
CP Glassworks RC7a

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Nov 6, 2011
Phi's 5cp Analysis vol. 1: Glassworks

I'm just going to say it outright. This map probably plays fine in pubs, probably Highlander as well, but definitely is not a good 6s map. The layout, point structure, and use of flanks and extra routes are what really set it back from other maps. Definitely could get somewhere with a lot of editing and remaking but I don't know how much you're willing to do that. It looks like a fun pub map, at least. I wouldn't want to play it in 6s at all, though.

Let's take a look at why that is, shall we?

First up is mid. Now the first thing I noticed when playing this map is the extremely limited visibility a team will be provided when rolling out through the standard choke area:

A demoman rolling out through that door would basically have to blind launch and blind detonate stickies onto the other demo.The demo couldn't push up any further, either, or else risk being annihilated by scouts he could not see coming.

Take a look at Badlands mid, Gully mid, Snakewater mid, Process mid, Metalworks mid (and Sunshine mid) and note how much visibility Demomen have. This is necessary for a good midfight, as without proper visibility onto the other team's scouts, demomen (and particularily Medics) will have a very hard time living out the midfight without being completely demolished by bombing soldiers and scouts.

Effectively what your mid has is three entrances:

This is fine, however what I think is bad about this map's mid is that if you want to have a proper hold over the doorways, you have to push really far forward onto the enemy's side of mid. The white brick building on the left is also essentially a safe hiding place for scouts, making them even more powerful on the already visibility-limited mid.

Standing in this position is a death sentence for combos and demomen:


and going underneath as anything but a scout will surely be the death of you, considering how low it is, how large it is, and how it has only one exit that can easily be spammed out by any combo/demoman holding the area above it or the choke to the immediate right of the picture.

The healthkit is also in a very strange place, as there's no reason for anybody to go and retrieve it in a midfight lest they get spammed out immediately and die. This limits this healthpack to scouts who can dart under and grab it really quick, and not much else until the midfight is through. This makes scout even more powerful on the midfight, essentially providing them with a free medium healthpack that necessitates no retreating. A better spot for the healthpack would be back inside choke, or an area that would be accessible to the combo that would require retreating from the midfight to gather (i.e. Badlands pack, Gullywash pack, Snakewater pack, Metalworks pack, Sunshine pack, etc etc...). Note that you already have a healthpack in this position. The one under mid isn't needed and takes away class balance.

Heading on to this route:


This flank is essentially one of the least useful routes on the map, from my perspective. I haven't played this in a serious 6s environment so it might be useful to hold, but I can't imagine pushing into mid with it. It's a decent route to push through for second, but the choke to the immediate left of it has height advantage, space advantage, and is closer to the point. Smart scouts would never come close to this tunnel route either, instead heading through the low flank far away from the point. This makes this tunnel route useless for most any class pushing through it, as the small exit can easily be spammed out and every other route around it has better positioning advantages, and as a result, would be preferable to use over the tunnel route.

Next on the chopping block is the wide flank:


This route is incredibly out of the way. A scout can easily run from the exit in the bottom left/bottom mid to the entrance in upper mid without being seen at all by anyone holding second in any of the reasonable hold spots. The flanking scout on the defending team can't effectively hold this flank either, considering there's three different points of height advantages flanking scouts and roamers on the attacking team can use versus two the defending team can use. The blue metal bridge is fairly hard to hold as well, especially when the offensive team is holding lobby from mid, as the demo/combo can spam out flanking scouts trying to hold flank by holding blue bridge.

This problem is augmented by the extremely limited visibility teams holding second are given through holding the point in the only advantageous spot:


That grey metal barrier makes it so that a combo/demoman holding second on point can't see anything happening on flank, unless they push themself into a height disadvantage, or the extraordinarily cramped route behind the point that can get spammed out super easily via attackers pushing through the bridge over flank. I say remove that barrier altogether and think about reworking flank if you want the map to flow better and not have such easy ways scouts can just zip behind the defending team.

