing actually
01:31 - Howling Techie: i've got it
01:31 - Howling Techie: a giant finger trap
01:31 - Howling Techie: like
01:31 - Howling Techie: a body trap
01:31 - idolon.exe -spook: well in that case
01:32 - idolon.exe -spook: i guess i could try soaking her in water until the material becomes easier to tear
01:33 - Howling Techie: oh no, you fell over and now you're stuck in the other end of the body trap
01:33 - idolon.exe -spook: which end
01:33 - idolon.exe -spook: and her, for that mater
01:33 - idolon.exe -spook: matter*
01:33 - Howling Techie: head to head
01:33 - idolon.exe -spook: mm
01:33 - idolon.exe -spook: hot
01:33 - meme. Valkeerie #Need SFM'er: THIS SHOULD NOT BE A CONVERSATION


01:59 - umbootile: I should start a business where I draw reasonable animal clipart
01:59 - Howling Techie: ain't nothing reasonable about clipar

Ice Crystal

L2: Junior Member
Feb 28, 2013
umbootile: OH
umbootile: I totally forgot about that
umbootile: what the fuck
umbootile: I'm a moron
umbootile: shit
umbootile: FUCK
umbootile: ummm
umbootile: should I maybe just resell my surface
Fubar: I'll give you 10 bucks for it
gryn_: you missed teh boat on that
Howling Techie: easy come easy go


Nov 7, 2010
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Anyways Hammer sucks shit, Blender is gay
That was a good 10 minutes or so


