Why do you love steam convos?


Jun 9, 2009
21:03 - Valkyrie disconnected.
21:04 - Valkyrie entered chat.
21:04 - Valkyrie: jesus steam stop doing that
21:04 - Valkyrie disconnected.


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
I can’t remember the exact words or what started the convo, and more specifically who said it. It was in the mapping group chat

“there are 2 general things regarding to criticism with mapping”
“first of all, everyone is an idiot”
“second of all, take into consideration everything everyone says and change your map accordingly”


I'm so happy :D
Dec 21, 2010
So... I went on Omegle for the first time because i was bored and hoped to catch a cheap grin. Didn't go quite like that tho:

Question to discuss:
Why is cannibalism alone wrong? The dead don't care, and the family shouldn't be overly sentimental. Also "it's gross"/"isn't good for you" is what could be said about fast food and cigarettes.

Stranger: you must be really bored
You: Purely psycological
You: Remember that not all cultures have seen cannibalism like that
You: Some tribes thought that devouring the slain enemies made them absorb their strenght
Stranger: i like your argument
Stranger: is against evolutionary psychology
Stranger: i hate evolutionary psychology
You: ?
Stranger: well
Stranger: theoreticly you should be hardwired to think eating bodies is disgusting
You: no?
Stranger: or on the very least think that eating bodies is not disgusting
Stranger: as it would give you surival advantage
You: There are advantages at both scenarios
Stranger: in that case, why didnt we evolve to think eating bodies is nice?
You: The tribes advantage is of course that they get more food. yay
You: Our culture has had an advantage too of course
You: If nobody has a taste for human flesh, nobody kills to eath one another, which means that the group as a whole has better survival chances
Stranger: except in a very hardcore envrionment
Stranger: where there are so little resources and food, you need to kill other people and eat them
Stranger: wich would actually lead to a very circular logic argument
Stranger: because there are also advantages in keeping lots of people in a hardcore envrionment
You: In such a case, eating each others would result in less breedable people tho
Stranger: but well
You: which decreases survival chances for the genes
Stranger: why does cannibalism exist then?
You: Not sure :p
Stranger: there's probably no evolutionary reason
You: We see it mostly in rituals
Stranger: no, we don't
Stranger: lol
You: hm?
Stranger: cannibalism also happens outside rituals
You: Well, except for the occasional psychopath
Stranger: hmm...
You: or, do you have other examples?
Stranger: we got culture as humans
Stranger: and evolutionary theorics hate culture
Stranger: because it fucks up a lot of their own views :O
Stranger: and we have got personal history
You: that's not true?
Stranger: that fucks up a lot of evolutionary theories too
You: Culture is one of the things that can band individuals together
Stranger: so you believe in the evolutionary reductionism?
Stranger: That's circular logic
Stranger: you got the conclusion first and go after the arguments now
Stranger: Why do we have culture - because it brings us together; What is proof that we need to be together - culture
Stranger: wait, what...
Stranger: now i mindfucked myself
Stranger: lol
You: I didn't create that loop tho. You did :c
Stranger: well, i shall inform you that a shit load of evolutionary arguments go that way
You: we need to be together because multiple individuals have higher survival rates through cooperation
You: I think you've misunderstood something very basic about evolution then
You: I think the "conclusions" you where talking about are actually our observations
Stranger: why did she went to the bathroom with her friend - because of the tribal instinct; how do you know tribal instinct exists? because they went to the bathroom together
Stranger: i didn't do anything
Stranger: it's actually one of the biggest critics to evolutionary psychology
You: I don't get the point of these circular... things
You: what are you trying to say with them?
Stranger: the other 2 critics being that evolution theory only bases on ethology
Stranger: and that evolution theory is not scientific proven, using inductive method...
You: neither is gravity
You: but it's a theory, which means it's the strongest we have
Stranger: well, that the conclusion is explained by the cause and the cause is explained by the conclusion alone... like they both explains themselfs...
Stranger: cause cant exist without conclusion and conclusion cant exist without cause
You: But why are you saying that? I don't remember making circular statements
Stranger: you didnt do anything
Stranger: i mean not on purpose
You: I take observations, and make hypotheses from them
Stranger: it's just that most evolutionary arguments go that way
You: Nope
Stranger: yes
You: that's just not true
Stranger: well
Stranger: if i go to the bathroom alone