This position also is extremely advantageous for the attackers and extremely disadvantageous for defenders:


as this holding spot is right on the staircase that rotates into choke. No defenders can even approach this staircase as the combo/demoman can easily rotate around through lobby and blast any scout trying to flank them, as it has both height advantage over flank and a large visibility compared to what defenders have on second. Additionally all routes for attackers have height advantage over second.

NOW, onto what I think is the map's worst flaw when it would come to 6v6 play. Its last.

Many ESEA and CEVO players have called Sunshine's last lobby "labyrinthine" and "excessively complicated". Under those jurisdictions I can only call your last lobby on par with the labyrinth Daedalus built for the Minotaur. If Sunshine's last is "maze-like", your last is like getting lost in London.

What does this mean...? Well, let's start slow. Let's start with this:


After capping second, attackers that want to take the most spacious route are immediately faced with this. What is most apparent: the lack of vertical space in this room. The ceiling to the right doesn't look to be any more than 192 units. The space to the right is even more cramped, and the door itself doesn't help one bit.


The healthkit is also in a spot that requires extreme deviation from any logical pushing path into last. It took me awhile to actually find it. The staircase leading up into the room overhead is also small and cramped, while the room above is very useless to hold as it has extremely limited visibility:


I'd recommend getting rid of at least one of those walls to the right/left of the yellow barrier, to open up the room a bit more and provide the players with actual breathing space.

I can't but help noting how small the hallways are to push into last, as well:



with the main exit at the bottom being the tightest squeeze I've seen in a while. This route becomes something that can be spammed out with the greatest of ease, especially considering how cluttered it is around the entrance. There's no way anybody will ever push through that door without ubercharge. And even then, there's no real reason to: it's at such a disadvantage to the holding points in last that the attackers can just get bounced around by explosives without any real difficulty on the part of the defending team.

If we look at last, we also find another major flaw with it:


Your flank is absolutely impossible to have any visibility on in the slightest. In no position are the defenders ever able to tell when anyone is pushing up through it. The only reasonable holding spots for last are on either side of the point on the high ground. If they held on the right, they would have absolutely no visibility at all, and if they held on the left, they still don't have any! Even if they held as far forward as I took that last picture from (which is essentially a death sentence if the attacking team is any good), they only see people in flank when they're already pushing in and can gather a huge influence over the size of the low ground. Speaking about low ground, there's no way the defending team can viably hold there, as the only route up towards high ground from low ground is very far forward and can only really be used by the attackers.

LASTLY, your flank. It is the labyrinth to end all labyrinths.



Dead ends, redundant rooms, long narrow pathways that actually loop back on themselves. The dropdown doesn't help, either; it only makes things even more unnecessarily complicated. There's no visibility for either team down here and it makes backcapping and flanking something that WILL happen with EXCESSIVE force. That's the real deal-breaker here.

I won't be going into critiquing detailing as I think the map needs major improvement if it is to be liked or adopted at all in 6s. It's just too complicated, and the routes don't really have a focus or immediate direction. Teams are very unbalanced on certain points and scout will absolutely outplay every other class on this map.

Good luck improving the map, if you need any help or greater explanations as to why these are valid don't be afraid to contact me. As I said, the map probably plays fine in pubs, so if you're okay with it being a subpar 6s map then by all means the map is very close to being finished.

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L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
All of this begs the question: Crash didn't seek to get this map played in 6s. They just keep doing it on their own. So why then do people want to play it? Crash has stated from the beginning that this was designed for highlander over 6s, and with fewer scouts making fewer scout issues, as well as a guaranteed sniper making the barrier on second advantageous rather than a hinderance, I can't really see Crash making any of those changes without damaging it's highlander play.


Nov 6, 2011
All of this begs the question: Crash didn't seek to get this map played in 6s. They just keep doing it on their own. So why then do people want to play it? Crash has stated from the beginning that this was designed for highlander over 6s, and with fewer scouts making fewer scout issues, as well as a guaranteed sniper making the barrier on second advantageous rather than a hinderance, I can't really see Crash making any of those changes without damaging it's highlander play.