Feb 7, 2008
The whole conversation, in its glory:
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah entered chat.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Hello
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Looking for a map maker
prestigeist: hi
meme. Valkyrie: Ok, well you came to the right place
Axio: not really
Yacan1: Can I start you off with some drinks
Axio: we dont map here
Axio: it's map discussion
Axio: what is your favorite model, bots?
Axio: personally i like the cone
meme. Valkyrie: Bots, what is it you need a mapper for
meme. Valkyrie: and dont say to make me a map
Yacan1: ^
Axio: "make me a map in exchange for a large quantiy of money"
Axio: maybe
Axio: maybe
Axio: (not actually)
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: No im looking for someone who can do it for free
Yacan1: It's a rough economy
meme. Valkyrie: Then you are not in the right place
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Well i dont belive in paying for things that can be done for free
»LLF« ::Egan::: everything can be done for free though ..
Axio: then you're an asshole and im not in the mood for your idiocy
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Whoa there Axio.
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Chill the fuck out.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Yeah if your poor get a fucking job retard
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Bots, what are you looking for?
meme. Valkyrie: Get out
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: What type of map.
Axio: learn to map
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: I'm looking for a Trade&Play
Axio: or offer something in exchange for work
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Dont want to waste time Axio
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: God damn guys.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: i'de gladly supply you with Software such as Windows8/8.1 with Office 2013 with Visual Studio
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Shut the fuck up Axio and Valk.
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Right, Trade maps.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: I already own 10 OEM Companys
Axio: frozen, this has been happening on a regular basis
Idolon: [url]http://i.imgur.com/ApMjPU4.png[/url]
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: I don't fucking care.
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: You NEVER treat anyone like that.
Axio: frozen
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Shut it.
Axio: seriously?
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Yes.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Axio go to a premium server or something dude
Axio: wow
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: No one cares for your broke ass
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: I don't fucking care what the person wants
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: oops sorry here: Your Broke A$$
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: you NEVER treat anyone like that straight out.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: SInce your too poor
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Bots, I suggest you start being nicer too, or you'll be kicked out also.
Axio: you see how this person is behaving
Axio: yes
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Alright
Yacan1: yeaahhh it's not really great to ask something without pay, then just kinda be a jerk about it..
Axio: expecting work for free is never a good thing
Idolon: okay so i just came back and we're having one of these moments again
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: I think we are...
meme. Valkyrie: The 5th thing he said was a direct insult to Axio
retail bum: ^@idonol
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: So let me come back to what i need
meme. Valkyrie: its only fair he retorted
retail bum: idolon*
retail bum: I've gotten too used to idonol
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Bots, I wish I could offer you a name or something for a trade map, but TF2Maps.net focuses primary on maps that could be considered high-quality, something that could ship with the game.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: 1) I need a map created for my server, 2) Map Size: Medium, 3) Payment?: Free
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Alright well i have another map i need done
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: A map takes a lot of time, so you really need some solid consolation behind it if you're looking for something.
Idolon: jesus
stegarootbeer: thats really insulting
Idolon: the giant bomb cast ordered pizza like over an hour ago
stegarootbeer: like our time isnt worth anything
Idolon: still hasn't arrived
Axio: i find demanding work for free to be highly insulting
Axio: anywy
Axio: anyway
Axio: but whatever
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Thats fine, keep it to PM.
Yacan1: and I mean, trade maps aren't even that'd difficult to do in general
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Bots, what the other map you need done? If it's trade&play, I would suggest looking towards Facepunch or Gamebanana, they focus on those a bit more than we do.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: let's just call it: CP_Nucleus_Event
stegarootbeer: 5:04 PM - [TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Dont want to waste time Axio
stegarootbeer: so if its not worth your time
stegarootbeer: why would you expect us to do it for free?
meme. Valkyrie: ^
stegarootbeer: thats really really insaulting
Idolon: insulating
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Because i dont give a shit i need this map DONE
stegarootbeer: shh
Idolon: that r value is through the ROOF
stegarootbeer: so pay for it]
Yacan1: WOW
prestigeist: ill do it for $1000
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Fuck paying for it you broke ass
Idolon: wow
Idolon: that's really rude
Yacan1: dude calm down, it's a game about hats
stegarootbeer: please leave
Yacan1: virtual hats
retail bum: you are literally asking someone to DO A JOB
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Im sorry i ment
retail bum: jobs are what you do for money
stegarootbeer: its not about how much money /I/ have
Yacan1: ^
stegarootbeer: its about how much time it will take me
Yacan1: wowoow
Idolon: i like this guy can we keep him
prestigeist: this isnt how society works, sorry
retail bum: jesus christ
meme. Valkyrie: Ok, seriously
Idolon: he's cute
meme. Valkyrie: This is comepltly justified
Idolon: <3
meme. Valkyrie: leave the chat
retail bum: frozen please let us boo him out
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Make me whores
Idolon: no you can stay
retail bum: boo
Yacan1: ahahahah
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: I have no admin powers.
Idolon: you're really cute
prestigeist: ok bots
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah was kicked by »LLF« ::Egan::.
Idolon: can you share a pic
prestigeist: i am making ur map for free
Idolon: thanks
prestigeist: nooo
Idolon: rofl
retail bum: oh you dont
Idolon: he added me to his friends list
retail bum: yay
Idolon: HAHAHA
Yacan1: [url]http://puu.sh/588tn.png[/url] besties
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Side note
»LLF« ::Egan::: Thats not how you act in here.
Idolon: he fucking added me to his list
LightFlock~: Wow, I go for a minute and I miss all this
Idolon: this is too goooood
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah entered chat.
prestigeist: hi
meme. Valkyrie: Welcome back
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: I'm Back FUCK FACES
meme. Valkyrie: try being civil
meme. Valkyrie: oh wait
meme. Valkyrie: nevermind
prestigeist: bots im making ur map for free its gonna have dicks all over it ok
Yacan1: how's 5th grade bots?
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Anyways
retail bum: I almost thought this guy was being serious for a second
Axio: welp
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Actually i havent been there since 96 so idk
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Anyways let's get down to the point
prestigeist: been where
meme. Valkyrie: A girls bedroom
meme. Valkyrie: <3
prestigeist: rude
Eleryn: idolon
Yacan1: oh god
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: I need a Halloween Christmans Version of Nucleus! Or a Spacy Version of Portal 1
Eleryn: it's because a tampon isn't remotely sexual
meme. Valkyrie: ^
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: No one wants to help ill just fuck around until i get what i want
retail bum: dude, no one's ever going to make a map for you if you scream insults at them as soon as they criticize you
prestigeist: what do u mean
Yacan1: what is halloween christmas
prestigeist: by fuck around
Idolon: bots i'll make you a map
prestigeist: you realize we can ban u right
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Fine idolon then accept the friend request
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: I dont care i got tons of alts ;)
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
retail bum: rofl
prestigeist: my dad is game newell your alts are out of luck
Yacan1: dying
LightFlock~: Alternate accounts are against the steam subscriber agreement
meme. Valkyrie: No they aren't light
Yacan1: ^
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: I really dont give a fuck
retail bum: game newell
LightFlock~: And it takes less effort for them to ban the accounts as they come in, than for you to log out, log back in and come back in here
meme. Valkyrie: plus its really fun for us
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n!: Right, now I rememebr why I don't tell people to come here anymore.
prestigeist: post on forums about wanting a map for free ok
meme. Valkyrie: ever played Whack a mole bots?
It's the Great Turkey, Fr0Z3n! left chat.
meme. Valkyrie: thats the same principle
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Gabe Newell sucks shit anyways. I cant wait for him to die so we get the script of HL2
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: HL3*
prestigeist: dont yell at chat
Idolon: i
Idolon: what
Idolon: he turned 51 today
prestigeist: this is the same 24 ppl
retail bum: Frozen is being weird
Yacan1: I never
meme. Valkyrie: ikr
Idolon: omg giant bomb finally got their pizza
prestigeist: post on [url]www.tf2maps.net[/url] about the map you want made for free
prestigeist: there might be someone REALLY BORED
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Nah man i dont do Forums
prestigeist: or do it yourself
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: To many fags from experience ;)
Axio: that way we can make fun of your post
Yacan1: what
prestigeist: rude
retail bum: holy shit dude
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah: Anyways Hammer sucks shit, Blender is gay
meme. Valkyrie: The fact I do trade maps quite a lot is the ultimate irony here
[TFSF] Bots-U-Lah was banned by prestigeist.
Sep 7, 2012
Took me a long time to figure out who retail bum was. The tone and style of name made me think of Prestige until he started talking as well, and then I realized it was umbratile doing some cool anagram stuff.
10/10 would sleuth again


