Voting ends 27 September, 2021, 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC.
Maps are scored on a 0 to 100 scale, using 50 as an average scale.
Provide a score for each map, taking into account not just the visual fidelity, but also anything else that impacts your experience, such as sound and interactivity.
Written feedback is encouraged but not required.
Optionally, you may award these honorary titles:
- Most Creative
- Best Sound
- Best Attention to Detail
- Best Style
Ballots may be thrown out at discretion of staff. A public log will be kept of any ballots that are disqualified for the sake of transparency.
If you wish to submit your ballot privately, DM it to me on the forums. Any private ballots will be made public at the end of voting for the sake of transparency.
Use this table in your posts to cast your votes:
Averyc1876 | |
Dotmd | |
DrSquishy | |
Evynbktothbse | |
Fiddleford | |
Mattie | |
Olikat | |
Pdan4 | |
Punnamesardum | |
Stack_Man | |
Swagmeister | |
TurnsIntoCroc | |
YoshiMario | |
You can open each map by typing in console:
map inandout_"username"
Map pack download (243 MB)
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