(I did ask Crash if he wanted 6s feedback. He said yes, so I wrote this up.)

To be fair the map is decent in 6s. It's not terrible and can be played, but everything I mentioned can be improved upon. It'll just make the map play better as a whole IMO. And that's really how the comp community works: they play things on their own. Not necessarily a judge as to how good or bad a map is. They played cp_ashville one season in ESEA, that map was terrible. Just because it got played by comp doesn't mean it's automatically "good".

And you could definitely make most of these changes without affecting HL play. HL play doesn't have the same level of complexity that 6s play does, and in lower divisions (even mid ones) tend to play like a simplified pub. HL players can adapt more than 6s ones can because 6s relies on a very strict metagame. All up to Crash though. These are just opinions, but opinions founded in game theory at that. Something to consider.
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Sep 7, 2012
The 6s community also has an appetite for new maps, and glassworks comes off as professional even if t isn't suited for sixes. Logjam has been played for quite a while now and that map is horrendous.


Nov 6, 2011
The 6s community also has an appetite for new maps, and glassworks comes off as professional even if t isn't suited for sixes. Logjam has been played for quite a while now and that map is horrendous.

Yeah, I know, but changes like those can really make the difference between a universally-acclaimed map like Process/Snakewater and one that the community is generally antipathetic towads like Logjam. It's the whole development cycle I had with Sunshine.

Basically, yeah comp could adopt it in ESEA or ETF2L or whatever, but these changes could make the difference between it being voted out the instant a better map is found vs. another map like Granary/Viaduct/Metalworks being voted out instead...


Mar 1, 2010
Thanks a ton for the feedback on 6s. This is the exact sort of thing I've been looking for, as I honestly just don't have the experience or mindset for the various competitive league modes. I did request it, as I have been looking into the viability of it being played in 6s more. My 6s debut unfortunately fell flat as CEVO's season ended up getting cancelled.

Some of the things you mentioned were intentional design decisions I made for certain issues I saw crop up. Let me address some of your feedback directly, though:

First up is mid. Now the first thing I noticed when playing this map is the extremely limited visibility a team will be provided when rolling out through the standard choke area:

Early on in the maps life, I had a lot of sightline issues on mid. Snipers would absolutely wreck if I opened things up more here. Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but I have a hard time seeing how I could open it up any more without drastically spiking the effectiveness of sniper.

That grey metal barrier makes it so that a combo/demoman holding second on point can't see anything happening on flank, unless they push themself into a height disadvantage, or the extraordinarily cramped route behind the point that can get spammed out super easily via attackers pushing through the bridge over flank.

The metal barrier so far has proved very important to defenders to recapture this point. If I took it out they would have no where safe to be in the capture zone that wasn't open to the enemy. One of my major design goals was to make it a 5cp map that doesn't come to a grinding halt on final, and the defenders are actually capable of pushing back out again. So far this set up has worked out extremely well to meet those goals, and I have seen the exact kind of back and forth I've been looking for in both pub and Highlander play.


After capping second, attackers that want to take the most spacious route are immediately faced with this. What is most apparent: the lack of vertical space in this room. The ceiling to the right doesn't look to be any more than 192 units. The space to the right is even more cramped, and the door itself doesn't help one bit.

This is something I'll most likely address for RC4, as you are the second person to mention the cramped ceiling right inside of that door to me. At the very least I can change the door to just a standard straight up door and get rid of the overhang and cement above it. The detailing doesn't make much sense above it as is, it's more to justify the door being there, so it's probably time to get rid of it.


I'd recommend getting rid of at least one of those walls to the right/left of the yellow barrier, to open up the room a bit more and provide the players with actual breathing space.