Stranger: you can say it's the antisocial instinct
Stranger: if i go with company
Stranger: you can say it's the tribal instinct
Stranger: when you put it that way it's easy to come up with a evolutionary argument, all you need is the power of word
You: who in their right mind would try to argue for someones choice of companionship to the toilet this way?
Stranger: it actually happent
Stranger: on the XIX century
Stranger: i don't remember who the author was, but he did use those words
Stranger: that's also why evolutionary psychology was more or less descredibilized by the end of the XIX in psychology
Stranger: i mean it is still respected and used
Stranger: just isn't viewed as the number 1 factor in human behavior
You: That i can accept
You: But bathrooms... There are too many factors in that
You: like, are you home alone?
Stranger: lot of evolutionary theorics still reduct behavior to evolution and that's annoying tho
Stranger: look
Stranger: he said bathroom
Stranger: s
Stranger: you can say anything else...
Stranger: now i do believe in evolution ofcourse
You: I see what you mean now, but why was that relevant to the discussion? So what if some theorists use psychologic models excesively
Stranger: just think is over-rated
Stranger: specially when it comes to human behavior
Stranger: and well
Stranger: you mentioned cannibalism and such...
Stranger: i said it couldn't be explained by evolution
Stranger: and this started
Stranger: xD
You: I simply tried to form a hypothesis based on evolution :p
You: But yeah. Surely, you could make tons of others
Stranger: well, yeah...
You: One thing we can probably agree on is that it has to do with culture
You: That it is in no way imprinted on th individual, but on the culture in which he is raised.
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: culture, social constructivism, evolution
Stranger: all that shit makes you who you are
Stranger: but one thing
Stranger: that gets underrated for me
Stranger: Is your personal history
Stranger: kinda mixes it all together
Stranger: but yeah
Stranger: im majoring on psychology, kinda been getting towards those conclusion
Stranger: for example, evolution says that a woman will want to mate with a man who has a masculine face
You: So you're studying the impact of the individuals backstory?
Stranger: wich is probably true, since there's scientific date
Stranger: *data
Stranger: but stuff like... if the guy looks like an ex-boyfriend... or commonalities, or same values... i think that has at least as much impact on it
You: Agreed
You: There's also the factor that the picture of a "useful male" has changed.
You: Back in older times, it was strong men who were the good stuff. Today, people with qualities like communications skills, technical skills or artistic skills may be considered "useful", and therefore attractive
Stranger: well, evolutionary that wouldn't make sense
Stranger: because you're theoreticly hardwired to the envrionment from 10 000 years ago
Stranger: therefore you SHOULD actually be attracted to big muscles and all that and the rest doesn't matter
Stranger: wich is obviously not trye imo
Stranger: *true
You: True, but you're also hardwired to being attracted by someone you know can support you
Stranger: well
Stranger: will women rate a guy who can get a shotun and hunt a lot of birds as attractive based on that?
Stranger: *shotgun
You: Consciousness does have some effect on the unconscious
Stranger: because theoreticly he can get food
Stranger: actually, moder psychanalisys, wich is all that Freudian stuff, doesn't believe in the unconscious anymore
Stranger: wich is kinda lame, everybody thinks otherwise xD
Stranger: well, at least not the old concept of it
You: Freud
You: the thing with the primal, the conscious and the super-me
You: or however it's called in engrishh
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: ego, super ego and id
Stranger: i think
You: Oh ye
You: But again
You: it's a model
You: Just like physics models shows shades of the reality
You: i guess pshycological models only shows shades of the mind
You: dammit it's gotten late so soon
You: Sorry to break it up here
Stranger: well, science only shows you shaded of the truth
Stranger: science doesn't really give you the truth, just what is "probably true"
Stranger: therefore we should keep humble to think that science has it's limitation when it comes to craft knowledge as well
Stranger: very philosophical lol
Stranger: anyway yeah
Stranger: nice talk
Stranger: HOLY SHIT
Stranger: IT'S 1 A.M
Stranger: WUT
You: Yep. And it's easier to appreciate when you accept that absolute knowledge can't be gained.
You: And ya, this took a while <.<
You: baiii
Stranger: bye ;)


Jan 6, 2008
You missed most of it Sword. :v

21:31 - cashman457: ah what is this game raited what is team fotress 2 rated
21:31 - umbratile: 5 stars
21:32 - cashman457: i mean how old you have to be to play it
21:33 - umbratile: 17 in the US, 16 in Europe
21:33 - umbratile: dunno about the UK or Australia
21:33 - cashman457 left chat.


