Major Contest #13: Asymmetry 2: Asymmetric Boogaloo


Jul 31, 2009
5,833 Major Mapping Contest #13
Asymmetry №2: Asymmetric Boogaloo contest



Sometimes the best creative restriction is to have no restriction at all. It's been a while since the last contest without wickedly specific rules - dynamics, aliens, split workflows, MVM... can you believe it's been four years since a major contest without quirky rules to work around? I know, we can't believe it either. So, in the spirit of unspecific spiriting (let's get excited for the whole of the season, not just pumpkin spice!), we thought long and hard - what would give the best results for the next contest? What would be general enough to not hold itself to wild specificity, to be fun and non-restrictive yet JUST contained enough to not be all over the place?

Symmetry. Or - in this case - the absence of.

What do you find enjoyable in TF2? Chances are, the eclectic layouts of A/D maps, the frantic pushing of Payload maps, the storybook climaxes of Multi-stage maps, or the enigmatic thrill of Steel-types are contained somewhere in that list. There's a lot of asymmetry in this game to enjoy, so we didn't want to restrict any of your creative potential this time around. Go nuts!

End date:
Time converter at

The contest will begin as of this thread being posted and will end on

December 30th 2016 at 9PM GMT,

when the Upload Thread in the Contests subforum will be locked and further entries will very likely be disallowed for entry. Please note your map must be posted in the Asymmetry №2 Upload Thread, AS WELL AS be tagged for the Asymmetry №2 contest when created as a download.


  • MUST be an asymmetric map. This includes but is not limited to, attack/defend CP, Payload, Multistage attack/defend CP, Multistage payload, attack/defend capture the flag, Steel CP
    • Asymmetric variants of traditionally symmetric gamemodes are allowed. You can create a KotH/Arena/CTF/5CP map, however the layout must be asymmetrical.
    • Asymmetric detailing of a symmetric layout is not considered valid asymmetry.
    • Custom gamemodes are allowed as long as the layout is asymmetric.
  • MvM maps are not allowed.
  • Medieval mode is allowed.
  • Collaborations are allowed
    • Maximum of two entries per authors (including team collaborations)
    • Creating custom content for a map counts as collaboration, unless it is publically released at least a week before the deadline.
  • Must be able to spawn 32 players (16 per team)
  • No straight out copying or stealing content from other maps, official or otherwise. This includes maps that you yourself own. Inspiration and ideas are good, just make sure you built it yourself for this competition.
    • Maps started before the posting of this thread will not be qualified to enter.
  • staff (and the contest organizer) are allowed to win, Contest judges are not.
  • A forum thread is not required for entry, but is encouraged. If you do make one for your entry (or entries), please put it in our Contest Entries sub-forum. Please note your map must be posted in the Asymmetry №2 Upload Thread in the Contests subforum.

  • Your map will be disqualified if:
    • Map is fullbright. Fullbright maps break servers and clients.
    • Your map cannot spawn 32 players (16 per team)
    • Custom content is not packed. PLEASE learn how to correctly pack your map with any custom content before you submit and use sv_pure 2 or another person to check it is functioning. Compilepal makes this very easy.
    • Map uses any point_servercommands (without the explicit permission of the contest organizer)
    • The map is not winnable.


  • The maps will be judged upon two criteria: Aesthetics and Fun.
  • There will be four categories to win:
    • The Aesthetic prize will be awarded to the map with the highest score in the Aesthetic category only (decided upon by a public vote and judges vote split 50:50).
    • Best in Fun will be awarded to the map with the highest score in the Fun category only (decided upon by a public vote and judges vote split 50:50).
    • The public choice award will be awarded to the map with the best overall combination of Aesthetics and Fun from the public vote. These will be weighted 50:50 between Aesthetics and Fun.
    • The Overall award will be awarded to the map with the highest combined score from all categories, both public vote and judges vote.
Some of you may be wondering why we're going with a new voting format this time around. We acknowledge that mappers have their own individual strengths and would like to offer a way for maps that may not be the best in one category to still be recognized for their strength in the other.
  • If you are interested in judging, please contact me and I will add you to the list of potential judges. If chosen, I will contact you an adequate time ahead of the end of the contest to confirm that you are still interested and explain what you will be doing. Once you confirm that you are able to judge, you will not be allowed to drop out unless something horrible happens, so please think this through carefully!

Prizes will be awarded separately to each category.
  • Best in Aesthetics:
    • 1st Place:
      • Choice from the prize pool.
      • Mapper's Medallion
      • 3 Months VIP
      • Special prize to be announced.
  • Best in Fun:
    • 1st Place:
      • Choice from the prize pool.
      • Mapper's Medallion
      • 3 Months VIP
      • Special prize to be announced.
  • Public Choice:
    • 1st Place:
      • Choice from the prize pool.
      • Mapper's medallion
      • 3 Months VIP
  • Overall:
    • 1st Place:
      • 1st choice from the prize pool.
      • $100 USD Steam Gift Card.
      • Mapper's Medallion
      • 12 Months VIP
    • 2nd Place:
      • $50 USD Steam Gift Card.
      • 3 Months VIP
    • 3rd Place:
      • 1 Month VIP

Additionally, all winning entries will be displayed and played in the showcase game after the contest finishes - more details to be announced soon.
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L5: Dapper Member
Mar 28, 2016
Wow, you guys weren't kidding when you said the next contest would be "soon".

Don't think I'll be entering into this one, though, since I'm already working on a map (in fact, the map is asymmetric... but I started it a week ago, so it's ineligible for the contest. Dang)


L69: Teeheehee, Member
Feb 18, 2015
Consider me both hyped and in. I have to check if i still have a usable layout flying around or if i have to create a new one. If anybody wants to collab (Especially with some custom content, i'd love that,) let me know. I'm open to quite a few different ways of collaboration as long as it is fun and works for all participants.
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Take a Chance on Me
Jul 31, 2016
Weird, I was working on a single-stage PL before this was announced. Could I enter that in once completed?