Those walls were put in during the development as I noticed a lot of teams would push off of second directly into that room and try to hold from there. If they moved forward into the room with the window directly in front of it, they were very vulnerable from the opposing team. Without those walls (especially the one closest to the window in your shot) they were very vulnerable to enemies/ sentries on the white platform across the dividing wall, and were forced to hold back out onto second. With those walls, they seem to be able to hold that room much more easily. I will admit the opening looks a bit odd, though.

I can't but help noting how small the hallways are to push into last, as well:

I agree. I think I can open things up a bit there easily.


with the main exit at the bottom being the tightest squeeze I've seen in a while. This route becomes something that can be spammed out with the greatest of ease, especially considering how cluttered it is around the entrance. There's no way anybody will ever push through that door without ubercharge. And even then, there's no real reason to: it's at such a disadvantage to the holding points in last that the attackers can just get bounced around by explosives without any real difficulty on the part of the defending team.

This is a good point, and I've honestly so rarely seen anyone push through this door, I definitely think I can clean things up here. Widening the frame and removing some of the props surrounding the door will probably be step one.


Your flank is absolutely impossible to have any visibility on in the slightest. In no position are the defenders ever able to tell when anyone is pushing up through it.
The lack of visibility to the lower route is pretty intentional. I was channeling Gullywash a bit, with it's lower flank leading up directly behind the point. Unlike Gully, though, mine comes out from the side and exposes the enemy a bit earlier, as they still have to make the push up to the point itself. The metal platform covering the lower route was originally a see-through grating, but I found it just made attackers far too visible and made the route worthless. It was impossible to push, so no one used it. Note though, that I added the water in down there to increase the chances of the defending team hearing someone moving around down there, as per advice I got from a competitive player.

In Highlander, I've found defenders spreading themselves out with a Heavy stationed at the top of the ramp leading up from flank (with a dispenser usually blocking the narrow ramp up), the engineer on either the platform above him or in the small dead-end room looking at the point, with the explosive classes holding the attackers at bay at the upper doorways (ready to push out when the time is right).

That said, I can see how 6s might be rougher to hold it.

LASTLY, your flank. It is the labyrinth to end all labyrinths.

Dead ends, redundant rooms, long narrow pathways that actually loop back on themselves. The dropdown doesn't help, either; it only makes things even more unnecessarily complicated. There's no visibility for either team down here and it makes backcapping and flanking something that WILL happen with EXCESSIVE force. That's the real deal-breaker here.

You should have seen it a few versions ago! :)

The basement route, as I mentioned before, is channeling Gullywash a bit in the sense that it isn't intended to be a primary push method, but for the occasional sneaky capture attempt or hail-mary team push (these are amazing to see). Sometimes the combo can sneak down there, but it's risky, and it's intended to be.

The one dead end is sort of a remnant of the previous version (which had a tunnel going up to outside), so I could possibly smooth that out for RC4.

As for visibility, I opened it up quite a bit and got rid of a ton of corners that were easy hiding spots a version or two ago, as per feedback from B4nny, and the removal of the tunnel going up should help the defending team clear it a whole lot more.

I've honestly gotten the feedback that it's too maze-like down there a lot in the maps development, but I've been having a really hard time comprehending it. It's devolved down to a basic U shape with a drop down in the middle of it, and I'm not sure what more I could do with it at this point without completely replacing it with something else, which isn't necessarily out of the question, I just have a hard time imagining with what.

I won't be going into critiquing detailing as I think the map needs major improvement if it is to be liked or adopted at all in 6s.

I'd love to hear some detail/ clipping feedback despite it's 6s viability, as that sort of thing crosses any format anyway. Also, my clipping is the shit.

All that said, don't think I'm disregarding any of your feedback. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to analyze it from your perspective. I'll seriously consider all of it to the best of my ability.
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Nov 6, 2011
The lack of visibility to the lower route is pretty intentional. I was channeling Gullywash a bit, with it's lower flank leading up directly behind the point. Unlike Gully, though, mine comes out from the side and exposes the enemy a bit earlier, as they still have to make the push up to the point itself.