Jun 9, 2009
14:19 - Seba: is steamcommunity down or are you guys just nerds and hate talking
14:20 - Your state is set to Offline.
14:20 - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Jan 8, 2011
Idolon: why am i so cold
Idolon: it is summer
Idolon: have a sweatshirt on but my hands are cold and my legs are cold and i can feel the hairs on my legs being cold on my leg
stegarootbeer: maybe you gave a fever
void~: maybe you're
void~: dead
Idolon: possibly
umbratile: flu/fever/aids
Idolon: yeah probably aids
Idolon: after i fucked 100 individual prostutes
[Ref] Shanghai: Idolon take care of yourself yo
Idolon: yeah i will
prestige: dont take care of yourself
[Ref] Shanghai: rad
prestige: you arent worth it
stegarootbeer: actually 2 of them were the same idolon
prestige: just let the disease run its crouse
Idolon: dangit
prestige: dont interfere with evolution


Jun 9, 2009
chat was weird today
Mar 23, 2010
1:36 PM - Idolon: http://puu.sh/49PHd.png
1:36 PM - Idolon: i need to make a vector version of my logo or something
1:36 PM - Idolon: get a nice sharp image
1:37 PM - stegarootbeer: when you make a vector version you should also make it not suck
1:37 PM - Idolon: thanks i will keep that in mind


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks "loaf of toast" is a hilarious phrase.

(In my case it was borne out of an attempt at a Stephen Wright-ism: "If you were baking bread and left it in the oven too long, would you end up with a loaf of toast?")


I'm so happy :D
Dec 21, 2010
Tech and i posted like half a second apart from each others. What a hivemind we are.

LightFlock~: But secretly he is the government
Howling Techie: no lightflock
Dr. Element: no lightflock
Howling Techie: you are government
Dr. Element: you are government
Dr. Element: dammit tech
Howling Techie: had to be done
LightFlock~: How the what
LightFlock~: is that some kind of quote
Dr. Element: i'm laughing so hard right now


L2: Junior Member
Jan 15, 2012
4:02 PM - Valkyrie: Steam wont go down
4:02 PM - Valkyrie: I refuse to believe and accept it
4:04 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
4:04 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained


19:55 - umbratile: let's talk about our favorite letters of the alphabet
19:55 - umbratile: mine is G
19:55 - umbratile: I just love how the capital G ends
19:55 - Valkyrie: I love W
19:55 - Valkyrie: just cause you can make it with VV in certain fonts
19:55 - umbratile: you start it off with a smooth curve and then gradually go into that satisfying angle
19:55 - umbratile: feels so good man
19:56 - umbratile: and lowercase g is great because it also has that smooth curve when you write it
19:56 - umbratile: curvy letters are the best
19:56 - umbratile: let me go through all the other letters
19:56 - umbratile: A is pretty nice, but I prefer to write it with a curved top, because as I already established, I like curvy letters
19:57 - umbratile: I'm not such a fan of B because it's tricky to write if you don't get the back straight enough
19:57 - umbratile: C is ok but it looks too much like an open paranthesis
19:57 - umbratile: D has the same issue as B in my opinion, but lowercase is fine. Which goes for b too now that I think about it
19:57 - umbratile: E is a cool letter. I like to write it like the TF2 font where the middle thing is lower on the E.
19:58 - »LLF« ::Egan::: lowercase t is good too
19:58 - »LLF« ::Egan::: casue you get to flick the tail at the end
19:58 - umbratile: F is ok but it's not as good because you can't do the low mid thing with it. And I always fuck up lowercase f.