
PL Midwest rc1a

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A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Have there been any further reports of this causing server crashes? I'd love to re-add the map if it is stable.

A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Had it re-added to rotation last night and tried it out on a full (32 player) server tonight. It's a lot of fun and a nice change of scenery, however there were numerous complaints about the generous sight-lines that snipers had throughout the map. As it is, it is a good map, but with some improvements on the long sight-lines, it could be even better.

A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Sorry, played it on a full server again and had absolutely no issues. It was a ton of fun and felt completely balanced; the last point seemed very reasonable. I guess I just got unlucky with better-than-usual snipers that first time around.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed around sun angles to try and make outside areas have less flat lighting
-removed custom pipes at D
-upped brightness of lighting in many indoor areas
-clipping changes
-minor detailing changes
-removed lamp by D's bottom entrance that blocked being able to shoot at the highground there
-other things, hell idk anymore

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed upper balcony at D to give blu less access to red's spawn
-changed shortcut doorway at D to a one way door and added a second one way door on the other side of the room.
-raised the ceiling in blu spawn
-lighting changes
-detailing changes
-increased blu spawn time for attacking C and decreased red spawn time for defending C
-changed which window was open for blu to use by C
-added some cover at C
-moved around health and ammo at C
-added prop jump for red to reach high ground at B
-tried to use detailing and building architecture to guide red players to B when they spawn at the loading dock

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-Pushed D closer to C and moved the building D is in around to be more straight forward. This should make it easier for red to get to C for defending.
-mixed old and new ideas around for C's new location
-clipping changes
-detailing changes
-lighting changes
-skybox texture change from a custom one to the one from granary
-removed some custom content that I didn't realize I was still using.

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-changed around spawn time's for when A, B, and C are capped
-closed off blu's upper route at D, opened a 2nd window above D entrance, and widened the double windows to be a balcony.
-detail changes
-clipping changes
-moved around blu's first spawn more to help players avoid hitting their head on the front exit doorframe
-other stuff I've forgotten

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-removed more unintended custom assets
-removed more intended custom assets
-moved 2nd shared spawn between B and C so red has a longer walk time to B while blu is pointed in the direction of D better
-moved around routes between B and C to make them more difficult for red to use when defending C. Hopefully this will keep them around the C area instead of pushing too far to blu spawn
-replaced large grain sack model with a new map specific large grain sack model
-detail and clipping changes
-other things I don't remember

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A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
A bit confused here. Why does the latest update now list the map as b12, when it was up to b19 earlier this month?


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2015
Can stand/build up here on 1st

Clip sticking out: -3957 691 -39


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-stairs by D are now more OSHA compliant
-blocked a sightline between B and A
-changed glass textures in windows across the map to make it more obvious they are closed windows
-moved oil can on the concrete blocks at B so heavies can't stand over it and shoot out of their eyes at people over the B sign
-fixed forcerespawns after A and B to actually respawn teams instead of not doing anything as they where set to the wrong team numbers
-blocked sightline between B and red 2nd spawn area

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A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Still a huge fan of this map, and I really appreciate the frequent updates that you've put out for it.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-added more handrails around the death pit at last to help spies to not just walk into it.
-clipping fixes
-minor detail changes
-made transitions between concrete and dirt/grass less jarring by having them use the same blend texture as the loading dock
-changed which window in the building between B and C is open
-removed clems corn sign from C
-opened up defender window at B more to give players there less cover
-added some props to help players jump over the lower wall between B and C
-resized detail double doors across the map to be larger
-added some phantom lights around the conveyor belt at C to make the underside of it less dark
-lit up dark area near the 1st trade spawn by the red tank to make it easier to see players like snipers there
-other stuff probably

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