Partial quote because I feel like I need to elaborate on this. Part of the reason why river/flank/under/water is so well balanced in Gullywash is that the defending team can clearly see every class that goes about heading down there before the class is in a position to fuck their team up. Your flank has no way to see any of the classes walking in until they're already in the last arena.

Additionally, Gullywash's flank comes out in a really cramped and inopportune place: something that can be spammed out quite easily. Yours, on the other hand, exits in the middle of the room and gives scouts/bombing roamers choices and a lot of open space to maneouvre around. I think you might be better off moving the exit somewhere less advantageous or possibly opening visibility to that route up more with metal grate textures or something.


Nov 6, 2011
If you look at gully's route it's also super super simple, basically a ramp down into a circular room and then a ramp back up. Something to think about I guess


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Should I point out that you have a lot of 45 degree angles in your map with smooth corners and that you probably ought to include sharpening them in your to-do list for the next release? Yes I believe I should.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010

Okay, had a run around, a lot of this is aesthetics stuff, but there is some gameplay stuff sprinkled in. Most of the gameplay stuff is stuff that I looked at and then yelled at my screen "NO YOU CAN DO THIS BETTER I DON'T CARE WHAT COMP SAYS." We've talked about some of it, I'm going to put it here anyways.

Anyways, to start:
How did this glass get up here? There's nothing to show how/why it's there. Also, glass is normally stored vertically (based on my quick research into the subject). I presume this is to prevent warping and excess stress on the glass.

This is a floor texture through and through. Normally you can get away with concrete floors on ceilings, but this one is a no-no due to the excessive cracks.

This looks really cluttery around the point. The point should be visually standing out, rather than amongst clutter. It looks like you're trying to hard to make it look like a factory or something thats used. Also, you use that blue brick texture a lot. Break it up with some other things, or do some variance.

GAMEPLAY FEEDBACK: Majority of the time I'd prefer the tunnel/garden routes, but they can get locked down a lot because the area's themselves are very turny/cramped. The exits out of these area's are really small. There is balance in routes, but yours are very far extremes. Tunnel/Garden are short, but very narrow and lock-down-able, where the garage is very long, low and doesn't get you any sort of positive position what-so-ever. Sure, they may work, but I definitely think that you could have a much better transition between Mid and 2nd that gives all routes equal balance and perks. (+1 though for the potted hanging plants).

This transition is really clean and the right most texture is very bleh. TF2 is about color!

Same here, transition is very sharp and illogical and it just feeling very samey. Very repetitive in textures/colors. You can use textures over large swathes of brush, but you really need to break it up with other things in this type of setting. (Gorge is the except, but even then it has ways to not look repetitve). Also, while the observatory looks cool, it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Again (again), transition is rough and the observatory stands out. Generally this is my whole opinion on mid: The transitions between BLU and RED side are really jarring, rough and could use some work (if you want to put the time into it).

These displacements need some work to look less like marshmellow mountains. YM has a great tutorial on doing displacements from a few hundred years ago, if you haven't looked at that, I would look again. That being said, I've learned that rolling hills look far more aesthetically pleasing than layered sheer cliffs.

This either needs some sort of wall support to look better, or you should smooth it out with the contour of the hill and put something else (like supports for the ramp) there to block that small area.

GAMEPLAY FEEDBACK: This area the primary way from 2 to final. It's REALLY important and based on this, it's really, really noisy. There are 3 places clearly where the enemy could be in this FOV... but there is really like 5/6. Ontop of that, these areas are not really clear. If you look at the transition from 2 to final on gully wash (it's primary entrance) you can walk through the door and clearly see the 3 location where the enemy is coming from. Same thing for Badlands. Simplify, simplify, simplify.

There's not much an environmental reason for this platform to be raised, just makes things look a little weird and adds to the complexity of the area. It just goes up, then immediately down. This type of thing can work in some places, but here it just looks really out of place. (Combination of size, location and things around it lead me to this piece of feedback).