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
This is a discussion that should be had elsewhere.

LeSwordfish: we aren't half as bad as NaNoWriMo website
LeSwordfish: now there's a site devoted to hot chocolate, marshmallows and mutual masturbation
umb: I like 2 of those things
umb: maybe 3 under certain circumstances
umb: but then they have to be *really* good marshmallows


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Wow. When Bots-U-Lah came back into the game and told him people in the chat were being dicks to him, I assumed he had joined the wrong group, since he kept being like "There's like a hundred groups called TF2 Map something-or-other which one is you". That said, people don't suddenly turn evil because one person is a dick to them. This is real life, not some superhero movie. The guy was threatening to hack people's computers and shit over in voice chat. It's pretty clear he was either a troll or seriously unhinged to begin with.


Feb 7, 2008
Idolon: someone on facebook posted "MY BABY HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!" with pictures of their new iPhone 5S
Idolon: (its a girl)
Idolon: did they like
Idolon: give birth to the phone???
umb: I'm glad people are able to love their babies even if they're born as phones
umb: must be tough though


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
7:58 PM - LightFlock~: Does a 12 inch pizza have double the surface area of a 6 inch?
<long pizza discussion>
8:01 PM - LeSwordfish: i get one hundred inches of meat feast
8:01 PM - LeSwordfish: that came out wrong
8:02 PM - Gosh: but oh so right


Jun 9, 2009
21:01 - LeSwordfish: i get one hundred inches of meat feast

EDIT: I can and will delete your post u nerd