
CP Glassworks RC7a

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Jan 30, 2010
A few minor things I noticed when we played this last night.

This is the spot I was talking about not being clipped properly, players get stuck on the beams.


The same spot on the other side is clipped.

On large spawn waves, teams cluster up on this ramp and push each other off which is super annoying. Maybe widen/move the ramp a few units to the left to make a little more room?


I still hate this ramp with the power of a thousand suns. Can't you make it a normal stair and clip it so it functions like a ramp or something? It just looks weird like it is.


I don't like the mixing of colors on the signage here. Maybe change the skin of the CP sign based on CP ownership, or have the blue arrow only show up when blue team has the forward spawn?



Jan 30, 2010
Though I should add it's playing a lot better with pub groups, which is good. People are probably just getting used to it because you haven't made any huge changes but at least it's proving the map is playable outside of competitive groups.


Mar 1, 2010
Just got word that a South American 6s TF2 league (FBTF) are going to run Glassworks in their upcoming custom maps championship and also a representative of CEVO just asked how I thought it would fare for their 6s league and are at the very least going to put it up for a vote to see if the teams want to play it. Woohoo!

Can't say I focused on 6s during testing at all, but hey, if it the teams are enjoying it and it's working, awesome!


L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
Why not have a route into the basement still, but convert it into a "building" anyway? Why not have a route into the basement that doesn't switchback like that? Just wonderin'. Out of the two you suggested, I mildly prefer getting rid of the side door idea. It'd kinda be like Badlands, but in reverse - the two doors lead to the flank instead of the forward hold lobby and the single door leads to the forward hold lobby instead of Badlands' upper lobby/balcony.


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
"simple ideas are not always good but all good ideas are simple"
my overall opinion of glassworks is that straightforward is something it might benefit from. If you can make something more simple/straightforward and achieve the same goals, go for it. your design can only get stronger. also don't worry about RC. no map is ever done, lets not kid ourselves here.


Mar 1, 2010
Why not have a route into the basement still, but convert it into a "building" anyway? Why not have a route into the basement that doesn't switchback like that? Just wonderin'. Out of the two you suggested, I mildly prefer getting rid of the side door idea. It'd kinda be like Badlands, but in reverse - the two doors lead to the flank instead of the forward hold lobby and the single door leads to the forward hold lobby instead of Badlands' upper lobby/balcony.

One of the big problems with the route as is is that there isn't much of a way to defend against it, it's way too easy to sneak by the defending team and into the basement, with this new idea of having to use the drop down, you are at least open to anyone in the upper or lower lobby areas. If you get by them there, you earned the chance of back-capping instead of the free chance as many times as you want unless someone is in the basement, like before.

"simple ideas are not always good but all good ideas are simple"
my overall opinion of glassworks is that straightforward is something it might benefit from. If you can make something more simple/straightforward and achieve the same goals, go for it. your design can only get stronger. also don't worry about RC. no map is ever done, lets not kid ourselves here.

I'm definitely trying to simplify things here in this corner. It's too convoluted as-is.

I'll have you know that wubwubwub sprang forth fully formed from Crash's loins and never, EVER needs an a2.

But, to be fair, I DO want to update it. It's not done by any means.


Feb 2, 2014
Those moments when you cut an entire area out of a map and just get a sudden amount of depression not seeing it there anymore.