Those gates don't look like gates?

This applies to the entire map, but I'm using this image as an example because I feel it shows the problem the worse. It's really clear to me you're trying to do proper gameplay lighting: highlighting routes and important stuffz. However, because the enviro lighting is so bright (as I'm sure the comp players told you is very, very important), these things get washed out and your lighting looks very, very flat. My suggestion is to use SHADOWS to your advantage, rather than lighting. 2Fort uses shadows/shadowed shapes to point things out. With that, you could then even use some different colored lights the contrast the light you already have to help highlight things more. Right now you have a very warm color scheme, try using some cooler colors. (See pipeline, doublecross, 2fort, upward for good use of lighting queues)

Get some trim in there, it looks silly to have woodplanks go straight to solid wood.

I said it a while ago, and I still stand by it now: This could look a LOT better. Make it a bridge, make it something NOT ground. The displacements are marshmellowy and generally just really REALLY stand out. (Bugs me far more than you know). Anyone who did that construction project would've dug out ground you have there, and made it some sort of bridge structure.

But, to add onto this, you're going for a semi-industrial feel, but this whole area does not say that (that area being mid). I get more of an alpine-trying-to-be-industrial feel that just doesn't jive or transition well through the whole map. Why on earth is there this random house-like structure, sitting on thin piece of support earth with no floor?

I used to be a thick-metal-roof guy... Now I see how really bad looking they can be. Metal roof's this thick are impractical. If you're looking for some sort of thing to make it look thicker, support beams help a lot. (The ones that jut out the side a bit).

Clipping into the door Also, that's a really deep dead end. I'm not sure if thats good or not, but it's really minor so I would let is slide.

Why is there a hole here? And the whole sewer area looks too clean.

Give these a better transition into the floor. (like, the lips on the end of pipes... or using an vent overlay to create the hint that there is some sort of transition there)

This detailing felt really out of place in an area where there is spytech computers and a lot of pipes.

These looks really rough and really out of place. Stairs MIGHT look better because then there is some sort of logical transition into the floor and at the top. Where's the ground transition? Where's the upper transition? If stairs don't work, see if you can think of a better way to achieve that same thing (pipes, metal beams... something)

Waaaaay too many supports here and it's really noisy for an exterior. You can *kind* of get away with that type of supports on interiors more than exteriors. One thing Valve does is that they have metal buildings stick about 4 units away from the edge of the frame. This makes sense because water then would've collect at the bottom and leak into the building/rust out the bottom. (I think Dustbowl has it, but snowplow definitely does... see 2-1 blue tower next to the trap, or little shed thing near BLU spawn for an idea of what I'm talking about.)

This looks kind of funny just being there. Why would the builders of the factory waste the materials to make this?

These windows really stand out and don't look that great. I'd look for another way to break up the textures there a bit. (That and they don't actually look outside, their stuck in the building next to that wall.)

More marshmellow displacements, more tier cliff-faces.

This route could definitely use some visual accenting loving.

This just looks really impractical. (I have screamed at this when I was going through, in my head.)

These fences look really weird being different levels like that, and they look really weird being cut off like that.

And finally, the one thing I realized I didn't get a picture of is your finale. It's ridiculously underwhelming. The concrete ramps really don't look that good and the point is just a glass cyclinder on the floor. It's just there, no reason for it to be there, nothing to make it stand out. It's just there. Coldfront/Badlands had the point in a silo of sorts. Fastlane had it's rockets and control panels. This is the FINAL point, make it REALLY stand out. Players remember mids and finals more than any other part of a 5 CP map, make yours fucking awesome and this will be a map people remember for ages.


Feb 2, 2014
Can we give rewards out or something for giving good feedback like that or something?


L2: Junior Member
Jul 7, 2013
I share FrozenR's views regarding the building logic and mix of aesthetics.
The marshmallows and lighting aren't such big deals.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Yeah, Marshmallows taste great.

Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011