-added a blu route at B to help them get around sightlines
-changed pipe at C
-minor detailing
-other stuff probably
-rip the system
-reworked C to try and make it actually defendable
-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-minor lighting changes
-fruit now plays on a loop (there are no fruit nor loops)


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-detail changes around D
-changed respawn times after B is capped to favor Red more when defending C
-changed med ammo at C to full ammo
-clipping fixes all round
-widened drop down when red leaves red spawn to accommodate more players using it at a time
-widened other doorway to the outside in the same area
-lighting improvements at D and in building around B
-added arrow inside blu shortcut to try and make it EVEN MORE noticeable
-lowered high windows at D
-added another case by the right side of D for jumping up and over that one ledge railing (you know the one. No not that one. No Not that one. NO THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID THE FIRST TIME!!! Yes....yes that one)
-changed around respawn times
-clipping fixes (thanks )
-changed blu b shortcut again to try and be even more obvious and adjusted geometry around it to match
-some other stuff I imagine
-added new route at last to try and help blu cap
-added more cover at A to help make a safe area near some pickups
-changed around respawn times
-detail changes
-clipping changes
-made the map more wrap assassin bauble friendly
-other things
-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-dog now animates more
-added cover around last and changed the high windows to a balcony
-moved around blu cover at B
-removed props red could use to jump up to the bridge ledge by B
-shrunk drop down hole by red first spawn to negate odd angle sniper sightline
-other things and such
-tried to make blu's spawn to B shortcut more obvious
-lit up area at B by the red tank more
-changed around red and blu spawn times when points are capped
-changed blu shortcut door from blu spawn to B to be more obvious (hopfully)
-detail changes
-clipping fixes
-added more handrails around the death pit at last to help spies to not just walk into it.
-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-made transitions between concrete and dirt/grass less jarring by having them use the same blend texture as the loading dock
-changed which window in the building between B and C is open
-removed clems corn sign from C
-opened up defender window at B more to give players there less cover
-added some props to help players jump over the lower wall between B and C
-resized detail double doors across the map to be larger
-added some phantom lights around the conveyor belt at C to make the underside of it less dark
-lit up dark area near the 1st trade spawn by the red tank to make it easier to see players like snipers there
-other stuff probably


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-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-stairs by D are now more OSHA compliant
-blocked a sightline between B and A
-changed glass textures in windows across the map to make it more obvious they are closed windows
-moved oil can on the concrete blocks at B so heavies can't stand over it and shoot out of their eyes at people over the B sign
-fixed forcerespawns after A and B to actually respawn teams instead of not doing anything as they where set to the wrong team numbers
-blocked sightline between B and red 2nd spawn area


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-packed missing textures
-minor detail changes
-minor clipping fixes