In this version:
➤ Detailed most of the map ( Around 80%)
➤Added more clipping
➤Added more lighting
➤Extended a part of the ship up by 64 hammer units based on feedback.
After 3 designs, 3 detail passes we are finally here!
You have no idea how excited and proud I am of this map and how much I improved. It blows my mind I did so much work and prepared this map for a beta release in a month. Previously It took me 8+ months to do the work I did this time around and I am honestly surprised.
I released this version earlier than I wanted. I was thinking to fully detail it first and then release it but I want to gather as much feedback as possible to improve the map for the workshop release.
Also sorry for being absent for the couple of months. Truth is after playtesting eruption over and over and getting negative feedback predominantly I was done with it. When you spend hours improving the map, and listening to feedback and you get comments like "I hate this map", "Nothing's changed" and stuff it really grows into you not gonna lie.
But I digress. I am back, I am excited to be working again and I cant wait to listen to your feedback and opinions. Enjoy the map.

Read the rest of this update entry...
➤ Detailed most of the map ( Around 80%)
➤Added more clipping
➤Added more lighting
➤Extended a part of the ship up by 64 hammer units based on feedback.
After 3 designs, 3 detail passes we are finally here!
You have no idea how excited and proud I am of this map and how much I improved. It blows my mind I did so much work and prepared this map for a beta release in a month. Previously It took me 8+ months to do the work I did this time around and I am honestly surprised.
I released this version earlier than I wanted. I was thinking to fully detail it first and then release it but I want to gather as much feedback as possible to improve the map for the workshop release.
Also sorry for being absent for the couple of months. Truth is after playtesting eruption over and over and getting negative feedback predominantly I was done with it. When you spend hours improving the map, and listening to feedback and you get comments like "I hate this map", "Nothing's changed" and stuff it really grows into you not gonna lie.
But I digress. I am back, I am excited to be working again and I cant wait to listen to your feedback and opinions. Enjoy the map.

Read the rest of this update entry...