Faux Rhinoceros: holy cucumber Faux Rhinoceros: i made a channel called "yodelchamber" in a discord server used by me and some friends Faux Rhinoceros: now someone has made a bot that plays 24/7 yodel in that channel
Tuaam: See, I liked the mapxmap fanfic
I dinne ken: forever team heavy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Tuaam: it was good
Tuaam: but then I realized there was a chapter 3
Cole Slaw: oh good lord
Cole Slaw: that's getting quotemined
[SM] ADMIN: Kicked Doge
Doge left the game (Wykopany przez administratora)
Doge has joined the game
Doge was automatically assigned to team BLU
Doge : i will be silent
[SM] ADMIN: Gagged Doge.
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