
PL Midwest rc1a

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L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Continously enjoying waking up in the morning and seeing that there are more updates to this map. Keep up the good work! Your dedication is appreciated, and your map just keeps getting better!


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-dog now animates more
-added cover around last and changed the high windows to a balcony
-moved around blu cover at B
-removed props red could use to jump up to the bridge ledge by B
-shrunk drop down hole by red first spawn to negate odd angle sniper sightline
-other things and such

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-detail changes around D
-changed respawn times after B is capped to favor Red more when defending C
-changed med ammo at C to full ammo
-clipping fixes all round
-widened drop down when red leaves red spawn to accommodate more players using it at a time
-widened other doorway to the outside in the same area
-lighting improvements at D and in building around B
-added arrow inside blu shortcut to try and make it EVEN MORE noticeable
-lowered high windows at D
-added another case by the right side of D for jumping up and over that one ledge railing (you know the one. No not that one. No Not that one. NO THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID THE FIRST TIME!!! Yes....yes that one)

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master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
-detail changes around D
-added another case by the right side of D for jumping up and over that one ledge railing (you know the one. No not that one. No Not that one. NO THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID THE FIRST TIME!!! Yes....yes that one)

I hope this is the one that you couldnt jump up before. It just made no sense to have a prop there and not be able to make the crouch jump.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-lowered red respawn after A is capped
-lowered wall by red alcove around A to give sentries there less cover
-extended blu metal building attached to blu brick building by A to provide more cover for blu when going to the flank in that building
-changed dark fence in corner before C to be lighter and hide players less
-clipping changes
-added small door exit for red first spawn to lessen spawn camp possibilities
-raised railing at top of stairs in wood building before B so it can't be jumped over from low ground.

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed respawn times after points are capped to favor red a bit more
-decreased round time added on cap for B and C from 240 seconds to 180 seconds (4 min to 3 min)
-moved around lower stairs at D and lowered red's left balcony by C shortcut.
-increased health and ammo by previous location to full ammo and med health in hopes of making the balcony a better place to hold.
-clipping improvements
-minor lighting changes at D

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-lighting improvements around C to brighten darker areas
-removed upper windows for blu before C and connected the lower area and mid area indoors via staircase
-adjusted spawn exit in same area to work with layout changes
-moved door to forklift parking to control sightlines around previously mentioned area
-added rollback zone near C
-adjusted track before C and pushed C back farther from red
-moved B forward and closer to blu
-added turntable where B used to be in order to slow down blu and give Red more time to set up at C
-shortened overall length of D to move indoor doorways farther within sentry range for defenders
-rearanged upper route at D to make it less of a corridor
-adjusted respawn times for both blu and red when points are capped
-detail adjustments
-clipping fixes
-rearanted hallway flank from low to high ground for blu before A to make gameplay in that area more interesting
-optimization attempts
-adjusted pickups for red at B
-other things probably

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-blocked sniper sightlines at A and C
-clipping fixes
-reverted dropdowns by A and C by removing stairs
-detail changes
-moved around stuff at D to block sightlines and try n make it less hell
-what am I even doing
-I should just stop
-I wanna work on something else
-will it ever be good?
-you already know it wont

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